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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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####consensus wrapper for a distributed topology

The consensus manager listens and stores responses from remote peers until the consensus is reached. The consensus is reached depending on the strategy implemented.

The consensus manager controls:

  • time it takes to reach consensus
  • accepts and stores responses from peers
  • notices upper layer when consensus is reached and its output (if any)

The strategy defines:

  • when consensus is reached


sudo npm install consensus-manager


Strategy         = require('..')
ConsensusManager  = require('ConsensusManager') 

var strategy = new Startegy(strategy_opts)  
var consensus = new ConsensusManager(strategy)  

consensus.on('listening', function(){
  //event fired when consensus manager is initialized

consensus.on('consensus', function(result, time_diff){
  //event fired when consensus is reached

consensus.on('noListening', function(){
  //event fired when a peer's response arrives but consensus has been reached

//init consensus manager
consensus.init()// ... stuff happen, user sent a response

//peer answers. consensus manager processes its response
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