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Forked from Leigh-/Sv4Util.cfc
Created September 13, 2017 22:51
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Amazon Web Services Signature 4 Utility for ColdFusion (Alpha)
* Amazon Web Services Signature 4 Utility for ColdFusion
* Version Date: 2016-04-12 (Alpha)
* Copyright 2016 Leigh (cfsearching)
* Requirements: Adobe ColdFusion 10+
* AWS Signature 4 specifications:
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
component {
* Creates a new instance of the utility for generating signatures using the supplied settings
* @awsAccessKeyId AWS Access Key Id
* @awsSecretAccessKey AWS secret Key
* @defaultRegionName (Optional) Sets a default region for all requests made through this instance. This setting can be overriden at the request level in generateSignatureData()
* @defaultServiceName (Optional) Sets a default service name for all requests made through this instance. This setting can be overriden at the request level in generateSignatureData()
* @returns new instance initalized with specified settings
Sv4 function init(
required string accessKeyId
, required string secretAccessKey
, string defaultRegionName = ""
, string defaultServiceName = ""
// Store AWS keys and settings
variables.accessKeyId = arguments.accessKeyId;
variables.secretAccessKey = arguments.secretAccessKey;
variables.defaultRegionName = arguments.defaultRegionName;
variables.defaultServiceName = arguments.defaultServiceName;
// Algorithms used in calculating the signature
variables.signatureAlgorithm = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256";
variables.hashAlorithm = "SHA256";
return this;
* Generates Signature 4 properties for the supplied request settings.
* @requestMethod - Request operation, ie PUT, GET, POST, etcetera.
* @hostName - Target host name, example:
* @requestURI - Absolute path of the URI. Portion of the URL after the host, to the "?" beginning the query string
* @requestBody - Body of the request. Either a string or binary value.
* @requestHeaders - Structure of http headers for used the request. Mandatory host and date headers are automatically generated.
* @requestParams - Structure containing any url parameters for the request. Mandatory parameters are automatically generated.
* @signedPayload - If true, include hash of requestPayload in signature calculations. Otherwise, literal "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD". Default is true.
* @excludeHeaders - (Optional) List of header names AWS can exclude from the signing process. Default is an empty array, which means all headers should be "signed"
* @amzDate - (Optional) Override the automatic X-Amz-Date calculation with this value. Current UTC date. If supplied, @dateStamp is required. Format: yyyyMMddTHHnnssZ
* @regionName - (Optional) Override the instance region name with this value. Example "us-east-1"
* @serviceName - (Optional) Override the instance service name with this value. Example "s3"
* @dateStamp - (Optional) Override the automatic dateStamp calculation with this value. Current UTC date (only). If supplied, @amzDate is required. Format: yyyyMMdd
public struct function generateSignatureData(
required string requestMethod
, required string hostName
, required string requestURI
, required any requestBody
, required struct requestHeaders
, required struct requestParams
, boolean signedPayload = true
, array excludeHeaders = []
, string regionName
, string serviceName
, string amzDate
, string dateStamp
) {
// Initialize properties
var props = {};
var headerNames = '';
var hasQueryParams = structCount(arguments.requestParams) > 0;
var utcDateTime = dateConvert("local2UTC", now());
// Generate UTC time stamps
props.dateStamp = dateFormat( utcDateTime, "YYYYMMDD" );
props.amzDate = props.dateStamp &"T"& timeFormat(utcDateTime, "HHnnssZ");
// Override current utc date and time
if (structKeyExists(arguments, "amzDate") || structKeyExists(arguments, "dateStamp")) {
props.dateStamp = arguments.dateStamp;
props.amzDate = arguments.amzDate;
// Apply instance level region/service name settings
props.regionName = variables.defaultRegionName;
props.serviceName = variables.defaultServiceName;
// Override instance level region/service names
if (structKeyExists(arguments, "regionName")) {
props.regionName = arguments.regionName;
if (structKeyExists(arguments, "serviceName")) {
props.serviceName = arguments.serviceName;
// Basic request properties
