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Created November 25, 2022 18:51
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An introduction to CSPs (Constraint Satisfaction Problems) in Prolog
/* Created by Guilhem Piat, 2022
View the interactive notebook version of this guide here:
Prolog is a logic programming language that is typically meant to
solve logic problems, but can also easily be used as a CSP solver.
To use Prolog, you may use the online editor/console SWISH: or you may install a prolog interpreter like
SWIPL, available in the swi-prolog package on most Linux package managers.
For Windows and MacOS, see the downloads page:
Many code editors will default to Pascal highlighting with the .pl
extension, so make sure you're in Prolog mode if you're editing locally.
With SWIPL, start the interpreter with `swipl` where
`` is the program you want to load. You can reload after
having made changes with:
?- make.
For the puroses of this example, we will consider a CSP for which we have
to fill two length-3 lists with values in [1,3], and the i-th element of
both lists must differ for all index i.
L1 = [1,1,1] ; L2 = [2,2,3] is a correct answer for instance.
In Prolog, you do not write instructions or functions.
You write clauses, of which there are two types: Facts and Rules.
These clauses define predicates, which look like functions in other
languages but are a distinct concept (i.e. `predicate(Arg1, Arg2, ...).`).
Clauses end with a period (".").
Because you do not write instructions in Prolog, you do not write
algorithms. You write constraints -- what MUST be true -- and Prolog will
find solutions that satisfy your constraints.
The interpreter has a helpful `help` predicate. `?- help(==).` for intance
will bring up the help page of the `==` operator.
% # Facts & Variable Domain Definitions #
% Facts tell the program what is true.
% We typically define the domains of our variables with facts.
% Here, we define the is_valid_value predicate. It is true when given
% 1, 2, or 3 as argument.
% Here, we define a predicate which checks that two lists do not contain
% any values in common at any index. It is trivially true when given
% two empty lists as arguments.
no_common_index_value_pairs([], []).
% # Rules & Constraint Definitions #
% Rules tell the program that a predicate is true, IF some conditions
% are verified.
/* Rules have the form:
X :- Y, Z.
where `:-` means "is true if", and is followed by a list of goals.
`,` is the "conjunction" goal separator (there are other less used
goal separators, see `help(;).` for "disjunction").
In the previous example, X is true if goals Y and Z are both true.
See `help(,).` for more information.
Prolog cannot natively use indexed collections or loops. Looping can
only be done recursively. Therefore, we define a recursive rule such
that no_common_index_value_pairs is true if:
- The first values of the lists are different, AND
- the rest of the lists have no common index/value pairs
[H|T] is a pattern-matching formula. H (for "Head") is a variable
containing the first value of the list. T (for "Tail") is a list
containing the rest. Variables always start with a capital.*/
no_common_index_value_pairs([H1|T1], [H2|T2]):-
H1 =\= H2, % The numeric inequality operator is not !=, but =\=
no_common_index_value_pairs(T1, T2).
% Eventually, T1 and T2 will match to the empty list, and
% no_common_index_value_pairs(T1, T2) will match to
% no_common_index_value_pairs([], []) which we have defined to be true.
% This predicate checks if a list contains only values in [1, 3]. This
% is trivially true when it contains nothing.
% Recursively check that every value is valid.
% Users do not assign values to variables in Prolog. We define
% constraints on the possible values a variable can have and let
% the solver figure it out.
% Here, we constrain the second argument to have a length equal to
% the first. `len(const, Var)` will assign to `Var` the length of
% `const`, and `len(Var, const)` will assign a list of length
%`const` to `Var`.
len([], 0).
% The underscore ("_") is used when we don't need to name a variable.
len([_|T], Length):-
len(T, Length2),
% `is` is the equality operator for numeric values on the left and
% expressions on the right (which is different from `=:=`, the
% equality operator for Numbers on left and right).
Length is Length2 + 1.
% (Actually the `length` predicate already does this, but we're
% reimplementing it for the example).
% # Defining Variables, Specifying the Domains & Constraints. #
% We define a predicate which solves the problem. It takes our
% variables as arguments and will search for values for these
% variables which satisfy all of the goals.
% As our goals, we specify the domain of all variables
% and the constraints, separated by conjunctions
% (*i.e.* AND, represented with a `,`).
solve(X1, X2):-
% Domain definition
len(X1, 3),
len(X2, 3),
% Constraints
no_common_index_value_pairs(X1, X2).
