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Created February 16, 2020 01:01
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  • Save graboskyc/fbc15cf3508f7d7ccb7e7817ece0fe78 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save graboskyc/fbc15cf3508f7d7ccb7e7817ece0fe78 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
  • Install MongoDB Enterprise Advanced 4.0 using the following commands:

    Purpose Command
    Add MongoDB Public Key wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
    Add MongoDB EA Repo echo "deb [ arch=amd64 ] bionic/mongodb-enterprise/4.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-enterprise.list
    Update Apt Package Cache sudo apt-get update
    Install MongoDB EA 4.0.15 sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-enterprise=4.0.15 mongodb-enterprise-server=4.0.15 mongodb-enterprise-shell=4.0.15 mongodb-enterprise-mongos=4.0.15 mongodb-enterprise-tools=4.0.15
  • Edit the MongoDB Enterprise config file by running sudo vi /etc/mongod.etc update the binding, add it to a replica set, and enable username and password auth as shown below or in the sample config.

    # allow connections to any local IP address
        port: 27017
    # make this node part of a replica set
        replSetName: rsMigration
    # enable basic SCRAM username/password auth
        authorization: enabled
  • Run the following commands to start MongoDB:

    Purpose Command
    Start mongod sudo service mongod start
    Initiate the rep set mongo --eval "rs.initiate()"
    Add root user for administration mongo --eval "db = db.getSisterDB('admin');db.createUser({user:'root',pwd:'root123',roles:['root']});"
    Add app user mongo -u root -p root123 --eval "db = db.getSisterDB('admin');db.createUser({user:'appUser',pwd:'appUser123',roles:['clusterMonitor','readWriteAnyDatabase']});"
    Get rep set config mongo -u root -p root123 --eval "rs.config()"
    • Run the following commands to setup the load generator (POCDriver)
    Purpose Command
    Update Apt package cache sudo apt-get update
    Install Java sudo apt install -y default-jre
    Download POC Driver wget
    • Begin to generate data on your cluster by running the following command: java -jar POCDriver.jar -c "mongodb://appUser:appUser123@XXXX" -t 1 -e -d 60 -f 25 -a 5:5 --depth 2 -x 3 and replace the XXXX with the address of the cluster

    • Within the CloudShell session of your mongodb compute instance, run the following commands to prepare mongomirror

Purpose Command
Download mongomirror wget
Extract the tar tar xvzf mongomirror*
Enter extracted directory cd mongomirror*/bin
  • Once complete, we will run the mirror command as follows:
    --host rsMigration/localhost:27017 \
    --username root --password root123 \ 
    --destination MIGRATE-shard-0/,, \
    --destinationUsername admin --destinationPassword admin123 
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