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Last active October 23, 2015 12:30
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Data Loader to load sample ratings movie data (movies, users, ratings) into a Titan Graph
# titan 1.0.0
storage.hostname=<zookeeper server ips here>
#IMPORTANT - must match zookeeper.znode.parent property
# of your hadoop cluster
cache.db-cache = true
cache.db-cache-clean-wait = 20
cache.db-cache-time = 180000
cache.db-cache-size = 0.5
import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.TitanManagement
import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.TitanGraphIndex
import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanGraph
// Supports Titan 1.0.0
// credit: original version was written for TP3 by Daniel Kuppitz
class MovieLensParser {
static Map occupations
static {
occupations = [0: "other", 1: "academic/educator", 2: "artist",
3: "clerical/admin", 4: "college/grad student", 5: "customer service",
6: "doctor/health care", 7: "executive/managerial", 8: "farmer",
9: "homemaker", 10: "K-12 student", 11: "lawyer", 12: "programmer",
13: "retired", 14: "sales/marketing", 15: "scientist", 16: "self-employed",
17: "technician/engineer", 18: "tradesman/craftsman", 19: "unemployed", 20: "writer"]
public static void parse(final TitanGraph graph, final String dataDirectory) {
def g = graph.traversal()
println 'Processing movies.dat...'
// MovieID::Title::Genres
new File(dataDirectory + '/movies.dat').eachLine { final String line ->
def components = line.split("::")
def movieId = components[0].toInteger()
def movieTitleYear = components[1] =~ /(.*\b)\s*\((\d+)\)/
if (!movieTitleYear.find()) return
def movieTitle =
def movieYear =
def genres = components[2]
def movieVertex = graph.addVertex(label, 'movie', 'uid', 'm' + movieId, 'movieId', movieId, 'name', movieTitle, 'year', movieYear)
genres.split('\\|').each { def genre ->
def genreVertex = g.V().has('uid', 'g' + genre).tryNext().orElseGet {graph.addVertex(label, 'genre', 'uid', 'g' + genre, 'name', genre)}
movieVertex.addEdge('hasGenre', genreVertex)
println 'Processing users.dat...'
// UserID::Gender::Age::Occupation::Zip-code
new File(dataDirectory + '/users.dat').eachLine { final String line ->
def components = line.split("::")
def userId = components[0].toInteger()
def userGender = components[1]
def userAge = components[2].toInteger()
def occupationId = components[3].toInteger()
def userZipcode = components[4]
def userVertex = graph.addVertex(label, 'person', 'uid', 'u' + userId, 'userId', userId, 'gender', userGender, 'age', userAge, 'zipcode', userZipcode)
def occupationVertex = g.V().has('uid', 'o' + occupationId).tryNext().orElseGet {
graph.addVertex(label, 'occupation', 'uid', 'o' + occupationId, 'jobId', occupationId, 'name', occupations.get(occupationId))
userVertex.addEdge('hasOccupation', occupationVertex)
int cnt = 0;
int total = 0;
println 'Processing ratings.dat...'
// UserID::MovieID::Rating::Timestamp
new File(dataDirectory + '/ratings.dat').eachLine { final String line ->
def components = line.split("::")
def userId = components[0].toInteger()
def movieId = components[1].toInteger()
def stars = components[2].toInteger()
def time = components[3].toLong()
def userTraversal = g.V().has('uid', 'u' + userId)
def movieTraversal = g.V().has('uid', 'm' + movieId)
if (userTraversal.hasNext() && movieTraversal.hasNext()) {'rated',, 'stars', stars, 'time', time)
if (cnt > 1000) {
total = total + cnt
println ("added " + total + " ratings.")
cnt = 0;
public static void load(final TitanGraph graph, final String dataDirectory) {
// graph.createIndex('uid', Vertex.class)
def mgmt = graph.openManagement();
def uidkey = mgmt.makePropertyKey("uid").dataType(String.class).make();
def uidkeyidx1 = mgmt.buildIndex("uidkeyidx1", Vertex.class).addKey(uidkey).unique().buildCompositeIndex();
def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
parse(graph, dataDirectory)
println "Loading took (ms): " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)
gremlin> :load ./ml.groovy
==><classpath information cut out here>
gremlin> MovieLensParser.load(graph, '/home/graphie/data/ml-1m')
Processing movies.dat...
Processing users.dat...
Processing ratings.dat...
added 1001 ratings.
added 2002 ratings.
added 999999 ratings.
Loading took (ms): 332876
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Nice one, but there should be another graph.tx().commit() between line 89 and 90.

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