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Created June 7, 2016 19:18
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import numpy as np
class SequenceDataGen:
'''Generate batches on time series/sequential data
step_size: set input mean to 0 over the dataset.
x_window: size of moving window over x
y_window: size of moving window over y
x_step: step between each x dataset
y_step: step between each y dataset, should be identical to x_step
x_y_diff: difference between x,y windows.
if 0, implies y window starts where x window stopped
if >=1, y window starts that many steps following x window
if <= -1, then the x_window, y_window will overlap
batch_size: number of x,y training sequences to return
shuffle: whether sequences should be shuffled or take t_1, ..., t_n
vocab: if it is a text sequence example, creates hashing and stuff
def __init__(self,
self.x_window = x_window
self.y_window = y_window
self.x_step = x_step
self.y_step = x_step
self.x_y_diff = x_y_diff
self.batch_index = 0
self.total_batches_seen = 0
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.shuffle = shuffle
self.vocab = vocab
def reset(self):
self.batch_index = 0
def move_window(self):
def gen_possible_indices(self, X):
get possible indices's for time series given
if isinstance(X, str):
X_shape = len(X)
X_shape = X.shape[0]
last_window = self.x_window + self.y_window + self.x_y_diff
idxes = list(range(0, X_shape - last_window, self.x_step))
if self.shuffle:
from random import shuffle
return idxes
def generate_x_y(self, data, start_index):
X_window_end = start_index + self.x_window
X_window = data[start_index: X_window_end]
y_start = X_window_end + self.x_y_diff
y_end = y_start + self.y_window
Y_window = data[y_start:y_end]
return X_window, Y_window
def _flow_single(self, data, seed=None):
for idx in self.idxes:
yield self.generate_x_y(data, idx)
def flow_batch(self, data, seed=None):
idxes_ = self.idxes_
while idxes_:
batch_ = idxes_[:self.batch_size]
del idxes_[:self.batch_size]
gend = [self.generate_x_y(data, b) for b in batch_]
yield gend
def flow(self, data, seed=None):
self.idxes = self.gen_possible_indices(data)
if self.vocab:
self.flow_generator = self.flow_from_vocab(data)
self.flow_generator = self.flow_batch(data)
return self
def flow_from_vocab(self, data, words=False):
'''generator that does vocab to batches with vectorization
if words:
# TODO: split by words or chars, will need to create 'bank' for
# word splits like :things_to_replace = {'\n': ' ', '--': ' -- '}
# for k, v in things_to_replace.items():
# data = data.replace(k, v)
# self.tokens = set(' '))
self.tokens = set(data)
self.idxes = self.gen_possible_indices(data)
self.token_indices = dict((c, i) for i, c in enumerate(self.tokens))
self.indices_token = dict((i, c) for i, c in enumerate(self.tokens))
idxes_ = self.idxes
while idxes_:
# take current batch of indexes and then delete from available,
# uses len(batch_) instead of self.batch_size b/c possible size of
# last batch < batch_size
batch_ = idxes_[:self.batch_size]
del idxes_[:len(batch_)]
# new np.eros array for each group of batches to pass into
X = np.zeros((len(batch_), self.x_window,
len(self.tokens)), dtype=np.bool)
Y = np.zeros((len(batch_), self.y_window,
len(self.tokens)), dtype=np.bool)
# for each index in batch, take X,y vocab pair from data based on
# window, put into vectorized X,y form
for zero_index, i in enumerate(batch_):
# provide single instance of sentence vectorized into X,y
X_window_end = i + self.x_window
X_window = data[i: X_window_end]
y_start = X_window_end + self.x_y_diff
y_end = y_start + self.y_window
Y_window = data[y_start:y_end]
for t, char in enumerate(X_window):
X[zero_index, t, self.token_indices[char]] = 1
for t, char in enumerate(Y_window):
Y[zero_index, t, self.token_indices[char]] = 1
yield X, Y
def __iter__(self):
# needed if we want to do something like:
# for x, y in data_gen.flow(...):
return self
def __next__(self):
# for python 3.x.
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