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Last active December 3, 2015 21:41
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(defui HomeComponent
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
'[{:person [:first-name :last-name]} :passProps :route :accounts])
(render [this]
(let [passProps (:passProps (js->clj (.-route (.-props this)) :keywordize-keys true))
props (om/props this)
{:keys [app/msg person accounts]} props
_ (println "accounts:" accounts)
_ (println "props in HomeComponent" props)
_ (println "passprops in HomeComponent" passProps)]
(view {:style {:flex 1
:flexDirection "column"
:margin 10
:justifyContent "center"
(view {:style {:marginTop 30
:marginBottom 30}}
(text {:style {:color "Black" :textAlign "center" :fontWeight "bold"}}
"Clojure People"))
(text {:style {:textAlign "center" :fontSize 20 :fontWeight "200"
(str (:first-name person) " " (:last-name person)))
(catch :default e
(view {:style {:backgroundColor "#cc0814" :flex 1 :padding 20 :paddingTop 40}}
{:style {:fontWeight "normal" :color "white" :fontSize 24 :marginBottom 10}}
{:style {:color "white" :fontFamily "Menlo-Regular" :fontSize 16 :lineHeight 24}}
(.-message e))
{:style {:color "white" :marginTop 20 :fontSize 16 :fontWeight "bold"}}
"Check REPL log for details."))))))
(defui WidgetComponent
static om/IQuery
'[:accounts :person])
(let [props (om/props this)
_ (println "props in WidgetComponent:" props)]
(navigator-ios {:style {:flex 1}
:initialRoute {:component HomeComponent
:passProps (clj->js props)
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