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Created April 21, 2015 17:36
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<script type="text/template" id="todayEventTemplate">
<div class="event-item" >
<div class="event-item-name date">!%= event.dateFormatted %!</div>
<div class="event-item-name"> !% console.log(event); %!
!% if (event.url) {%!
<a href="!%=event.url%!" >
!% } %!
!%= event.title %!
!% if (event.url) {%!
!% } %!
<div class="event-item-location">!%= event.location %!</div>
<!-- Calendar script -->
<script type="text/template" id="template-calendar">
<div class="col-wrap">
<div class="col-left">
<div class='clndr-controls'>
<div class='clndr-control-button'><span class='clndr-previous-button'> < </span></div>
<div class='month'>!%= month %! </div>
<div class='clndr-control-button rightalign'><span class='clndr-next-button'> > </span></div>
<table class='clndr-table' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>
<tr class='header-days'>
!% for(var i = 0; i < daysOfTheWeek.length; i++) { %!
<td class='header-day'>!%= daysOfTheWeek[i] %!</td>
!% } %!
!% for(var i = 0; i < numberOfRows; i++){ %!
!% for(var j = 0; j < 7; j++){ %!
!% var d = j + i * 7; %!
<td class='!%= days[d].classes %!'>
<div class='day-contents'>!%= days[d].day %!
!% } %!
!% } %!
<div class="col-right">
<div class="clndr-today-button" >
<div class="event-listing" id="todayEvents">
<div class="event-listing-title"> </div>
!% _.each(eventsThisMonth, function(event) { %!
<div class="event-item" id="eventDay">
<div class="event-item-name date !% if(moment().isAfter(, 'day')) { %! past !% } %! ">!%= event.dateFormatted %!</div>
<div class="event-item-name">
!% if (event.url) {%!
<a href="!%=event.url%!" >
!% } %!
!%= event.title %!
!% if (event.url) {%!
!% } %!
<div class="event-item-location">!%= event.location %!</div>
!% }); %!
<div id="downClick" class="seeMore-button">&#8897;</div>
</script><!-- end calendar script -->
_.templateSettings = {
interpolate: /\!\%=(.+?)\%\!/g,
evaluate: /\!\%(.+?)\%\!/g
// call this from the developer console and you can control both instances
var calendars = {};
$(document).ready( function() {
// assuming you've got the appropriate language files,
// clndr will respect whatever moment's language is set to.
// moment.locale('ru');
// here's some magic to make sure the dates are happening this month.
var thisMonth = moment().format('YYYY-MM');
var eventArray = [ ];
// the order of the click handlers is predictable.
// direct click action callbacks come first: click, nextMonth, previousMonth, nextYear, previousYear, or today.
// then onMonthChange (if the month changed).
// finally onYearChange (if the year changed).
calendars.clndr1 = $('#calendar').clndr({
template: $('#template-calendar').html(),
events: [
{ date: '2015-04-08 ', dateFormatted: 'SUNDAY APR 12 ', title: 'event', location: 'location | location'},
{ date: '2015-04-20 ', dateFormatted: 'SUNDAY APR 12 ',title: 'event', location: 'location | location'},
{ date: '2015-04-20 ', dateFormatted: 'SUNDAY APR 12 ',title: 'event', location: 'location | location'},
{ date: '2015-04-22 ', dateFormatted: 'SUNDAY APR 12 ',title: 'event', location: 'location | location'},
{ date: '2015-04-18 ', dateFormatted: 'SUNDAY APR 12 ',title: 'event', location: 'location | location'},
{ date: '2015-05-01', dateFormatted: 'SUNDAY APR 12 ', title: 'event' , location: 'location | location', url:'' }
// constraints: {
// startDate: '2013-11-01',
// endDate: '2013-11-15'
// },
clickEvents: {
click: function(target) {
var compiledTemplate = _.template($('#todayEventTemplate').html());
_.each(, function(event) {
// if you turn the `constraints` option on, try this out:
// if($(target.element).hasClass('inactive')) {
// console.log('not a valid datepicker date.');
// } else {
// console.log('VALID datepicker date.');
// }
nextMonth: function() {
console.log('next month.');
previousMonth: function() {
console.log('previous month.');
onMonthChange: function() {
console.log('month changed.');
nextYear: function() {
console.log('next year.');
previousYear: function() {
console.log('previous year.');
onYearChange: function() {
console.log('year changed.');
multiDayEvents: {
startDate: 'startDate',
endDate: 'endDate',
singleDay: 'date'
showAdjacentMonths: true,
adjacentDaysChangeMonth: false
// bind both clndrs to the left and right arrow keys
$(document).keydown( function(e) {
if(e.keyCode == 37) {
// left arrow
if(e.keyCode == 39) {
// right arrow
var scrolled=0;
$("#downClick").on("click", function(){
scrollTop: scrolled
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