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Last active May 7, 2024 21:49
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#T9: Possible solution for the Quarto task
The Netlify version can be found at:
title: "A possible solution"
author: "Claudius"
date: "2024-05-10"
echo: false
toc: true
toc-depth: 2
toc-location: body
number-sections: true
theme: darkly
toc: true
toc-depth: 2
toc-location: body
number-sections: true
# Introduction
In the (invisible) YAML header we set the default value for the chunk option
`echo` to `FALSE`, meaning that code is hidden by default.
Also check out the header, in which we explicitly set `title`, `date`, and
`author` - the result of this can be seen in the rendered document. To comply
with the respective tasks we added the specifications
`toc: true` and `toc-location: body` to `html` to add the
table of contents at the beginning, and `theme: darkly` to use this theme.
As you could expect, `number-sections: true` ensures section headings are
To the `pdf` call we add the TOC related comments and `number-sections: true´.
## A second level heading
Again some text. Here is the first chunk.
The code is shown in the rendered document because we set the chunk option
`echo: true`, and so is the output produced by the code because the chunk
option `include` is set the `TRUE` by default:
#| echo: true
vector_random_numbers <- rnorm(
n = 12, mean = 5, sd = 2)
## A visualization
Here we produce the desired ggplot (the code for which remains hidden because
we did not deviate from the default value of `echo`, which we set to `FALSE`
in the setup chunk.)
# Using Netlify Drop
The document was published using [Netlify Drop](,
as explained in the slides.
This is the reason the file is called `index.qmd`: Netlify Drop only works if
a `html`-file called `index.html` is included in the uploaded directory.
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