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Created January 2, 2017 20:09
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My first experiment with chyves. Hit and miss.
$ date
Mon 2 Jan 2017 19:45:04 GMT
$ chyves wine-staging hpelitebook850g2 install
No pools configured.
Run setup to install chyves dataset on a pool.
Critical error detected. Exiting for following reason:
No seriously, run 'chyves dataset <ZFS-pool-name> install'
$ chyves dataset hpelitebook850g2 install
No pools configured.
Run setup to install chyves dataset on a pool.
Critical error detected. Exiting for following reason:
'' command requires root credentials!
$ sudo chyves dataset hpelitebook850g2 install
No pools configured.
Run setup to install chyves dataset on a pool.
Setting up chyves on hpelitebook850g2...
Setting manual property 'creation' to value: 'Dataset originally created on Mon 2 Jan 2017 19:47:37 GMT by chyves v0.2.0 2016/09/11 using dataset version 0005'
Setting manual property 'dataset_version' to value: '0005'
Setting manual property 'dataset_role' to value: 'primary'
Creating compressed log dataset
Creating ISO and Firmware resource datasets...
Creating guest defaults dataset and properties...
Setting defaults property 'bargs' to value: '-A -H -P -S'
Setting defaults property 'bhyveload_flags' to value: ''
Setting defaults property 'bhyve_disk_type' to value: 'ahci-hd'
Setting defaults property 'bhyve_net_type' to value: 'virtio-net'
Setting defaults property 'bridge' to value: 'bridge0'
Setting defaults property 'cpu' to value: '1'
Setting defaults property 'disk_volmode' to value: 'dev'
Setting defaults property 'disk_volblocksize' to value: '512'
Setting defaults property 'disk_dedup' to value: 'inherit'
Setting defaults property 'disk_compression' to value: 'inherit'
Setting defaults property 'disk_primarycache' to value: 'inherit'
Setting defaults property 'disk_secondarycache' to value: 'inherit'
Setting defaults property 'loader' to value: 'bhyveload'
Setting defaults property 'os' to value: 'default'
Setting defaults property 'ram' to value: '256M'
Setting defaults property 'rcboot' to value: '0'
Setting defaults property 'revert_to_snapshot' to value: ''
Setting defaults property 'revert_to_snapshot_method' to value: 'off'
Setting defaults property 'size' to value: '8G'
Setting defaults property 'template' to value: 'no'
Setting defaults property 'uefi_console_output' to value: 'serial'
Setting defaults property 'uefi_firmware' to value: '-'
Setting defaults property 'uefi_vnc_client' to value: 'print'
Setting defaults property 'uefi_vnc_ip' to value: ''
Setting defaults property 'uefi_vnc_mouse_type' to value: 'ps2'
Setting defaults property 'uefi_vnc_pause_until_client_connect' to value: 'no'
Setting defaults property 'uefi_vnc_res' to value: '800x600'
Setting up global properties on primary pool...
Setting global property 'auto_load_kernel_mods' to value: 'yes'
Setting global property 'check_for_updates' to value: 'weekly'
Setting global property 'check_for_updates_timeout_seconds' to value: '2'
Setting global property 'check_for_updates_last_check' to value: '20170102'
Setting global property 'check_for_updates_last_check_status' to value: '0'
Setting global property 'check_for_updates_unique_id' to value: '504acaaf-d124-11e6-9753-5820b1d8f966'
Setting global property 'console_start_offset' to value: '50'
Setting global property 'consolidate_bhyve_pci_devices' to value: 'no'
Setting global property 'default_clone_flag' to value: '-iu'
Setting global property 'default_info_flags' to value: '-h'
Setting global property 'default_list_flags' to value: '-skdp'
Setting global property 'dev_mode' to value: 'off'
Setting global property 'eject_iso_on_n_reboot' to value: '1'
Setting global property 'network_design_mode' to value: 'auto'
Setting global property 'log_mode' to value: 'dual'
Setting global property 'log_to_file' to value: 'yes'
Setting global property 'restrict_new_property_names' to value: 'on'
Setting global property 'stdout_level' to value: '2'
Setting global property 'tap_start_offset' to value: '50'
Setting global property 'tap_up_by_default' to value: 'yes'
Setting global property 'vlan_iface_base_name' to value: 'vlan'
Setting global property 'uefi_vnc_port_start_offset' to value: '5900'
Saving global settings as a snapshot
Creating null.iso for UEFI use...
