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Created May 28, 2015 08:51
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(defn dashboard-component-view [cursor owner {:keys [div-id title]}]
(init-state [_]
(let [width 960 height 500]
{:width width :height height
:comm (chan)
:svg nil
(render [_]
(dom/div #js {:id div-id :className "pure-u-1-3 donut"}
(dom/h4 nil "Hye")
(dom/svg nil)))
(did-mount [_]
(.addGraph js/nv
(fn []
(let [chart (.. js/nv -models pieChart
;(margin #js {:left 100})
;(useInteractiveGuideline true)
;(transitionDuration 350)
;(showYAxis true)
;(showXAxis true)
(x (fn [d] (.-label d)))
(y (fn [d] (.-value d)))
(showLegend false)
(tooltips false)
(showLabels true)
(labelThreshold 0.05)
(labelType "key")
(donut true)
(donutRatio 0.35)
(id "donut1")
(padAngle .06)
(title title))]
(let [data (clj->js [{:label "Depuis l'origine" :value 25}
{:label "2015" :value 25}
{:label "2014" :value 25}
{:label "2013" :value 25}])]
(.. js/d3 (select (str "#" div-id " svg"))
(datum (clj->js data))
(call chart))))))
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