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Created August 15, 2018 17:20
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Datatables javascript version 1
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
table = $('#example').DataTable({
"url": "/get_data",
"dataSrc" :"items"}
var csrftoken = $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content')
beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) {
if (!/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/i.test(settings.type)) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", csrftoken)
$('#example tbody').on( 'click', 'tr', function () {
//console.log('Clicking on row.');
if ( $(this).hasClass('selected') ) {
$('#add').prop('disabled', false);
$('#modify').prop('disabled', true);
$('#delete').prop('disabled', true);
var myURL = document.location.origin;
var new_url = myURL.substring(0, myURL.indexOf('?'));
window.history.pushState("object or string", "Title", myURL );
else {
// this line unselects the previous one. Find a way to take care of them.
var myURL = document.location.origin;
var new_url = myURL.substring(0, myURL.indexOf('?'));
window.history.pushState("object or string", "Title", myURL );
$('#add').prop('disabled', false); /// true
$('#modify').prop('disabled', false);
$('#delete').prop('disabled', false);
id = table.row('.selected').data()[0];
var myURL = document.location;
var new_url = myURL + "?project_id="+id;
window.history.pushState("object or string", "Title", new_url );
row_data = table.row('.selected').data();
document.getElementById("project_title").value = row_data[1];
document.getElementById("year_1").value = row_data[2];
document.getElementById("year_2").value = row_data[3];
document.getElementById("year_3").value = row_data[4];
document.getElementById("year_4").value = row_data[5];
document.getElementById("year_5").value = row_data[6];
document.getElementById("justification").value = row_data[7];
document.getElementById("comments").value = row_data[8];
$('#delete').click( function () {
id = table.row('.selected').data()[0];
var choice = window.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this item?");
var myURL = document.location.origin;
var new_url = myURL.substring(0, myURL.indexOf('?'));
if (choice==true){
table.row('.selected').remove().draw( false );
type: 'DELETE',
url: new_url + "/delete_data/"+id,
success: function(data){
table.row('.selected').remove().draw( false );
//document.getElementById("add_item").disabled = false;
//document.getElementById("edit_item").disabled = true;
//document.getElementById("delete_row").disabled = true;
error: function (xhr, statusText, err) {
} );
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