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Created July 9, 2018 10:22
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Time varying gbest pso
package cilib
package example
import cilib.pso._
import cilib.pso.Defaults._
import cilib.exec._
import scalaz._
import scalaz.effect._
import scalaz.effect.IO.putStrLn
import spire.implicits._
import spire.math.Interval
object TimeVaryingGBestPSO extends SafeApp {
val bounds = Interval(-5.12, 5.12) ^ 30
val env =
cmp = Comparison.dominance(Min),
eval = Eval.unconstrained(cilib.benchmarks.Benchmarks.spherical[NonEmptyList, Double]).eval)
// To define one or more parameters for an algorithm, we need a few pieces:
// 1. A data type to hold our values
final case class GBestParams(inertia: Double, c1: Double, c2: Double)
// 2. We need a default initial value of our data type
val initial = GBestParams(0.729844, 1.496180, 1.496180)
// 3. We need a function to create a new set of parameters, given the current set as input
// We need to define the maximum number of iterations as a stream effectively has no end
def updateParams(params: GBestParams, iterations: Int @@ Runner.Iteration) = {
val i = Tag.unwrap(iterations)
def linear(a: Double, b: Double) =
a + (b - a) * (i.toDouble / 1000.0)
params.copy(inertia = linear(params.inertia, 1.0))
// 4. Now we need a function to take the parameters and then create an algorithm
def mkAlgorithm(params: GBestParams) = {
// Define a normal GBest PSO and run it for a single iteration
val cognitive = Guide.pbest[Mem[Double], Double]
val social = Guide.gbest[Mem[Double]]
val gbestPSO = gbest(params.inertia, params.c1, params.c2, cognitive, social)
// RVar
val swarm =
Position.createCollection(PSO.createParticle(x => Entity(Mem(x, x.zeroed), x)))(bounds, 20)
val problemStream = Runner.staticProblem("spherical", env.eval, RNG.init(123L))
// Our IO[Unit] that runs the algorithm, at the end of the world
override val runc: IO[Unit] = {
val t = Runner.foldStep(
Runner.algorithm( // We now create a stream of algorithms that are updated based on our custom functions
(x: NonEmptyList[Particle[Mem[Double], Double]]) => RVar.pure(x)
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