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Last active September 9, 2024 10:25
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How to implement "SNAP TAP" like feature on QMK keyboard
// Not for copypaste! It is only part of keymap.c!
// You should adapt the code above for your keyboard especially for your layers.
// WARNING! You could be banned in Valve games because the feautre treated by Valve as a cheat.
// It uses two user hooks: layer_state_set_user() and process_record_user() as defined by QMK.
// Example enum with layers.
enum layers {
// ...
// global var that keeps current layer
uint8_t cur_layer = YOUR_DEFAULT_LAYER;
// Hook that triggered on a layer state change.
layer_state_t layer_state_set_user(layer_state_t state) {
static uint8_t old_layer = 0xff;
cur_layer = get_highest_layer(state);
// ... handle other things on layer change
// Hook on the each key press/release
bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) {
// SNAP TAP (separate A/D key press in games)
static bool apressed = false;
static bool dpressed = false;
// Apply only for GAME_LAYER and not mess A/D keys for other layers.
if (cur_layer == GAME_LAYER) {
switch(keycode) {
case KC_A:
if (record->event.pressed) {
apressed = true;
if (dpressed) {
dpressed = false;
} else {
// to prevent double key release
if (!apressed) {
return false;
apressed = false;
return true;
case KC_D:
if (record->event.pressed) {
dpressed = true;
if (apressed) {
} else {
// to prevent double key release
if (!dpressed) {
return false;
dpressed = false;
if (!record->event.pressed) {
// to prevent double release
if (dpressed) {
return false;
return true;
// ... handle other key presses
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