Typically, you'll want to optimize your `solve()` predicate by introducing
constraints as soon as the domain of the relevant variables is specified
as this prunes branches of the search tree early.
# Running the program #
To call the `solve()` predicate locally with a `.pl` file, load the
file in your Prolog Interpreter and enter:
?- solve(X, Y).
This is called a Query. (You can use different variable names than X and Y
if you want, it doesn't matter).
Prolog will give you a value for X and a value for Y such that `solve(X, Y)`
is true. In SWIPL, ENTER will end the program, and N will generate another
solution. SWISH has clickable buttons for the same thing.
/* Created by Guilhem Piat, 2022
CSP definition template
% Defining the facts for our various domains.
% value1 -- value5 are `atoms`. You can
% think of them as an enum if it helps.
% Defining facts and rules for our constraints
% Classic constraints
% It is trivially true that no matter what the
% first arg is, it cannot be in the empty list
not_in(_, []).
not_in(X, [Y|T]):-
% remember to use the proper operators for
% your domain.
X \== Y, % non-numeric inequality
% X =\= Y, % numeric inequality
not_in(X, T).
not_in(H, T),
% Defining a predicate which solves the problem.
% 582 steps to find all solutions
solve(X1, X2, X3, X4):-
% Define the domain of all variables
% Enforce constraints
alldiff([X1, X2, X3]),
X1 == X4. % non-numeric equality
% X1 =:= X4. % numeric equality
% Optimizing the predicate, checking constraints ASAP
% 74 steps to find all solutions
better_solve(X1, X2, X3, X4):-
X1 == X4,
alldiff([X1, X2, X3]).
% Created by Guilhem Piat, 2022
% Load this program in a prolog interpreter like swipl or SWISH
% ( ) and run the following query:
% ?- better_solve(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10)
% This program solves the following crossword problem:
% %%1D%%%%7D%%%%%%%% Where %% are black squares, __ are
% %%__%%6R________0D squares to be filled, and number/
% %%__%%5D__%%8D%%__ letter combinations number a word
% %%__3R________%%__ spot and indicate whether it goes
% 2R______%%9R______ down or to the right. The 0 is 10.
% %%4R________%%%%%%
% The words to place are: boa, lot, ont, paf, pot, pou,
% club, fuit, puis, pull.
% (It's a French example problem)
% For our domains, we can give all variables the same domain
% and put a constraint on the length of the variables, or we
% can have the 3-letter-word domain and the 4-letter domain.
% We do the latter as it is more efficient in Prolog.
% Defining the facts for the domains of our length-3 words
% Defining the facts for the domains of our length-4 words
% Makes sure arg1 (any type) is not in arg2 (list).
% This is trivially true for the empty list.
not_in(_, []).
% \== is the non-numeric inequality operator
not_in(X, [Y|T]):-
X \== Y,
not_in(X, T).
% Defining the rule to verify that all elements
% of a list are different.
not_in(H, T),
% Defining the rule which solves the problem.
% Intuitive, non-optimized version. This version finds
% the solution in 4.7 million steps (0.7s), and proves
% it is unique in 141.7M additional steps (21s).
solve(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10) :-
% Define the domain of all variables
% Enforce all different
alldiff([X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10]),
% You can get a substring with
% sub_string(Str, Start_index, Length,
% Length_remaining, SubStr).
% see `help(sub_string).`
% Get all shared characters
sub_string(X1, 3, 1, _, X1_4),
sub_string(X2, 0, 1, _, X2_1),
sub_string(X2, 2, 1, _, X2_3),
sub_string(X3, 0, 1, _, X3_1),
sub_string(X3, 1, 1, _, X3_2),
sub_string(X3, 3, 1, _, X3_4),
sub_string(X4, 0, 1, _, X4_1),
sub_string(X4, 3, 1, _, X4_4),
sub_string(X5, 0, 1, _, X5_1),
sub_string(X5, 1, 1, _, X5_2),
sub_string(X5, 2, 1, _, X5_3),
sub_string(X6, 0, 1, _, X6_1),
sub_string(X7, 0, 1, _, X7_1),
sub_string(X7, 2, 1, _, X7_3),
sub_string(X8, 0, 1, _, X8_1),
sub_string(X8, 1, 1, _, X8_2),
sub_string(X8, 2, 1, _, X8_3),
sub_string(X9, 0, 1, _, X9_1),
sub_string(X9, 2, 1, _, X9_3),
sub_string(X10, 2, 1, _, X10_3),
% Check for equality of shared characters
% == is the non-numeric equality operator
X2_1 == X1_4,
X5_1 == X3_1,
X5_2 == X2_3,
X5_3 == X4_1,
X7_1 == X6_1,
X7_3 == X3_2,
X8_1 == X3_4,
X8_3 == X4_4,
X9_1 == X8_2,
X9_3 == X10_3.
