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Forked from NandoSangenetto/
Last active May 31, 2017 15:39
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Compress and convert images

Convert images to webp from folder


You need to download libwebp and put in the shell script folder. You must have installed the jpegoptim, giflossy (gifsicle), pngquant and imagemagick library.


  • Convert folder and put results in the results folder:

    • $ ./ -p /path/to/folder
  • To overwrite the results folder, use this command:

    • $./ -p /path/to/folder -d /path/to/results
  • To change the default values of qualities:

    • $ ./ -p /path/to/folder -q 70 -q 90 -q 100


  • -p images path (current path by default)
  • -d destination path (results folder by default)
  • -g enable gif conversion/optimization (optional, disabled by default)
  • -t name the temporary folder (.temp-folder by default)
  • -q use this parameter to change the quality of optimization/conversion (30, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100 by default)

Next steps:

  • Identify the type of an image and fix the extension
  • Use the type of an image as rule to the conditions, not the extension
# Defining time to calculate execution
start_time=`date +%s`
# Enabling extglob option to filter file extensions
shopt -s extglob
# Exit if a command exits with a non-zero status
set -e
# Gif conversion/optimization disabled by default
# Path to get images by default
# Temporary folder name, dot to hide the folder
# Quality list to convert the images
# Get flag options
while getopts ":q:p:d:t:g" opt; do
case $opt in
# Set the qualities of files
q) qualities+=("$OPTARG") ;;
# Set the folder to scan
p) image_path="${OPTARG%/}" ;;
# Set the destination of the converted images
d) destination_folder="${OPTARG%/}" ;;
# Turn GIF conversion on
t) temp_folder="${OPTARG///}" ;;
# Turn GIF conversion on
g) gif_enabled=1 ;;
# Stop execution when an invalid option is called
\?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2; exit 1; ;;
# Stop execution when an empty option is called
:) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2; exit 1; ;;
# Defining default values to the qualities
if [ -z "$qualities" ]; then
qualities=( 30 50 60 70 80 90 )
# If image_path is empty, lets ask the path
if [ -z "$image_path" ]; then
echo "Warning: Path parameter is missing, you must specify the folder to convert the images"
exit 1
# Defining the destination folder default value
if [ -z "$destination_folder" ]; then
# Create the destination folder inside the path
mkdir -p ${destination_folder}
# Create a hidden temporary folder
mkdir -p ${image_path}/${temp_folder}
# If gif conversion/optimization is enabled, let's add them
if [ "$gif_enabled" -eq 1 ]; then
# Check the number of files
number_of_files="$(find $FILES 2>/dev/null | wc -l)"
# If there's no files, exit the script
if [ ${number_of_files} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "There's no image in this folder"
exit 1;
# Loop to look every image with the extensions below
for f in ${FILES}; do
echo "File $f:";
# Defining the basename
base_name=$(basename "$f")
# Getting the name of the file without extension
# Getting the file extension
# For every quality, lets convert images
for i in "${qualities[@]}"; do
# Optimize the JPG and JPEG
if [ "$extension" = "jpg" ] || [ "$extension" = "jpeg" ]; then
echo -e "\tOptimizing JPG/JPEG to $i quality"
# Define a name to a temporary file
# Copy the original file and create it with the temporary name
cp ${image_path}/${name}.${extension} ${temp_jpg_filename}
# Optimize the image and put in the destination folder
jpegoptim -o -q -m $i -d ${destination_folder} ${temp_jpg_filename}
# Remove the temporary file
rm ${temp_jpg_filename}
# Optimize static PNG files
if [ "$extension" = "png" ]; then
echo -e "\tOptimizing PNG with $i quality"
pngquant --speed 1 --quality ${i}-${i} -f -o ${destination_folder}/${name}-q${i}.png ${image_path}/${name}.${extension}
# Checking if there's transparency to the image
opaque=`convert ${image_path}/${name}.${extension} -format "%[opaque]" info:`
if [ "$opaque" = true ]; then
echo -e "\tConverting PNG to JPG, because there's no transparency"
# Convert the PNG to JPG
convert ${image_path}/${name}.${extension} ${destination_folder}/${name}-q${i}_from_png.jpg
echo -e "\tOptimizing JPG converted from PNG"
# Define a name to a temporary file
# Copy the original file and create it with the temporary name
cp ${destination_folder}/${name}-q${i}_from_png.jpg ${temp_jpg_filename}
# Optimizing the JPG
jpegoptim -o -q -m $i -d ${destination_folder} ${temp_jpg_filename}
# Remove the temporary file
rm ${temp_jpg_filename}
# Convert static images to WEBP
if [ "$extension" = "jpg" ] || [ "$extension" = "jpeg" ] || [ "$extension" = "png" ]; then
echo -e "\tConverting to WEBP with $i quality"
./libwebp/bin/cwebp -quiet -m 6 -q $i ${image_path}/${name}.${extension} -o ${destination_folder}/${name}-q${i}.webp
# Convert gif/animated gif to WEBP
if [ "$extension" = "gif" ]; then
echo -e "\tConverting to WEBP with $i quality"
./libwebp/bin/gif2webp -quiet -lossy -q $i -m 6 ${image_path}/${name}.${extension} -o ${destination_folder}/${name}-q${i}.webp
# Optimize GIF images/animations
if [ "$extension" = "gif" ]; then
echo -e "\tOptimizing GIF with lossy compression and 64 colors"
gifsicle -O3 --colors=64 --lossy=100 ${image_path}/${name}.${extension} -o ${destination_folder}/${name}-q64.gif
echo -e "\tOptimizing GIF with lossy compression and 125 colors"
gifsicle -O3 --colors=128 --lossy=100 ${image_path}/${name}.${extension} -o ${destination_folder}/${name}-q128.gif
echo -e "\tOptimizing GIF with lossy compression and 256 colors"
gifsicle -O3 --colors=256 --lossy=100 ${image_path}/${name}.${extension} -o ${destination_folder}/${name}-q256.gif
echo ""
# Remove the hidden temporary folder
rm -rf ${image_path}/${temp_folder}
# Defining the end time for the execution calculation
end_time=`date +%s`
echo "Script finished in $((end_time-start_time)) seconds"
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