Importing null.iso into ISO resources...
Creating ZFS dataset: hpelitebook850g2/chyves/ISO/null.iso
Copying null.iso from /tmp/null.iso to /chyves/hpelitebook850g2/ISO/null.iso/
null.iso successfully imported as a chyves ISO resource.
Done setting up primary pool: hpelitebook850g2
$ zfs list | grep chyves
hpelitebook850g2/chyves 636K 597G 96K /chyves/hpelitebook850g2
hpelitebook850g2/chyves/.config 96K 597G 96K /chyves/hpelitebook850g2/.config
hpelitebook850g2/chyves/Firmware 88K 597G 88K /chyves/hpelitebook850g2/Firmware
hpelitebook850g2/chyves/ISO 176K 597G 88K /chyves/hpelitebook850g2/ISO
hpelitebook850g2/chyves/ISO/null.iso 88K 597G 88K /chyves/hpelitebook850g2/ISO/null.iso
hpelitebook850g2/chyves/guests 92K 597G 92K /chyves/hpelitebook850g2/guests
hpelitebook850g2/chyves/logs 88K 597G 88K /chyves/hpelitebook850g2/logs
$ chyves wine-staging create 6G hpelitebook850g2
kldload: can't load if_tap: Operation not permitted
Critical error detected. Exiting for following reason:
Kernel module 'if_tap' not loaded. Run 'chyves setup kmod=1'
$ chyves setup kmod=1
kldload: can't load if_tap: Operation not permitted
Critical error detected. Exiting for following reason:
Kernel module 'if_tap' not loaded. Run 'chyves setup kmod=1'
$ sudo chyves setup kmod=1
Critical error detected. Exiting for following reason:
Invalid guest name setup supplied.
$ chyves wine-staging create 6G hpelitebook850g2
Critical error detected. Exiting for following reason:
'' command requires root credentials!
$ sudo chyves wine-staging create 6G hpelitebook850g2
Creating wine-staging...
Creating dataset on hpelitebook850g2
Creating log dataset with compression turned on.
Creating raw image dataset: hpelitebook850g2/chyves/guests/wine-staging/img
Creating 6G disk0 with options: -o volmode=dev -o volblocksize=512
Setting guest properties:
Setting guest property 'bargs' to value: '-A -H -P -S' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'bhyveload_flags' to value: '' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'bhyve_disk_type' to value: 'ahci-hd' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'bhyve_net_type' to value: 'virtio-net' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'chyves_guest_version' to value: '0300' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'cpu' to value: '1' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'creation' to value: 'Created on Mon 2 Jan 2017 19:50:33 GMT by chyves v0.2.0 2016/09/11 using __create()' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'description' to value: '-' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'loader' to value: 'bhyveload' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'net_ifaces' to value: 'tap50' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'notes' to value: '-' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'os' to value: 'default' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'ram' to value: '256M' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'rcboot' to value: '0' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'revert_to_snapshot' to value: '' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'revert_to_snapshot_method' to value: 'off' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'serial' to value: 'nmdm50' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'template' to value: 'no' for guest wine-staging
Setting guest property 'uuid' to value: 'b86dc96e-d124-11e6-9753-5820b1d8f966' for guest wine-staging
Adding tap50 to bridge0
Setting global property 'bridge0_tap_members' to value: 'tap50'
tap50 does not exist on system... creating interface... done.
bridge0 does not exist on system... creating interface... done.
Adding 'tap50' as a member of 'bridge0'... done.
wine-staging created.
$ sudo chyves ghostbsd create 40G hpelitebook850g2
Creating ghostbsd...
Creating dataset on hpelitebook850g2
Creating log dataset with compression turned on.
Creating raw image dataset: hpelitebook850g2/chyves/guests/ghostbsd/img
Creating 40G disk0 with options: -o volmode=dev -o volblocksize=512
Setting guest properties:
Setting guest property 'bargs' to value: '-A -H -P -S' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'bhyveload_flags' to value: '' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'bhyve_disk_type' to value: 'ahci-hd' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'bhyve_net_type' to value: 'virtio-net' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'chyves_guest_version' to value: '0300' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'cpu' to value: '1' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'creation' to value: 'Created on Mon 2 Jan 2017 19:52:53 GMT by chyves v0.2.0 2016/09/11 using __create()' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'description' to value: '-' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'loader' to value: 'bhyveload' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'net_ifaces' to value: 'tap51' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'notes' to value: '-' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'os' to value: 'default' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'ram' to value: '256M' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'rcboot' to value: '0' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'revert_to_snapshot' to value: '' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'revert_to_snapshot_method' to value: 'off' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'serial' to value: 'nmdm51' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'template' to value: 'no' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'uuid' to value: '0b842c91-d125-11e6-9753-5820b1d8f966' for guest ghostbsd
Adding tap51 to bridge0
Setting global property 'bridge0_tap_members' to value: 'tap50,tap51'
tap51 does not exist on system... creating interface... done.