props.algorithm = variables.signatureAlgorithm;
props.hostName = arguments.hostName;
props.requestMethod = arguments.requestMethod;
props.canonicalURI = buildCanonicalURI( requestURI = arguments.requestURI );
// For signed requests, the payload is a checksum
props.requestPayload = arguments.signedPayload ? hash256( arguments.requestBody ) : arguments.requestBody ;
props.credentialScope = buildCredentialScope( dateStamp=props.dateStamp, serviceName=props.serviceName, regionName=props.regionName );
// Validate headers/parameters
props.requestHeaders = duplicate( arguments.requestHeaders );
props.requestParams = duplicate( arguments.requestParams );
// Host header is mandatory for ALL requests
props.requestHeaders["Host"] = arguments.hostName;
// Signed requests must include a checksum, ie hash of payload
if (arguments.signedPayload) {
props.requestHeaders["X-Amz-Content-Sha256"] = props.requestPayload;
// Apply mandatory headers and parameters
if (hasQueryParams) {
// First, normalize request headers
props.requestHeaders = cleanHeaders( props.requestHeaders );
props.excludeHeaders = cleanHeaderNames( arguments.excludeHeaders );
// Identify which headers will be included in the signing process
props.signedHeaders = buildSignedHeaders( requestHeaders=props.requestHeaders, excludeNames=props.excludeHeaders );
// When passing all parameters in query string, canonical query string must also
// include the parameters used as part of the signing process, ie hashing algorithm,
// credential scope, date, and signed headers parameters.
props.requestParams["X-Amz-Algorithm"] = variables.signatureAlgorithm;
props.requestParams["X-Amz-Credential"] = variables.accessKeyId &"/"& props.credentialScope;
props.requestParams["X-Amz-SignedHeaders"] = props.signedHeaders;
props.requestParams["X-Amz-Date"] = props.amzDate;
// Finally, normalize url parameters
props.requestParams = encodeQueryParams( queryParams=props.requestParams );
// All other request types (PUT, DELETE, POST, ....)
else {
// Host header is mandatory for ALL requests
props.requestHeaders["Host"] = arguments.hostName;
// Date header is mandatory when not passing values in url
props.requestHeaders["X-Amz-Date"] = props.amzDate;
// For signed requests, include a checksum header, ie hash of payload
if (arguments.signedPayload) {
props.requestHeaders["X-Amz-Content-Sha256"] = props.requestPayload;
// Normalize headers and url parameters
props.requestHeaders = cleanHeaders( props.requestHeaders );
props.excludeHeaders = cleanHeaderNames( arguments.excludeHeaders );
// Identify which headers will be included in the signing process
props.signedHeaders = buildSignedHeaders( requestHeaders=props.requestHeaders, excludeNames=props.excludeHeaders );
props.requestParams = encodeQueryParams( queryParams=props.requestParams );
// Generate signature
// Generate header, query, and request strings
props.canonicalQueryString = buildCanonicalQueryString( requestParams=props.requestParams );
props.canonicalHeaders = buildCanonicalHeaders( requestHeaders=props.requestHeaders );
props.canonicalRequest = buildCanonicalRequest( argumentCollection=props );
// Generate signature and authorization strings
props.stringToSign = generateStringToSign( argumentCollection=props );
props.signKeyBytes = generateSignatureKey( argumentCollection=props );
props.signature = lcase( binaryEncode( hmacBinary( message=props.stringToSign, key=props.signKeyBytes), "hex") );
props.authorizationHeader = buildAuthorizationHeader( argumentCollection=props );
// (Debugging) Convert binary values into human readable form
props.signKeyBytes = binaryEncode( props.signKeyBytes, "hex" );
return props;
* Generates request string to sign
* @amzDate - Current timestamp in UTC. Format yyyyMMddTHHnnssZ
* @credentialScope - String defining scope of request. See buildCredentialScope().
* @canonicalRequest - Canonical request string
* @returns - String to be signed
private string function generateStringToSign(
required string amzDate
, required string credentialScope
, required string canonicalRequest
) {
// Format: Algorithm + '\n' + RequestDate + '\n' + CredentialScope + '\n' + HashedCanonicalRequest
var elements = [ variables.signatureAlgorithm
, arguments.amzDate
, arguments.credentialScope
, hash256( arguments.canonicalRequest )
return arrayToList( elements, chr(10) );
* Generate canonical request string
* @requestMethod - Request operation, ie PUT, GET, POST, etcetera.
