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Forked from yryozo/orgtbl-to-gfm.el
Last active October 14, 2022 01:38
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;; Usage Example:
;; <!--- END RECEIVE ORGTBL $1 -->
;; <!---
;; #+ORGTBL: SEND $1 orgtbl-to-gfm
;; | $0 |
;; -->
(defun orgtbl-to-gfm (table params)
"Convert the Orgtbl mode TABLE to GitHub Flavored Markdown."
(let* ((alignment (mapconcat (lambda (x) (if x "|--:" "|---"))
org-table-last-alignment ""))
:splice t
:hline (concat alignment "|")
:lstart "| " :lend " |" :sep " | ")))
(orgtbl-to-generic table (org-combine-plists params2 params))))
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