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I'm in the upside down

Gregor Martynus gr2m

I'm in the upside down
View GitHub Profile
// Menu: Create gist from clipboard
// Description: Creates a new GitHub Gist with the contents of your current clipboard
// Author: Gregor Martynus
// Twitter: @gr2m
const { Octokit } = await npm("scriptkit-octokit");
const octokit = new Octokit({
auth: {
scopes: ["gist"],
// Menu: Set GitHub Status with Octokit
// Description: Sets the status text on your GitHub Profile
const { Octokit } = await npm("scriptkit-octokit");
const octokit = new Octokit({
auth: {
scopes: ["user"],
//Shortcut: command shift -
// Menu: Set GitHub Status
// Description: Sets the status text on your GitHub Profile
const message = await arg("What would you like to say?");
const token = await env("GITHUB_STATUS_TOKEN", {
secret: true,
ignoreBlur: true,
hint: md(
`Create a token [on GitHub](`
gr2m / copy-github-name.js
Last active April 30, 2021 21:12
A Kit script ( to copy the first name of a GitHub user
// Menu: Copy GitHub user name
// Description: Copies a GitHub user's first name, fallback to @login
// Author: Gregor Martynus
// Twitter: @gr2m
const { Octokit } = await npm("octokit");
const { createOAuthDeviceAuth } = await npm("@octokit/auth-oauth-device");
// set GitHub Token unless it's already set
gr2m / demo.gif
Last active February 24, 2021 23:55
Deno script which uses Octokit with the OAuth Device authentication strategy


git clone probot-1371
cd probot-1371
npm install

Then run

gr2m / github-action-cypress-against-now-deployment.yaml
Created March 2, 2020 23:27
Example GitHub Action workflow which runs Cypress using now's deployment for the current commit. See
name: End-to-end tests
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: 12
gr2m /
Last active October 8, 2019 17:47
I found myself create new Octokit repositories all the time, due to its decomposable and extendable architecture. Here is how I do it for future reference. Ideally, this would all be automated using an `npm init octokit` script

Create new Octokit (JS) repository


  • repository name: action.js
  • description: GitHub API client for GitHub Actions
# create new folder and change into it
mkdir action.js
gr2m /
Last active October 9, 2019 01:53
Living document to make the Octokit JS libraries ( work with ECMAScript Modules, Common JS and modern browsers

My usecase: Universal JavaScript libraries for GitHub's APIs for Node.js and modern browsers.

All libraries are written in Typescript, so a build step is necessary which makes it easier to seperate the source code structure from the distribution code structure. I rely heavily on for creating browser bundles and distributing them via their CDN. Example:

I use @pika/pack to create a ./pkg folder with multiple distributions right before publishing to npm. Example:

Currently, the dist-web/ folder is the ECMAScript Module export, it's referenced using the "module" key in its package.json. The dist-node/ folder is referenced using the "main" key in its package.json.

Besides the differentiation of common