Adding 'tap51' as a member of 'bridge0'... done.
ghostbsd created.
$ sudo chyves ghostbsd /var/tmp/GhostBSD10.3-RELEASE-20160829-214135-mate-amd64.iso
chyves v0.2.0 2016/09/11
chyves branch: 'master'
chyves dataset version: 0005
chyves guest version: 0300
FreeBSD commit: r
FreeBSD version revision: 1200018
chyves dataset <pool> {install|upgrade}
chyves dev
chyves {firmware|iso} list
chyves {firmware|iso} import {http-URL|ftp-URL|local-path}
chyves {firmware|iso} rename <resource> <new-resource-name>
chyves {firmware|iso} delete <resource>
chyves <guest> clone <clonenames>|MG [-ce|-cu|-ie|-iu] [<pool>]
chyves <guest> console
chyves <guest>|MG|all console {reset|tmux|vnc}
chyves <guest>|MG create [<size>] [<pool>]
chyves <guest>|MG|all delete [force|keepnet]
chyves <guest> disk add [<size>]
chyves <guest> disk disk{n} {description|notes} <annotation>
chyves <guest> disk delete disk{n}
chyves <guest> disk resize disk{n} <new-size>
chyves <guest> disk list
chyves <guest> get {<property>|all}
chyves <guest>|MG|all reclaim
chyves <guest> rename <new-guest-name>
chyves <guest>|MG|global|defaults|all set <prop1>=<value>...
chyves <guest> snapshot [<@snapshotname>]
chyves <guest> snapshot list
chyves <guest> snapshot delete <@snapshotname>
chyves <guest> snapshot rollback [<@snapshotname>]
chyves <guest>|MG|all start [<iso>]
chyves <guest>|MG|all stop [force]
chyves <guest>|MG|all upgrade
chyves <guest>|MG|all unset <property>
chyves help
chyves info [-zbprvstcudnakwl|-h]
chyves list [bridges|clones|defaults|disks|firmware|iso|pools|
chyves list global [<pool>|primary]
chyves list {processes|snapshots} [<guest>]
chyves list tap active
chyves network <guest> add {tap|tap{n}|vale{n}}
chyves network <guest> add {tap|tap{n}} [bridge{n}]
chyves network <guest> remove {tap{n}|vale{n}}
chyves network bridge{n} attach {vlan-iface{n}|physical-iface{n}}
chyves network bridge{n} {default|private}
chyves network bridge{n} {join|unjoin} tap{n}
chyves network bridge{n} migrate bridge{n}
chyves upgrade [master|dev|check]
chyves version
The following syntax nomenclature is used above:
subcommand - Required text, exactly as shown.
[subcommand] - Optional text, exactly as shown.
<user-input> - User supplied input field. Required when not contain in [ ].
{n} - A whole number. Context determines valid range.
... - Repeating as many iterations as desired, follows the same
preceding syntax pattern.
| - Separates options in a list.
[optional|list] - An optional field, list of valid options. "" meaning
literally no input is also an option with these lists.
{require|list} - A required field, list of valid options.
$null - '', meaning literally no input.
[-abcdefg] - An optional flag field but must start with a '-' and
followed by any combination, in any order. Eg. '-gca'
<guest> - chyves guest name
<pool> - ZFS pool. The word "primary" can be used to specify the
primary pool.
<size> - Whole number with a size suffix in kilobytes (K), megabytes
(M), gigabytes (G), or terabytes (T).
<iso> - ISO resource name
<firmware> - UEFI firmware resource name
MG - Multiple guests can be given using commas. The word "all"
can be used to indicate all guests for these commands.
