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Last active November 20, 2022 03:38
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Save gphg/36ca9d0a8b52d84a923e91317010f4e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
launch Love2D game basically. Without fused. In different method. See versions for worse.
@ECHO off
@SET PATH=%~dp0vendor\love-11.4-win32;%PATH%
@SET PATH=%~dp0vendor\love-11.4-win64;%PATH%
@love %*
-- Basical execute external program based on script's relative path.
-- It's written in Nelua, it meant to be compiled as an executable.
require 'os'
require 'arg'
local thisdir = arg[0]:gsub('[/\\][^/\\]*$', '')
-- on cmd.exe, the valie is same if on same cwd
if arg[0] == thisdir then thisdir = "." end
-- exclusively Windows only (Powershell).
local command = "powershell.exe"
local target = thisdir .. "\\launch.ps1"
-- Is target file exist?
local fs_ok, fs_err, fs_code = os.rename(target, target)
if (not fs_ok) and (fs_code ~= 13) then error(fs_err) end
-- What this do is basically invoke command string (powershell)
local exec_cmd = command .. " " .. target .. " ".. string.concat(arg)
local exec_ok, exec_err, exec_code = os.execute(exec_cmd)
if not exec_ok then error(exec_err) end
$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
# List of archs
$achiList = "win32", "win64"
# Loop over then poluted $env:PATH of defined list
Foreach ($arci in $achiList) { $env:Path = "$scriptPath\vendor\love-11.4-$arci;" + $env:Path }
if($MyInvocation.expectingInput) { $input | & love $scriptPath\ @args } else { & love $scriptPath\ @args }
SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &> /dev/null && pwd)
# Prioritize "vendor", then system installed
if ! command -v $LOVE &> /dev/null; then
echo "Unable to locate: $LOVE."
if [ -z ${WINDIR+x} ]; then
# Not on Windows
echo "Assuming Linux. Checking for AppImage under vendor..."
chmod +x $SCRIPT_DIR/$LOVE
if ! command -v $LOVE &> /dev/null; then
echo "Unable to locate: $LOVE."
echo 'Go to "", then download the framework.'
# On Windows (POSIX)
# Exec
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