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Created February 7, 2019 16:28
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[grahamc@Petunia:~]$ ls /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin
ls: cannot access '/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin': No such file or directory
[grahamc@Petunia:~]$ ls /run/current-system/sw/bin
'[' fsck.ext3 mkfs.ext3 sha512sum
accept fsck.ext4 mkfs.ext4 shasum
accessdb fsck.fat mkfs.fat showconsolefont
aconnect fsck.minix mkfs.minix showkey
addgnupghome fsck.msdos mkfs.msdos shred
addpart fsck.vfat mkfs.vfat shuf
advtest fsck.zfs mkhomedir_helper shutdown
agetty fsfreeze mklost+found slabtop
alsabat fstrim mknod slack fusermount mkswap slattach
alsaconf fusermount3 mktemp sleep
alsactl gatt-service mmcli sln gawk ModemManager sort
alsaloop gencat modinfo sotruss
alsamixer genl modprobe spawn_console
alsatplg getcap more spawn_login
alsaucm getconf mount speaker-test
amidi getent mount.fuse splain
amixer getfacl mount.fuse3 split
amptest getfattr mountpoint sprof
aplay getkeycodes mount.zfs ss
aplaymidi getopt mpris-proxy ssh
applygnupgdefaults getpcaps mv ssh-add
apropos getunimap namei ssh-agent git nameif ssh-copy-id git-am-pr nano sshd
arecord git-credential-netrc nc ssh-keygen
arecordmidi git-cvsserver netstat ssh-keyscan
arp git-http-backend networkctl start-pulseaudio-x11
arpd git-receive-pack NetworkManager stat
arping git-shell newgidmap stdbuf
arptables-compat git-upload-archive newgrp stest
aseqdump git-upload-pack newuidmap strace
aseqnet google-chrome-stable newusers strace-graph
ATR_analysis gpasswd nfnl_osf strace-log-merge
attr gpg nice stty
autorandr gpg2 ninfod su
avinfo gpg-agent nisdomainname sudo
avtest gpgconf nix sudoedit
awk gpg-connect-agent nix-build sudoreplay
b2sum gpgparsemail nix-channel sulogin
badblocks gpgscm nix-collect-garbage sum
base32 gpgsm nix-copy-closure swaplabel
base64 gpgtar nix-daemon swapoff
basename gpgv nix-env swapon
bash gpg-wks-server nix-hash switch_root
bashbug grep nix-info sync
bcache-super-show groupadd nix-instantiate sysctl
bccmd groupdel nixos-build-vms systemctl
bdaddr groupmems nixos-container systemd-analyze
blkdeactivate groupmod nixos-enter systemd-ask-password
blkdiscard groups nixos-generate-config systemd-cat
blkid grpck nixos-help systemd-cgls
blkzone grpconv nixos-install systemd-cgtop
blockdev grpunconv nixos-option systemd-delta
bluemoon gscriptor nixos-rebuild systemd-detect-virt
bluetoothctl gtf nixos-version systemd-escape
bluetoothd gunzip nix-prefetch-url systemd-hwdb
bluetooth-player gzexe nix-shell systemd-inhibit
bneptest gzip nix-store systemd-machine-id-setup
bootctl h nl systemd-mount
bridge h2ph nmcli systemd-notify
btattach h2xs nm-online systemd-nspawn
btconfig halt nmtui systemd-path
btgatt-client hcieventmask nmtui-connect systemd-resolve
btgatt-server hcisecfilter nmtui-edit systemd-run
btinfo head nmtui-hostname systemd-socket-activate
btiotest hex2hcd nohup systemd-stdio-bridge
btmgmt hexdump nokfw systemd-tmpfiles
btmon hid2hci nologin systemd-tty-ask-password-agent
