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Third lecture 159.707

Third lecture 159.707

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<span style="font-size: .2em; color: #c00;">Design Patterns in Modern Web Applications (coffeescript, backbone, node.js) </span>
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<h2>159.707 Advanced Software Design and Construction</h2>
<li><strike>25 Feb: Component Evolution (Graham’s thesis) and recent industry experience </strike></li>
<li><strike>4 March: Dynamic typing case study (Ruby), Convention over Configuration (RubyOnRails)</strike></li>
<li>11 March: Design Patterns in Modern Web Applications (coffeescript, backbone, node.js)</li>
<li>18 March: Architecture, refurbishing/replacing legacy systems </li>
<li> 1 April: Agile Methodologies (SCRUM , Kanban) </li>
<li> 8 April: Data visualisation with D3 </li>
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<li>Promises (if we have time)</li>
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#But First
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1. rails app
2. deployed to heroku
3. services layer (JSON API)
4. some backbone.js frontend (does not have to be entirely backbone)
Code must be available on Github, (if you ask github will let students have private repositories).
A basic non-trivial site will get you a decent mark (there are loads of "Rails Blog in 10 minutes" tutorials out there)
Bonus points for
1. interesting
2. useful
3. Google Analytics Integration showing more than 1000 unique visitors
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#AKA Why we should thank Jeremy Ashkenas
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> Underneath that awkward Java-esque patina, JavaScript has always had a gorgeous heart. CoffeeScript is an attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way. -- **
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Created by [Jeremy Ashkenas]( (creator of underscore.js and backbone.js) in 2009, to make Javascript simplier and more readable. It takes inspiration from [Ruby](, Python and Haskell.
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* Massive uptake, in part because of its inclusion in Ruby on Rails since version 3.1.
* It has also had upstream affects on Javascript, where [Brendan Eich]( (creator of Javascript) has proposed CoffeeScript-like changes for future JavaScript versions ([here](
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> The golden rule of CoffeeScript is: "It's just JavaScript" -- **
* CoffeeScript is just a prettier JavaScript.
* What you get from CoffeeScript is smaller (up to 1/3) more readable JavaScript code.
* It takes the core elements of JavaScript and finds a better way of writing it.
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> I don't want to write in CoffeeScript and debug in JavaScript
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##Getting Started
1. Going to []( and clicking **Try CoffeeScript** at the top.
2. Include CoffeeScript in the browser with `<script src=""></script>` then wrap code in `<script type="text/coffeescript"></script>` tags.
3. Install the CoffeeScript console with Node.js and npm with `npm -g install coffee-script` then run it with `coffee`.
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1. *functions*
2. *whitespace*
3. *classes*.
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##Syntax - Functions
times_two = (x) -> x*2
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##Syntax - Functions
times_two = (x) -> x*2
1. no default global scope
2. move input `x` to output `x*2`
3. auto returns last value
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##Syntax - Functions
times_two = (x) -> x*2
var times_two;
times_two = function(x) {
return x * 2;
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##Syntax - Functions
log = -> console.log arguments
will compile to the JavaScript:
var log;
log = function() {
return console.log(arguments);
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##Syntax - Whitespace
fn = (x) ->
x += 2
x *= 4
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##Syntax - Whitespace
for num in [1..10]
if num % 2 == 0
console.log "#{num} is even"
console.log "#{num} is odd"
var num, _i;
for (num = _i = 1; _i <= 10; num = ++_i) {
if (num % 2 === 0) {
console.log("" + num + " is even");
} else {
console.log("" + num + " is odd");
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##Syntax - Classes
*'[What's the best way to define a class in JavaScript?]('*
> likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion
Ruby, Java, C#, PHP ... have a `class` keyword, JavaScript doesn't but CoffeeScript does
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##Syntax - Classes
class Person
constructor: (@name) ->
hello: ->
console.log "Hello #{@name}"
*Note: `@` is short for `this.`, and `(@name) ->` is short for `(name) -> @name = name`.*
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##Syntax - Classes
var Person;
Person = (function() {
function Person(name) { = name;
Person.prototype.hello = function() {
return console.log("Hello " +;
return Person;
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#CoffeeScript *Live Demo*
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There is a bunch of other cool things
1. list comprehensions
2. readable `for` loops
3. array slicing
4. splats...
But you just need to start writing it!
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Backbone.js is a lightweight Model View Controller (**MVC**) JavaScript library.
> You call a libraries code, a framework calls your code
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##MVC Pattern
1. Model (What it is)
2. View (how you see it)
3. Router, ummm... Controller (the interaction between views and models)
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##What problem does it solve?
Organises code (which is typically JQuery soup) into layers
**Let me tell you about JQuery soup and on document load...**
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Heavy weight Framework -- maintained by google
Uses custom HTML tags to define views
Tries to entirely remove DOM manipulation by declaritivly binding variables to HTML elements
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Middle weight Framework -- created by Yehuda Katz (Rails Committer)
Opinionated (like Rails) using best conventions
DOM manipulation through Handlebars.js templates
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featherweight library -- created by Jeremy Ashkenas (CoffeeScript)
Pick a piece (I typically use views) use it independently of other pieces
Very Basic with many extensions to help
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The best thing about Backbone Views **EVENTS**
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class ListView extends Backbone.View
el: 'body'
'click li' : 'clicked'
clicked: ->
console.log 'Hi, View!'
initialize: ->
render: ->
$(@el).html '<ul><li>Hello, Backbone!</li></ul>'
lv = new ListView()
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The best thing about Backbone Models **EVENTS**
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class TestObject extends Backbone.Model
urlRoot: "/models"
to = new TestObject({id: 1})
to.on('change:content', -> update_view())
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The best thing about Backbone Collections **EVENTS**
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class TestCollection extends Backbone.Collection
url: -> "/models"
model: TestObject
tc = new TestCollection()
tc.on('add', -> update_views())
to = tc.get(1)
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The best thing about Backbone Routers: **ROUTING EVENTS**
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class TestRouter extends Backbone.Router
'' : 'render_index_views'
'blog' : 'render_blog_views'
'post/:id' : 'render_post_view'
render_index_views: ->
render_blog_views: ->
render_post_view: (id) ->
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1. Marionette.js : The best thing since Backbone, helps remove many of the boilerplate View code
2. Backbone-relational.js : Helps define relationships between models
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Created in 2011 by Ryan Dahl ()
1. Server side Javascript
2. non-blocking IO -- using Javascript callbacks
3. Google V8 for speed
4. Includes HTTP server, so no fuss
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#Live Node.js Demo [](
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<h2>Graham Jenson</h2>
<li>Twitter: <strong>@grahamjenson</strong> </li>
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