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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Test operations with NULL, NaN and Infinity in Pig
#!/usr/bin/env sh
USAGE='NAME -- Test operations with NULL, NaN and Infinity
By running this script in a computer with Apache Pig installed, you should
obtain two files: arithmetic.tsv and comparisons.tsv. These files
contain tab-separated records that tabulate operations between values
of `a` and `b` when `a` and `b` are not only regular numbers, but also
NaN, NULL and Infinity. The first line of each file is a header with
the column names.
My arithemtic.tsv under Pig 0.13 looks like this (pretty printed)
| a | b | a_plus_b | a_minus_b | a_times_b | a_dividedby_b |
| -Infinity | -Infinity | -Infinity | NaN | Infinity | NaN |
| -Infinity | 0.0 | -Infinity | -Infinity | NaN | |
| -Infinity | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
| -Infinity | | | | | |
| 0.0 | -Infinity | -Infinity | Infinity | NaN | -0.0 |
| 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | |
| 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
| 0.0 | | | | | |
| NaN | -Infinity | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
| NaN | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
| NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
| NaN | | | | | |
| | -Infinity | | | | |
| | 0.0 | | | | |
| | NaN | | | | |
| | | | | | |
My comparisons.tsv under Pig 0.13 looks like this (pretty printed)
| a | b | a_geq_b | a_gt_b | a_lt_b | a_leq_b | a_eq_b | a_neq_b |
| -Infinity | -Infinity | true | false | false | true | true | false |
| -Infinity | 0.0 | false | false | true | true | false | true |
| -Infinity | NaN | false | false | true | true | false | true |
| -Infinity | | | | | | | |
| 0.0 | -Infinity | true | true | false | false | false | true |
| 0.0 | 0.0 | true | false | false | true | true | false |
| 0.0 | NaN | false | false | true | true | false | true |
| 0.0 | | | | | | | |
| NaN | -Infinity | true | true | false | false | false | true |
| NaN | 0.0 | true | true | false | false | false | true |
| NaN | NaN | true | false | false | true | true | false |
| NaN | | | | | | | |
| | -Infinity | | | | | | |
| | 0.0 | | | | | | |
| | NaN | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Pretty printed tables produced with csvlook, from the csvkit Python
package. The shell command column -t might not format those tables
correctly (mine did not).'
# Usage
if [ $# -gt 0 ]
echo "$USAGE"
exit 1
# Generate data: we use these values because in Pig (in fact in most other
# languages)
# log(0) = -Infinity
# log(1) = 0.0
# log(-1) = NaN
# and because we also want to test NULL values.
cat > data.tsv <<EOD
# Run the actual Pig script
pig -x local <<EOP
a = LOAD 'data.tsv' as (x: double);
b = LOAD 'data.tsv' as (x: double);
c = cross a, b;
d = foreach c generate a::x as a, b::x as b;
e = foreach d generate LOG(a) as a, LOG(b) as b;
arithmetic = foreach e
generate a,
a + b as a_plus_b,
a - b as a_minus_b,
a * b as a_times_b,
a / b as a_dividedby_b;
comparisons = foreach e
generate a,
(boolean) ((a >= b) ? 1 : 0) as a_geq_b,
(boolean) ((a > b) ? 1 : 0) as a_gt_b,
(boolean) ((a < b) ? 1 : 0) as a_lt_b,
(boolean) ((a <= b) ? 1 : 0) as a_leq_b,
(boolean) ((a == b) ? 1 : 0) as a_eq_b,
(boolean) ((a != b) ? 1 : 0) as a_neq_b;
store arithmetic into 'arithmetic' using PigStorage('\t', '-schema');
store comparisons into 'comparisons' using PigStorage('\t', '-schema');
# Create the output files with their headers
for rel in "arithmetic" "comparisons"
cat "$rel"/.pig_header "$rel"/part* > "$rel".tsv
echo "--> Created files arithmetic.tsv and comparisons.tsv" 1>&2
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Note, on line 57 that NaN == NaN evalutes to true.

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