* @canonicalURI - Canonical URL string. See buildCanonicalURI
* @canonicalHeaders - Canonical header string. See buildCanonicalHeaders
* @canonicalQueryString - Canonical query string. See buildCanonicalQueryString
* @signedHeaders - List of signed headers. See buildSignedHeaders
* @requestPayload - For signed requests, this is the hash of the request body. Otherwise, the raw request body
private string function buildCanonicalRequest(
required string requestMethod
, required string canonicalURI
, required string canonicalQueryString
, required string canonicalHeaders
, required string signedHeaders
, required string requestPayload ){
var canonicalRequest = "";
// Build ordered list of elements in the request, delimited by new lines
// Note: Headers and signed headers should never be empty. "Host" header is always required.
canonicalRequest = arguments.requestMethod & chr(10)
& arguments.canonicalURI & chr(10)
& arguments.canonicalQueryString & chr(10)
& arguments.canonicalHeaders & chr(10)
& arguments.signedHeaders & chr(10)
& arguments.requestPayload ;
return canonicalRequest;
* Generates canonical query string
* <ul>
* <li>URI-encode each parameter name and value according to RFC 3986 </li>
* <li>Percent-encode all other characters with %XY, where X and Y are hexadecimal characters (0-9 and uppercase A-F) </li>
* <li>Sort the encoded parameter names by character code in ascending order (ASCII order) </li>
* <li>Build the canonical query string by starting with the first parameter name in the sorted list. </li>
* <li>For each parameter, append the URI-encoded parameter name, followed by the character '=' (ASCII code 61), followed by the URI-encoded parameter value. Use an empty string for parameters that have no value. </li>
* <li>Append the character '&' (ASCII code 38) after each parameter value, except for the last value in the list. </li>
* </ul>
* @requestParams Structure containing all parameters passed via the query string.
* @isEncoded If true, the supplied parameters are already url encoded
* @returns canonical query string
private string function buildCanonicalQueryString(required struct requestParams, boolean isEncoded = true) {
var encodedParams = "";
var paramNames = "";
var paramPairs = "";
// Ensure parameter names and values are URL encoded first
encodedParams = isEncoded ? arguments.requestParams : encodeQueryParams( arguments.requestParams );
// Extract and sort encoded parameter names
paramNames = structKeyArray( encodedParams );
arraySort( paramNames, "text", "asc" );
// Build array of sorted name/value pairs
paramPairs = [];
arrayEach( paramNames, function(string param) {
arrayAppend( paramPairs, arguments.param &"="& encodedParams[ arguments.param ] );
// Finally, generate sorted list of parameters, delimited by "&"
return arrayToList(paramPairs, "&");
* Generates a list of signed header names.
* <p>"...By adding this list of headers, you tell AWS which headers in the request
* are part of the signing process and which ones AWS can ignore (for example, any
* additional headers added by a proxy) for purposes of validating the request."</p>
* @requestHeaders Raw headers to be included in request
* @excludeNames Names of any headers AWS should ignore for the signing process
* @returns Sorted list of signed header names, delimited by semi-colon ";"
private string function buildSignedHeaders(required struct requestHeaders, required array excludeNames ) {
var name = "";
var headerNames = [];
var allHeaders = !arrayLen(arguments.excludeNames);
// Identify which headers are "signed"
structEach( arguments.requestHeaders, function(string name, any value) {
if (allHeaders || !arrayFindNoCase( excludeNames, {
arrayAppend( headerNames, );
// Sort header names in ASCII order
arraySort( headerNames, "text", "asc" );
// Return list of names
return arrayToList( headerNames, ";" );
* Generates a list of canonical headers
* @requestHeaders Structure containing headers to be included in request hash
* @returns Sorted list of header pairs, delimited by new lines
private string function buildCanonicalHeaders(required struct requestHeaders ) {
var pairs = "";
var names = "";
var headers = "";
// Scrub the header names and values first
headers = cleanHeaders( arguments.requestHeaders );
// Sort header names in ASCII order
names = structKeyArray( headers );
arraySort( names, "text", "asc" );
// Build array of sorted header name and value pairs
pairs = [];
arrayEach( names, function(string key) {
arrayAppend( pairs, arguments.key &":"& headers[ arguments.key ] );
// Generate list. Note: List must END WITH a new line character
return arrayToList( pairs, chr(10)) & chr(10);
* Generates canonical URI. Encoded, absolute path component of the URI,
* which is everything in the URI from the HTTP host to the question mark character ("?")
