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Last active December 26, 2016 17:39
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Blog Codes
diffs =[file_name],
diff_l = [diff for diff in diffs if, diff)]
file_diffs[file_name] = "".join(diff_l)
file_diffs[file_name] = file_contents[len(files_cache[file_name]):]
except urllib2.HTTPError:
if not (len(queue_item) > 2):
self.queue.put((self.current_url, self.depth, 1))
while (!openQueue.isEmpty()) {
currentNode = openQueue.poll();
double firstDeg = 0;
double divisions = currentNode.actualNode.costs.size()+1;
for (Node neighbor: currentNode.actualNode.costs.keySet()){
double wideX=80, wideY=80;
firstDeg +=1;
visualNode currentNeighbor = visualNodes.get(neighbor);
if (closedList.contains(currentNeighbor)) continue;
boolean positionedProperly = false;
while (!positionedProperly){
// Ελένγχει αν έχει τοποθετηθεί πολύ κοντά ένας
// κόμβος σε έναν άλλον.
positionedProperly = true;
currentNeighbor.calcX(wideX, currentNode.x, firstDeg/divisions);
currentNeighbor.calcY(wideY, currentNode.y, firstDeg/divisions);
for (visualNode otherNode: closedList){
double d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(otherNode.x - currentNeighbor.x, 2)+Math.pow(otherNode.y - currentNeighbor.y, 2));
if (d < shouldBeAwayDistance){
positionedProperly = false;
wideX += 50;
wideY += 50;
if (!closedList.contains(currentNeighbor)) {
# Estimation until Bucharest
Timisoara 329
Lugoj 246
Mahadia 247
Dobreta 242
# Origin destination cost
Timisoara Arad 110
Arad Zerind 75
Arad Sibiu 140
Zerind Oradea 71
Oradea Sibiu 151
Timisoara Lugoj 111
public void constructGraph(){
int count = 1;
for (String name: graph.graph.keySet()){
visualNode currentNode = new visualNode();
currentNode.actualNode = graph.graph.get(name);
currentNode.nodeNumberId = count;
currentNode.nodeCount = graph.graph.size();
currentNode.nodeColor = graph.graph.get(name).nodeColor;
visualNodes.put(graph.graph.get(name), currentNode);
count +=1;
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