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Last active March 21, 2024 22:22
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Save gpfreitas/e532fc3eaeebd524aa5e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script takes as input a list of Python source files and outputs the
top-level modules that are imported in those source files.
The script does this without executing any code. This is useful when you have
exercise code (that often has syntax errors / missing code) or if you want to
avoid any harmful side-effects of executing untrusted code.
import argparse
import dis
import sys
import io
import logging
from tokenize import tokenize, untokenize, ENCODING, NAME, NEWLINE, NL
from itertools import takewhile, dropwhile, chain
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BaseParseImportsError(Exception):
class ModuleSyntaxError(BaseParseImportsError):
def tokenize_source(source):
"""Maps a string of Python source into an iterable of tokens.
Note that your source can have syntax errors.
tokens = tokenize(io.BytesIO(source.encode("utf-8")).readline)
return tokens
def is_not_physical_newline_token(token):
"tokenize.TokenInfo -> True iff physical newline token."
return token.type != NL
def is_not_logical_newline_token(token):
"tokenize.TokenInfo -> True iff logical newline token."
return token.type != NEWLINE
def is_not_import_token(token):
"tokenize.TokenInfo -> True iff not the beginning of an import statement."
import_token_conditions = [
(token.type == NAME and token.string == "import"),
(token.type == NAME and token.string == "from"),
return not any(import_token_conditions)
def extract_import_logical_lines(source):
"Filters out logical lines from source that are not import statements."
tokens = tokenize_source(source)
encoding_token = next(tokens)
assert encoding_token.type == ENCODING
for tok in tokens:
tokens = chain([tok], tokens)
start_import = dropwhile(is_not_import_token, tokens)
import_tokens = takewhile(is_not_logical_newline_token, start_import)
import_statement = untokenize(import_tokens) # a single logical line
# For some reason the output of untokenize above contains various lines
# with "\", the forwardslash character, used in Python for explicit
# linebreaks. I think we obtain one "\" per line of source that we
# ignored. I would prefer for those lines to be filtered out, and
# I tried accomplishing that by filtering out the tokenize.NL tokens.
# That did not work. I could of course eliminate these linebreaks in
# the string ``import_statement``, but those line breaks are not a
# problem that I can see by running the program, or by reading the
# source, so I decided to not eliminate the linebreaks from
# ``import_statement``.
if not import_statement:
yield import_statement
def imported_modules(import_statements):
"Maps sequence of import statements into set of imported modules."
imports = set()
for imp_statement in import_statements:
instructions = dis.get_instructions(imp_statement)
new_imports = {__.argval for __ in instructions if __.opname == "IMPORT_NAME"}
if new_imports:
except SyntaxError:
raise ModuleSyntaxError
return imports
def module_dependencies(module_path):
"Maps the path of a module into the set of modules it imports."
with open(module_path) as f:
source =
import_statements = extract_import_logical_lines(source)
imp_modules = imported_modules(import_statements)
return imp_modules
def restrict_to_third_party(modules):
"""Remove all modules that are stdlib or builtin from the sequence `modules`"""
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
builtin_and_stdlib = set(sys.builtin_module_names).union(set(sys.stdlib_module_names))
logger.warning("Python version earlier than 3.10, assuming a list of builtin/stdlib modules from Python 3.10")
builtin_and_stdlib = set(_PY310_STDLIB_AND_BUILTIN_MODULES)
thirdparty = {m for m in modules if m.split(".")[0] not in builtin_and_stdlib}
# if modules is just top-level modules, we are done. But modules may have module.submodule items. We also remove
# those.
return thirdparty
def show_imported_modules(files: list[str], include_builtin_and_stdlib: bool = False):
"""Show a list of modules imported by `files`.
files: a list of file paths (as strings)
include_builtin_and_stdlib: set to True iff you want to include stdlib and builtin modules. If False, only
third-party modules are shown.
final_modules_list: a list of the imported modules.
used_modules = set()
for module_path in files:
logger.debug(f"Trying to parse {module_path}")
this_module_deps = module_dependencies(module_path)
except ModuleSyntaxError:
logging.error("Problem processing module {}".format(module_path))
top_level_modules = {".".join(_.split(".")[: args.maxdepth]) for _ in used_modules}
if include_builtin_and_stdlib:
final_module_list = sorted(top_level_modules)
final_module_list = sorted(restrict_to_third_party(top_level_modules))
return final_module_list
def cli():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Shows python modules imported in a list of files",
parser.add_argument("files", action="store", nargs="+", help="List of files to scan for modules")
help="List builtin and stdlib modules also",
) # on/off flag
help="1 lists top-level modules, 2 lists modules and submodules, etc.",
help="Select the log level: one of CRITICAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG",
return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = cli()
loglevel = getattr(logging, args.loglevel)
final_module_list = show_imported_modules(files=args.files, include_builtin_and_stdlib=args.all)
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