* that begins the query string parameters (if any)
* @uriPath URI or path. If empty, "/" will be used
* @returns URL encoded path
private string function buildCanonicalURI(required string requestURI) {
var path = arguments.requestURI;
// Return "/" for empty path
if (!len(trim(path))) {
path = "/";
// Convert to absolute path (if needed)
if (left(path, 1) != "/") {
path = "/"& path;
// Encode path, but preserve slashes "/"
path = replace( urlEncode( path ), "%2F", "/", "all");
return path;
* Generates signing key for AWS Signature V4
* <p>Source:</p>
* @dateStamp Date stamp in YYYYMMDD format. Example: 20150830
* @regionName Region name that is part of the service's endpoint (alphanumeric). Example: "us-east-1"
* @serviceName Service name that is part of the service's endpoint (alphanumeric). Example: "s3"
* @algorithm HMAC algorithm. Default is "HMACSHA256"
* @returns signing key in binary
private binary function generateSignatureKey(
required string dateStamp
, required string regionName
, required string serviceName
, string algorithm = "HMACSHA256"
var kSecret = charsetDecode("AWS4" & variables.secretAccessKey, "UTF-8");
var kDate = hmacBinary( arguments.dateStamp, kSecret );
// Region information as a lowercase alphanumeric string
var kRegion = hmacBinary( lcase(arguments.regionName), kDate );
// Service name information as a lowercase alphanumeric string
var kService = hmacBinary( lcase(arguments.serviceName), kRegion );
// A special termination string: aws4_request
var kSigning = hmacBinary( "aws4_request", kService );
return kSigning;
* Generates string indicating the scope for which the signature is valid. Credential scope
* is represented by a slash-separated string of dimensions in the following order:
* dateStamp / regionName / serviceName / terminationString
* @dateStamp - Current date in UTC (must be same as X-Amz-Date date). Format yyyyMMdd
* @regionName - Name of the target region, UTF-8 encoded. Example "us-east-1"
* @serviceName - Name of the target service, UTF-8 encoded. Example "s3"
* @returns - formatted string. Example: 20150830/us-east-1/iam/aws4_request
private string function buildCredentialScope(
required string dateStamp
, required string regionName
, required string serviceName
) {
return arguments.dateStamp &"/"& lcase(arguments.regionName) &"/"& lcase(arguments.serviceName) &"/"& "aws4_request";
* Generates Authorization header string.
* Format: algorithm + ' ' + 'Credential=' + access_key + '/' + credential_scope
* + ', ' + 'SignedHeaders=' + signed_headers + ', '
* + 'Signature=' + signature
* @dateStamp - Current date in UTC (must be same as X-Amz-Date date). Format yyyyMMdd
* @regionName - Name of the target region, UTF-8 encoded. Example "us-east-1"
* @serviceName - Name of the target service, UTF-8 encoded. Example "s3"
* @returns - formatted string. Example: 20150830/us-east-1/iam/aws4_request
private string function buildAuthorizationHeader(
required struct requestHeaders
, required string signedHeaders
, required string credentialScope
, required string signature
) {
var authHeader = variables.signatureAlgorithm &" "
& "Credential=" & variables.accessKeyId &"/"& arguments.credentialScope & ", "
& "SignedHeaders=" & arguments.signedHeaders & ", "
& "Signature="& arguments.signature;
return authHeader;
* Generates string indicating the scope for which the signature is valid
* @dateStamp - Current date in UTC (must be same as X-Amz-Date date). Format yyyyMMdd
* @regionName - Name of the target region, UTF-8 encoded. Example "us-east-1"
* @serviceName - Name of the target service, UTF-8 encoded. Example "s3"
* @returns - Credential header string. Example: 20150830/us-east-1/iam/aws4_request
private string function buildCredentialString(
required string dateStamp
, required string regionName
, required string serviceName
return variables.accessKeyId &"/"& buildCredentialScope( argumentCollection=arguments );
* Convenience method which generates a (binary) HMAC code for the specified message
* @message Message to sign
* @key HMAC key in binary form
* @algorithm Signing algorithm. [ Default is "HMACSHA256" ]