btproxy host nproc systemd-umount
btsnoop hostid nscd tabs
bunzip2 hostname nsenter tac
busctl hostnamectl nstat tail
bzcat hwclock numfmt tar
bzcmp hwdb obex-check-device taskset
bzdiff i3 obex-client-tool tc
bzegrep i386 obexctl tee
bzfgrep i3bar obexd telinit
bzgrep i3-config-wizard obexftp test
bzip2 i3-dmenu-desktop obexftpd test-runner
bzip2recover i3-dump-log obex-server-tool texi2any
bzless i3-input od texi2dvi
bzmore i3lock oobtest texi2pdf
cal i3-migrate-config-to-v4 openvt texindex
cancel i3-msg outpsfheader tftpd
capsh i3-nagbar pacat tic
captoinfo i3-save-tree pacmd time
cat i3-sensible-editor pactl timedatectl
catchsegv i3-sensible-pager padsp timeout
catman i3-sensible-terminal pamon tload
cfdisk i3status pam_tally top
chacl i3-with-shmlog pam_tally2 touch
chage ibeacon pam_timestamp_check tput
chattr iceauth paplay tr
chcon iconv parec tracepath
chcpu iconvconfig parecord traceroute6
check-selftest id partx true
chfn iecset pass truncate
chgpasswd ifcfg passmenu try-pr
chgrp ifconfig passwd tset
chmem ifstat paste tsort
chmod info pasuspender tty
chown infotocap patch tune2fs
chpasswd init pathchk tzselect
chroot insmod pax11publish udevadm
chrt install pcprofiledump udisksctl
chsh install-info pcsc_scan ul
chvt instmodsh pdftexi2dvi ulockmgr_server
cksum integritysetup perl umount
clear ionice perl5.28.1 umount.udisks2
clockdiff ip perlbug uname
clrunimap ip6tables perldoc uname26
cltest ip6tables-compat perlivp uncompress
cmp ip6tables-compat-restore perlthanks unexpand
col ip6tables-compat-save pgrep unicode_start
colcrt ip6tables-restore piconv unicode_stop
colrm ip6tables-restore-translate pidof uniq
column ip6tables-save ping unix_chkpwd
comm ip6tables-translate pinky unix_chkpwd.orig
command-not-found ipcmk pivot_root unix_update
compile_et ipcrm pkaction unlink
coredumpctl ipcs pkcheck unlzma
corelist ipg pk-example-frobnicate unshare
coreutils ippfind pkexec unxz
cp ipptool pkill up
cpan iptables pkttyagent updatedb
cpio iptables-compat pl2pm update-mime-database
cpToOldStable iptables-compat-restore pldd uptime
cpToRelease iptables-compat-save plipconfig useradd
cpufreq-bench iptables-restore pmap userdel iptables-restore-translate pod2html usermod
cpupower iptables-save pod2man users
create-image iptables-translate pod2texi utmpdump
cryptsetup iptables-xml pod2text uuidd
cryptsetup-reencrypt isosize pod2usage uuidgen
csplit join podchecker uuidparse
ctags journalctl podselect uxterm
ctrlaltdel json_pp poweroff vdir
ctstat kbdinfo ppdc veritysetup
cupsaccept kbd_mode ppdhtml vgcfgbackup
cupsaddsmb kbdrate ppdi vgcfgrestore
cupsctl kbxutil ppdmerge vgchange
cupsd kdump ppdpo vgck
cupsdisable kexec pr vgconvert
cupsenable kill printenv vgcreate
cupsfilter kmod printf vgdisplay
cupsreject koi8rxterm prlimit vgexport
cupstestdsc l2ping prove vgextend
cupstestppd l2test ps vgimport
curl last psfaddtable vgimportclone
cut lastb psfgettable vgmerge
cvt lastlog psfstriptable vgmknodes
cvtsudoers ldattach psfxtable vgreduce
date ldconfig ptar vgremove ldd ptardiff vgrename
dbus-cleanup-sockets less ptargrep vgs
