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Created October 3, 2018 17:50
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package com.yourapp
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
private object UNINITIALIZED
fun <T : View, F> F.bindView(@IdRes resId: Int) where F : Fragment, F : ViewBindingOwner = FragmentViewBinder<T, F>(resId)
class FragmentViewBinder<T : View, F>(@IdRes private val resId: Int) : ReadOnlyProperty<F, T> where F : Fragment, F : ViewBindingOwner {
private var view: Any? = UNINITIALIZED
override fun getValue(thisRef: F, property: KProperty<*>): T {
if (view == UNINITIALIZED) {
view = thisRef.view?.findViewById(resId) ?: throw IllegalStateException("Unable to find view for ${thisRef.resources.getResourceName(resId)}")
return view as T
fun clear() {
private fun assertCorrectType(thisRef: Fragment) {
if (view as? T == null) {
val resName = thisRef.resources.getResourceName(resId)
throw IllegalStateException("Incorrect type for $resName")
* Contains helpers to get butterknife-like support for Kotlin Fragments.
* To use, create a property like:
* private val myView: TextView by bindView(
fun <T : View> bindView(@IdRes resId: Int) = object : ReadOnlyProperty<ViewGroup, T> {
private lateinit var view: Any
override fun getValue(thisRef: ViewGroup, property: KProperty<*>): T {
if (!::view.isInitialized) {
view = thisRef.findViewById(resId) ?: throw IllegalStateException("Unable to find view for ${thisRef.resources.getResourceName(resId)}")
return view as T
private fun assertCorrectType(thisRef: ViewGroup) {
if (view as? T == null) {
val resName = thisRef.resources.getResourceName(resId)
throw IllegalStateException("Incorrect type for $resName")
* A Fragment should implement this if they want to use the bindView delegate.
* The Fragment should keep track of a list of ViewBinders as they are added then call clear on each of them in onDestroyView.
interface ViewBindingOwner {
fun addViewBinder(binder: FragmentViewBinder<*, *>)
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