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Created September 27, 2014 10:10
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Easily create animated gifs from video files using ffmpeg, imagemagick and gifsicle
# Creates animated gif images from video files by splicing a section out of the video file at the given framerate
# and dimensions using ffmpeg, gifscile and imagemagick.
# video gif start_time duration framerate [width height]
if [ -z "$4" ] || [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "--help" ]; then
echo "Usage: `basename $0` in_file out_file start_time duration out_framerate [width height]"
echo "Convert an input video file to an animted gif"
echo " in_file: Source video file (to feed through ffmpeg)"
echo " out_file: Output gif file"
echo " start_time: Timecode to splice from (following ffmpeg timecode format: hh:mm:ss.mmm)"
echo " duration: Duration to splice to from start_time, in seconds (e.g. '0.5' for half a second)"
echo " out_framerate: Framerate for output gif (e.g. '25' for 25fps)"
echo " width: Width (in pixels) of the output gif (optional)"
echo " height: Height (in pixels) of the output gif (optional)"
# Working directory for intermediate files (individual frames etc)
mkdir -p $working
if [ ! -z "$6" ]; then
EXTRAS="-s ${6}x${7}"
ffmpeg -ss "$3" -i "$1" -r "$5" -t "$4" $EXTRAS $working/output%05d.png
for file in $working/*.png; do
convert $file -layers OptimizePlus -alpha remove -quality 100% +dither $working/`basename $file .png`.gif
delay=$(printf "%.0f\n" `bc -l <<< "scale = 10; 100/$5"`)
gifsicle --loopcount=forever --delay $delay $working/*.gif > $working/out.gif
convert -layers Optimize $working/out.gif "$2"
rm -Rf $working
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