% Optimized version -- introduces equality constraints
% ASAP to cut off exploration of bad branches early.
% Finds the solution in 450 steps (< 1 ms), and proves
% it is unique in 370 additional steps.
better_solve(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10) :-
sub_string(X1, 3, 1, _, X1_4),
sub_string(X2, 0, 1, _, X2_1),
X2_1 == X1_4,
sub_string(X2, 2, 1, _, X2_3),
sub_string(X3, 0, 1, _, X3_1),
sub_string(X3, 1, 1, _, X3_2),
sub_string(X3, 3, 1, _, X3_4),
sub_string(X4, 0, 1, _, X4_1),
sub_string(X4, 3, 1, _, X4_4),
sub_string(X5, 0, 1, _, X5_1),
X5_1 == X3_1,
sub_string(X5, 1, 1, _, X5_2),
X5_2 == X2_3,
sub_string(X5, 2, 1, _, X5_3),
X5_3 == X4_1,
sub_string(X6, 0, 1, _, X6_1),
sub_string(X7, 0, 1, _, X7_1),
X7_1 == X6_1,
sub_string(X7, 2, 1, _, X7_3),
X7_3 == X3_2,
sub_string(X8, 0, 1, _, X8_1),
X8_1 == X3_4,
sub_string(X8, 1, 1, _, X8_2),
sub_string(X8, 2, 1, _, X8_3),
X8_3 == X4_4,
sub_string(X9, 0, 1, _, X9_1),
X9_1 == X8_2,
sub_string(X9, 2, 1, _, X9_3),
sub_string(X10, 2, 1, _, X10_3),
X9_3 == X10_3,
alldiff([X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10]).
% Created by Guilhem Piat, 2022
% Load this program in a prolog interpreter like swipl or SWISH
% ( ) and run the following query:
% ?- better_solve(A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3)
% This program solves the following 3x3 KenKen problem:
% 1 2 3
% A a a d Where the a group must add up to 5,
% B b a d the b group must add up to 4, the c
% C b c c to 5, and the d to 4.
% The words to place are: boa, lot, ont, paf, pot, pou,
% club, fuit, puis, pull.
% Defining the facts for the domains of our values.
% Only 1, 2, and 3 are possible values, and all our
% variables share the same domain.
% Makes sure arg1 (any) is not in arg2 (list).
% Trivially, "anything" is not in "nothing".
not_in(_, []).
% =\= is the numeric inequality operator
not_in(X, [H|T]):-
X =\= H,
not_in(X, T).
% Defining the rule to verify that all elements
% of a list are different.
% Trivially, there are no duplicates in a list
% of length 0 or 1.
not_in(H, T),
% Defining the rule which solves the problem.
% Non-optimized version. 62k steps (13 ms) to solve.
solve(A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3) :-
% Define the domain of all variables
% Enforce all different rows and columns
alldiff([A1, A2, A3]), % Row A
alldiff([B1, B2, B3]), % Row B
alldiff([C1, C2, C3]), % Row C
alldiff([A1, B1, C1]), % Col 1
alldiff([A2, B2, C2]), % Col 2
alldiff([A3, B3, C3]), % Col 3
% Enforce additional constraints
% =:= is the equality operator on numeric values
A1 + A2 + B2 =:= 5,
A3 + B3 =:= 4,
C2 + C3 =:= 5,
B1 + C1 =:= 4.
% Optimized version. 333 steps (<1ms) to solve.
better_solve(A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3) :-
alldiff([A1, A2, A3]),
A1 + A2 + B2 =:= 5,
alldiff([B1, B2, B3]),
A3 + B3 =:= 4,
alldiff([A1, B1, C1]),
B1 + C1 =:= 4,
alldiff([A2, B2, C2]),
alldiff([C1, C2, C3]),
alldiff([A3, B3, C3]),
C2 + C3 =:= 5.
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