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Important notes:

I specify some of the programs for the school years they're recommended to, but if the program itself doesn't say is a requirement to be on a particular year, and you feel prepared enough to a higher program, go ahead. But just in case, apply to the ones of your year, some companies tend to think that the preparation is directly proportional to the year in school.

Languages, Compilers, Debuggers, and Development Infrastructure Engineering Internships at Apple

Apple's Languages, Compilers, Debuggers and Development Infrastructure teams are now looking for interns for 2022!

We are looking for students who are motivated to get hands on experience working on these exciting technologies. We have interesting problems to solve at every level, from low-level assembly to high-level Swift code. No prior language, compiler or debugger experience is required and candidates without such experience are encouraged to apply. Candidates should be comfortable writing code in C++.

These are paid internships. While most internships last 3 months, starting in May or June, the starting dates and the internship length are flexible. Internships are restricted to students. Students must be enrolled in school in the quarter/semester immediately following the internship. We are looking for candidates of all education levels, from Bachelor’s to Ph.D. Applicants from outside the U.S.A. are w