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Last active July 23, 2020 07:31
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Manage short urls on db level (postgres, sequelize)
// initial idea is taken here
// this version is more general as we can pass the name of the column while setting up the trigger
// can be even more general if we pass the number of random bytes as the second argument (different length of short urls)
module.exports = {
up: async (queryInterface, Sequelize) => [
await queryInterface.sequelize.query('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pgcrypto;'),
await queryInterface.sequelize.query('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore;'),
await queryInterface.sequelize.query(`
-- Create a trigger function that takes no arguments.
-- Trigger functions automatically have OLD, NEW records
-- and TG_TABLE_NAME as well as others.
-- Declare the variables we'll be using.
_key TEXT;
_qry TEXT;
_found TEXT;
_col TEXT;
_col := TG_ARGV[0];
-- generate the first part of a query as a string with safely
-- escaped table name, using || to concat the parts
_qry := 'SELECT ' || _col || ' FROM ' || quote_ident(TG_TABLE_NAME) || ' WHERE ' || _col || ' = ';
-- This loop will probably only run once per call until we've generated
-- millions of ids.
-- Generate our string bytes and re-encode as a base64 string.
-- hex is not a good alternative as it uses more chars to encode
_key := encode(gen_random_bytes(9), 'base64');
-- Base64 encoding contains 2 URL unsafe characters by default.
-- The URL-safe version has these replacements.
_key := replace(_key, '/', '_'); -- url safe replacement
_key := replace(_key, '+', '-'); -- url safe replacement
-- Concat the generated key (safely quoted) with the generated query
-- and run it.
-- SELECT id FROM "test" WHERE id='blahblah' INTO found
-- Now "found" will be the duplicated id or NULL.
EXECUTE _qry || quote_literal(_key) INTO _found;
-- Check to see if found is NULL.
-- If we checked to see if found = NULL it would always be FALSE
-- because (NULL = NULL) is always FALSE.
-- If we didn't find a collision then leave the LOOP.
-- We haven't EXITed yet, so return to the top of the LOOP
-- and try again.
-- NEW and OLD are available in TRIGGER PROCEDURES.
-- NEW is the mutated row that will actually be INSERTed.
-- We're replacing id, regardless of what it was before
-- with our key variable.
-- This nice idea is take from
NEW := NEW #= hstore(_col, _key);
-- The RECORD returned here is what will actually be INSERTed,
-- or what the next trigger will get if there is one.
$$ language 'plpgsql';
await queryInterface.createTable('short_url', {
short_url_id: {
type: Sequelize.UUID,
unique: true,
allowNull: false,
primaryKey: true,
defaultValue: Sequelize.literal('gen_random_uuid()'),
// we allow NULL values here, so we can replace expired/completed links with NULLs and have less collisions
url: {
type: Sequelize.TEXT,
unique: true,
status: {
type: Sequelize.ENUM,
values: [
allowNull: false,
meta: {
type: Sequelize.JSONB,
visited_at: {
type: Sequelize.DATE,
expire_at: {
type: Sequelize.DATE,
created_at: {
type: Sequelize.DATE,
allowNull: false,
updated_at: {
type: Sequelize.DATE,
allowNull: false,
deleted_at: {
type: Sequelize.DATE,
// here we pass 'url' as a param to unique_short_id() function
await queryInterface.sequelize.query(`
CREATE TRIGGER short_url_generate_url BEFORE INSERT ON short_url FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE unique_short_id('url');
down: async (queryInterface) => [
await queryInterface.dropTable('short_url'),
await queryInterface.sequelize.query(`
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS short_url_generate_url ON short_url;
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