Critical error detected. Exiting for following reason:
Unrecognized command: ghostbsd
$ sudo chyves ghostbsd install /var/tmp/GhostBSD10.3-RELEASE-20160829-214135-mate-amd64.iso
chyves v0.2.0 2016/09/11
chyves branch: 'master'
chyves dataset version: 0005
chyves guest version: 0300
FreeBSD commit: r
FreeBSD version revision: 1200018
chyves dataset <pool> {install|upgrade}
chyves dev
chyves {firmware|iso} list
chyves {firmware|iso} import {http-URL|ftp-URL|local-path}
chyves {firmware|iso} rename <resource> <new-resource-name>
chyves {firmware|iso} delete <resource>
chyves <guest> clone <clonenames>|MG [-ce|-cu|-ie|-iu] [<pool>]
chyves <guest> console
chyves <guest>|MG|all console {reset|tmux|vnc}
chyves <guest>|MG create [<size>] [<pool>]
chyves <guest>|MG|all delete [force|keepnet]
chyves <guest> disk add [<size>]
chyves <guest> disk disk{n} {description|notes} <annotation>
chyves <guest> disk delete disk{n}
chyves <guest> disk resize disk{n} <new-size>
chyves <guest> disk list
chyves <guest> get {<property>|all}
chyves <guest>|MG|all reclaim
chyves <guest> rename <new-guest-name>
chyves <guest>|MG|global|defaults|all set <prop1>=<value>...
chyves <guest> snapshot [<@snapshotname>]
chyves <guest> snapshot list
chyves <guest> snapshot delete <@snapshotname>
chyves <guest> snapshot rollback [<@snapshotname>]
chyves <guest>|MG|all start [<iso>]
chyves <guest>|MG|all stop [force]
chyves <guest>|MG|all upgrade
chyves <guest>|MG|all unset <property>
chyves help
chyves info [-zbprvstcudnakwl|-h]
chyves list [bridges|clones|defaults|disks|firmware|iso|pools|
chyves list global [<pool>|primary]
chyves list {processes|snapshots} [<guest>]
chyves list tap active
chyves network <guest> add {tap|tap{n}|vale{n}}
chyves network <guest> add {tap|tap{n}} [bridge{n}]
chyves network <guest> remove {tap{n}|vale{n}}
chyves network bridge{n} attach {vlan-iface{n}|physical-iface{n}}
chyves network bridge{n} {default|private}
chyves network bridge{n} {join|unjoin} tap{n}
chyves network bridge{n} migrate bridge{n}
chyves upgrade [master|dev|check]
chyves version
The following syntax nomenclature is used above:
subcommand - Required text, exactly as shown.
[subcommand] - Optional text, exactly as shown.
<user-input> - User supplied input field. Required when not contain in [ ].
{n} - A whole number. Context determines valid range.
... - Repeating as many iterations as desired, follows the same
preceding syntax pattern.
| - Separates options in a list.
[optional|list] - An optional field, list of valid options. "" meaning
literally no input is also an option with these lists.
{require|list} - A required field, list of valid options.
$null - '', meaning literally no input.
[-abcdefg] - An optional flag field but must start with a '-' and
followed by any combination, in any order. Eg. '-gca'
<guest> - chyves guest name
<pool> - ZFS pool. The word "primary" can be used to specify the
primary pool.
<size> - Whole number with a size suffix in kilobytes (K), megabytes
(M), gigabytes (G), or terabytes (T).
<iso> - ISO resource name
<firmware> - UEFI firmware resource name
MG - Multiple guests can be given using commas. The word "all"
can be used to indicate all guests for these commands.
Critical error detected. Exiting for following reason:
Unrecognized command: ghostbsd
$ sudo chyves ghostbsd delete
[WARNING] Do you want to delete guest: 'ghostbsd' [y/N]? y
Removing tap interfaces from ghostbsd
Setting global property 'bridge0_tap_members' to value: 'tap50'
Removing 'tap51' as a member of 'bridge0'... done.
Setting guest property 'net_ifaces' to value: '-' for guest ghostbsd
Deleting guest: 'ghostbsd'...done.
$ sudo chyves ghostbsd install /var/tmp/GhostBSD10.3-RELEASE-20160829-214135-mate-amd64.iso
Critical error detected. Exiting for following reason:
Invalid guest name ghostbsd supplied.
$ sudo chyves ghostbsd create 40G hpelitebook850g2
Creating ghostbsd...
Creating dataset on hpelitebook850g2
Creating log dataset with compression turned on.
