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Last active September 27, 2021 21:12
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First of all, if you arrived here is because you find this on google or another search page, or someone shared the link with you. Any case, please share the link (If you think the gist link is too big, here you have: with all the people you think will take advantage of this. Thank you.

If you don't want to read about what is this document about, why I created, a bit about me and all that boring stuff, click here to go to the index directly.

Important notes:

I specify some of the programs for the school years they're recommended to, but if the program itself doesn't say is a requirement to be on a particular year, and you feel prepared enough to a higher program, go ahead. But just in case, apply to the ones of your year, some companies tend to think that the preparation is directly proportional to the year in school.

Almost all the sections are under construction. When I finish all the general stuff and a lot of internship sections I will consider it as finished and with updates on websites or new internships I learned about.


I decided to create this file cause I think is essential to all students to know about the opportunities they have, maybe you know about the opportunities in your city, in your country; but what about the idea of working in one of the biggest (and not so big) companies? I'm from Mexico, and I study there. I had the good luck to know about some opportunities because of the college I decided to go to, but I know that if I had chosen another school, I would have missed this chance to know about internships at Facebook and Microsoft and by that missed my opportunity to intern at Facebook.

I know that for a lot of American students is easy to understand about this cause their career fairs and all that, but in other countries, all the people think that the opportunity to apply to the big companies is when you graduate and have some expertise in a role, and only then you can try to apply. But the real thing is that the opportunity is there, in the internships, since high school. If you're an American student, this could work to know about other companies you never thought about, or they didn't go to your career fair, if you're from somewhere else, you can see in here all the opportunities.

I encourage you to apply no to only the one you dreamed about, but to all the ones you think are for you. Maybe the company you liked the most made a mistake and didn't accept you, but other company did accept you. Grab that opportunity and make it yours, you will have the chance of having a great internship, to learn a lot and also have the experience to try again to the first company or maybe you will fall in love with the one that accepted you (something that is happening me with Facebook).

If they reject you, don't feel bad. Is not cause you're bad, there are usually to options:

  1. They made a mistake cause you were nervous and something happened
  2. You are not yet there

If you think you're in the second point, don't feel bad, you only need to prepare more. Cause the fact that you're up to this point reading all the nonsense I have written is because you're interested in your career and your future. Now you know how all the interview process works like and what they asked you, so prepare yourself, practice, and of course continue learning a lot more.

I only have left to say to you, Good luck, I know you can do it. And I hope to see you soon at one of this companies.

If you want to talk more, you can contact me on my LinkedIn; also you can leave a comment in here, and I will try to answer as soon as I know about the comment. Also, there is my webpage, it is my virtual resume and some other stuff.

About Me


Special thanks to

If you want to be here, help me completing/correcting this list in the comments you can write if you know about other company I didn't write about, or maybe correct something. Or you can also fork the gist and tell me when you are done with the changes to look at them and merge them in here.




Facebook University is a hands-on, immersive program that enables students from underrepresented communities to get to know Facebook’s people, products, and services. Retreived from the FBU program site

FBU is an 8-weeks long summer program focused on developing the technical skills (in case of an engineering program, in another program the ability described in there). The program is for freshman and sophomore students of tech careers (for the FBU Eng program, for the other programs differ), so it doesn't matter if you're not studying computer science, if you are in tech you can appy! The application starts typically in winter.


Our unique internship offers the opportunity to work on a software project alongside other EP interns and full-time Googlers, and gives you the chance to bridge the gap between academic understanding and practical professional experience. Retreived from the Practicum site

Google Engineering Practicum is a 12-week summer internship for first and second year college students who are passionate about computer science. The program is focused in the develop of a project side by side of fellow Practicum Interns, normal interns and FTE. Right now this program is only for North America (Canada, USA, Mexico), see the next internship option if you're from somewhere else.

The link is for summer 2019 but there is also for other times


Software Engineer Intern


Learn to build an Android app, meet Twitter engineers, and tour San Francisco in our weeklong Early Bird Camp Retreived from the 2016 Early Bird application

The application opens in January and is a summer one-week program focused on exposing the alumni to the technology environment and culture of Twitter and the bay area.

Twitter Academy is a paid 12-week summer internship program designed for historically underrepresented second-year computer science students (black, Hispanic/Latinx and/or Native American) interested in gaining hands-on and real-life experience in the tech industry. Retreived from the splashthat site of the aplications

Software Engineer Intern








Github: Not sure what is going to happen after Microsoft acquired Github.


Junior && Seniors (If you think you can make it earlier go ahead and try!)



























Disney: Disney has a lot of opportunities in its different branches




Amazon Tech Amazon Non-tech

Blue Origin

Career site: In here you can find all the info about working at blue origin and in there is the info about the internships Internships list









Video games

Why do I create a section apart? Is because video games are the dream of a lot, but if you do some research (as I'm doing at the moment of creating this) is very difficult to find some real sites or offers for internship position out there. I would write in here anything new I see, but what I recommend you is to try these ones and send your resume to all the ones that you will love to be in, you don't lose trying (You can read all over internet cases of people that got internships that way).

Also if you want to win some experience what you can do is work in startups or small companies. Usually, those companies are always looking for new people and new ideas. If you want to know the video game companies around the world click here.


While you're a student!

Blizzard Entertainments University Relations has different contests in an assortment of disciplines planned throughout the year. Make sure to check in occasionally to see if a contest is available in your field of study! Retrieved from the site

If you're a student, you can try it! I know this is not an internship offer, but it could be transformed into one if you demonstrate your work and passion in the matter you might have an opportunity to get an internship.

Our Internship Program gives students the opportunity to work directly with development teams and business operations departments to gain hands-on experience. For 12 paid weeks every summer, interns embed themselves with our teams to learn, collaborate, and contribute to the intensity and fun of creating epic entertainment. Retrieved from the site

Blizzard wants talent, if you have it, go for it! They don't care if you're a freshman or a junior, go ahead and apply. The application usually opens in September and ends in December.

Recent Grads

I know this is supposed to be an internship doc, but opportunities are opportunities, so go ahead and try this one if you're a recent grad!



Electronic Arts




Riot games


Note to self: Continue to check companies in here Also look for companies in other tech and entrepreneurship clusters

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