dbus-daemon lessecho ptx vgscan
dbus-launch lesskey pulseaudio vgsplit
dbus-monitor lexgrog pvchange vigr
dbus-run-session libnetcfg pvck vipw
dbus-send lightdm pvcreate visudo
dbus-test-tool link pvdisplay vlock
dbus-update-activation-environment linux32 pvmove vmcore-dmesg
dbus-uuidgen linux64 pvremove vmstat
dd ln pvresize w
deallocvt lnstat pvs wall
debugfs loadkeys pvscan watch
delpart loadunimap pwck watchgnupg
depmod locale pwconv wc
df localectl pwd wdctl
diff localedef pwdx whatis
diff3 locate pwunconv whereis
dir logger qpaeq which
dircolors login raidz_test who
direnv loginctl rarp whoami
dirmngr logname rarpd wipefs
dirmngr-client logoutd raw wpa_cli
dirname logsave rctest wpa_passphrase
dmenu look rdisc wpa_supplicant
dmenu_path losetup readlink write
dmenu_run lp readprofile X
dmesg lpadmin realpath x86_64
dmsetup lpc reboot xargs
dmstats lpinfo rebranch xauth
dm-tool lpmove redshift xclip
dnsdomainname lpoptions redshift-gtk xclip-copyfile
docker lpq reject xclip-cutfile
dockerd lpr remaster xclip-pastefile
domainname lprm rename xdg-desktop-icon
dosfsck lpstat renice xdg-desktop-menu
dosfslabel ls reset xdg-email
du lsattr resize xdg-icon-resource
dumpe2fs lsblk resize2fs xdg-mime
dumpkeys lscpu resizecons xdg-open
e2freefrag lsipc resizepart xdg-screensaver
e2fsck lslocks resolvconf xdg-settings
e2image lslogins resolvectl Xephyr
e2label lsmem rev Xfbdev
e2mmpstatus lsmod rfkill xinput
e2undo lsns rg xlsclients
e4crypt lvchange rm Xnest
e4defrag lvconvert rmdir Xorg
ebrowse lvcreate rmmod xprop
ebtables-compat lvdisplay rnano xrandr
echo lvextend route xrdb
eddystone lvm routef xset
egrep lvmconf routel xsetroot
eject lvmconfig rpcgen xsubpp
emacs lvmdiskscan rsync xtables-compat-multi
emacs-26.1 lvmdump rtacct xtables-multi
emacsclient lvmsadc rtcwake xterm
emacseditor lvmsar rtkitctl xtrace
enc2xs lvreduce rtlfw Xvfb
encguess lvremove rtmon xz
env lvrename rtpr xzcat
esdcompat lvresize rtstat xzcmp
etags lvs runcon xzdec
expand lvscan runlevel xzdiff
expiry lzcat runuser xzegrep
expr lzcmp scotest xzfgrep
factor lzdiff scp xzgrep
faillog lzegrep screendump xzless
fallocate lzfgrep script xzmore
false lzgrep scriptor yes
fatlabel lzless scriptreplay ypdomainname
fc-cache lzma sdiff zcat
fc-cat lzmadec sed zcmp
fc-list lzmainfo seq zdb
fc-match lzmore seq2bseq zdiff
fc-pattern machinectl setarch zdump
fc-query make-bcache setcap zed
fc-scan makedb setfacl zegrep
fc-validate makeinfo setfattr zfgrep
fdformat man setfont zforce
fdisk mandb setkeycodes zfs
fgconsole manpath setleds zgenhostid
fgrep mapscrn setlogcons zgrep
file mcaptest setmetamode zhack
filefrag mcookie setpalette zic
fincore md5sum setsid zinject
find mdadm setterm zipdetails
findfs mdmon setvesablank zless
findmnt mesg setvtrgb zmore
firefox mk_cmds setxkbmap znew
flock mkdir sfdisk zpios
fmt mkdosfs sftp zpool
fold mke2fs sg zramctl
free mkfifo sh zsh
fsadm mkfs sha1sum zsh-5.6.2
fsck mkfs.bfs sha224sum zstreamdump
fsck.cramfs mkfs.cramfs sha256sum ztest
fsck.ext2 mkfs.ext2 sha384sum
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