* @encoding Character encoding of message string. [ Default is UTF-8 ]
* @returns HMAC value for the specified message as binary (currently unsupported in CF11)
private binary function hmacBinary (
required string message
, required binary key
, string algorithm = "HMACSHA256"
, string encoding = "UTF-8"
// Generate HMAC and decode result into binary
return binaryDecode( HMAC( arguments.message, arguments.key, arguments.algorithm, arguments.encoding), "hex" );
* Convenience method that hashes the supplied value, with SHA256
* @text value to hash
* @returns hashed value, in lower case
private string function hash256 ( required any text ){
return lcase( hash(arguments.text, "SHA256") );
* URL encode query parameters and names
* @params Structure containing all query parameters for the request
* @returns new structure with all parameter names and values encoded
private struct function encodeQueryParams(required struct queryParams) {
// First encode parameter names and values
var encodedParams = {};
structEach( arguments.queryParams, function(string key, string value) {
encodedParams[ urlEncode(arguments.key) ] = urlEncode( arguments.value );
return encodedParams;
* Scrubs header names and values:
* <ul>
* <li>Removes leading and trailing spaces from names and values</li>
* <li>Converts sequential spaces to single space in names and values</li>
* <li>Converts all header names to lower case</li>
* </ul>
* @headers Header names and values to scrub
* @returns structure of parsed header names and values
private struct function cleanHeaders(required struct headers) {
var headerName = "";
var headerValue = "";
var cleaned = {};
structEach( arguments.headers, function(string key, string value) {
headerName = cleanHeader( arguments.key );
headerValue = cleanHeader( arguments.value );
cleaned[ lcase( headerName ) ] = headerValue;
return cleaned;
* Scrubs header names and values:
* <ul>
* <li>Removes leading and trailing spaces</li>
* <li>Converts sequential spaces to single space</li>
* <li>Converts all names to lower case</li>
* </ul>
* @headers Header names to scrub
* @returns array of parsed header names
private array function cleanHeaderNames(required array names) {
var headerName = "";
var cleaned = [];
arrayEach( names, function(string headerName) {
arrayAppend( cleaned, cleanHeader( arguments.headerName ) );
return cleaned;
* Removes extraneous white space from header names or values.
* See
* <ul>
* <li>Removes leading and trailing spaces</li>
* <li>Converts sequential spaces to single space</li>
* </ul>
* @text Text to scrub
* @returns parsed text
private string function cleanHeader(required string text) {
return reReplace( trim( arguments.text ), "\s+", chr(32), "all" );
* URL encodes the supplied string per RFC 3986, which defines the following as
* unreserved characters that should NOT be encoded:
* A-Z, a-z, 0-9, hyphen ( - ), underscore ( _ ), period ( . ), and tilde ( ~ ).
* @value string to encode
* @returns URI encoded string
private string function urlEncode( string value ) {
var encodedValue = encodeForURL(arguments.value);
// Reverse encoding of tilde "~"
encodedValue = replace( encodedValue, encodeForURL("~"), "~", "all" );
// Fix encoding of spaces, ie replace '+' into "%20"
encodedValue = replace( encodedValue, "+", "%20", "all" );
// Asterisk "*" should be encoded
encodedValue = replace( encodedValue, "*", "%2A", "all" );
return encodedValue;
* Returns current UTC date and time in the following formats:
* - dateStamp - Current UTC date, format: YYYYMMDD
* - timeStamp - Current UTC date and time, format: YYYYMMDDTHHnnssZ
* @returns structure containing date and time strings
public struct function getUTCStrings() {
var utcDateTime = dateConvert("local2UTC", now());
var result = {};
// Generate UTC time stamps
result.dateStamp = dateFormat( utcDateTime, "YYYYMMDD" );
result.amzDate = result.dateStamp &"T"& timeFormat(utcDateTime, "HHnnssZ");
result.timeStamp = dateFormat( utcDateTime, "YYYY-MM-DD") &"T"& timeFormat(utcDateTime, "HH:nn:ssZ");
return result;
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