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Created February 17, 2016 10:17
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React DropDown component
* React dropdown component
* Usage: <DropDown selected={selectedValue} items={keyValueObject} onChange={this.externalDropdownOnChangeMethod} />
* //For example:
* var keyValueObject = {0 =>'Value 0', 1 => 'Value 1'};
* //External on dropdown change method
* externalDropdownOnChangeMethod(e){
* var value =;
* }
var DropDown = React.createClass({
return {};
return {};
var selValue = this.props.selected;
var items = this.props.items;
if(typeof items === 'object'){
items = Object.keys(items).map(
function (key) {
return items[key];
return (
<select value={selValue} onChange={this.props.onChange}>
displayItem(item, index){
return (
<option key={index} value={item['value']}>{item['name']}</option>
export default DropDown;
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