Creating raw image dataset: hpelitebook850g2/chyves/guests/ghostbsd/img
Creating 40G disk0 with options: -o volmode=dev -o volblocksize=512
Setting guest properties:
Setting guest property 'bargs' to value: '-A -H -P -S' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'bhyveload_flags' to value: '' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'bhyve_disk_type' to value: 'ahci-hd' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'bhyve_net_type' to value: 'virtio-net' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'chyves_guest_version' to value: '0300' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'cpu' to value: '1' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'creation' to value: 'Created on Mon 2 Jan 2017 19:55:47 GMT by chyves v0.2.0 2016/09/11 using __create()' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'description' to value: '-' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'loader' to value: 'bhyveload' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'net_ifaces' to value: 'tap51' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'notes' to value: '-' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'os' to value: 'default' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'ram' to value: '256M' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'rcboot' to value: '0' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'revert_to_snapshot' to value: '' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'revert_to_snapshot_method' to value: 'off' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'serial' to value: 'nmdm51' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'template' to value: 'no' for guest ghostbsd
Setting guest property 'uuid' to value: '7398f744-d125-11e6-9753-5820b1d8f966' for guest ghostbsd
Adding tap51 to bridge0
Setting global property 'bridge0_tap_members' to value: 'tap50,tap51'
Adding 'tap51' as a member of 'bridge0'... done.
ghostbsd created.
$ chyves ghostbsd install /var/tmp/GhostBSD10.3-RELEASE-20160829-214135-mate-amd64.iso
chyves v0.2.0 2016/09/11
chyves branch: 'master'
chyves dataset version: 0005
chyves guest version: 0300
FreeBSD commit: r
FreeBSD version revision: 1200018
chyves dataset <pool> {install|upgrade}
chyves dev
chyves {firmware|iso} list
chyves {firmware|iso} import {http-URL|ftp-URL|local-path}
chyves {firmware|iso} rename <resource> <new-resource-name>
chyves {firmware|iso} delete <resource>
chyves <guest> clone <clonenames>|MG [-ce|-cu|-ie|-iu] [<pool>]
chyves <guest> console
chyves <guest>|MG|all console {reset|tmux|vnc}
chyves <guest>|MG create [<size>] [<pool>]
chyves <guest>|MG|all delete [force|keepnet]
chyves <guest> disk add [<size>]
chyves <guest> disk disk{n} {description|notes} <annotation>
chyves <guest> disk delete disk{n}
chyves <guest> disk resize disk{n} <new-size>
chyves <guest> disk list
chyves <guest> get {<property>|all}
chyves <guest>|MG|all reclaim
chyves <guest> rename <new-guest-name>
chyves <guest>|MG|global|defaults|all set <prop1>=<value>...
chyves <guest> snapshot [<@snapshotname>]
chyves <guest> snapshot list
chyves <guest> snapshot delete <@snapshotname>
chyves <guest> snapshot rollback [<@snapshotname>]
chyves <guest>|MG|all start [<iso>]
chyves <guest>|MG|all stop [force]
chyves <guest>|MG|all upgrade
chyves <guest>|MG|all unset <property>
chyves help
chyves info [-zbprvstcudnakwl|-h]
chyves list [bridges|clones|defaults|disks|firmware|iso|pools|
chyves list global [<pool>|primary]
chyves list {processes|snapshots} [<guest>]
chyves list tap active
chyves network <guest> add {tap|tap{n}|vale{n}}
chyves network <guest> add {tap|tap{n}} [bridge{n}]
chyves network <guest> remove {tap{n}|vale{n}}
chyves network bridge{n} attach {vlan-iface{n}|physical-iface{n}}
chyves network bridge{n} {default|private}
chyves network bridge{n} {join|unjoin} tap{n}
chyves network bridge{n} migrate bridge{n}
chyves upgrade [master|dev|check]
chyves version
The following syntax nomenclature is used above:
subcommand - Required text, exactly as shown.
[subcommand] - Optional text, exactly as shown.
<user-input> - User supplied input field. Required when not contain in [ ].
{n} - A whole number. Context determines valid range.
... - Repeating as many iterations as desired, follows the same
preceding syntax pattern.
| - Separates options in a list.
[optional|list] - An optional field, list of valid options. "" meaning
literally no input is also an option with these lists.
{require|list} - A required field, list of valid options.
$null - '', meaning literally no input.
[-abcdefg] - An optional flag field but must start with a '-' and
followed by any combination, in any order. Eg. '-gca'
<guest> - chyves guest name
<pool> - ZFS pool. The word "primary" can be used to specify the
primary pool.
<size> - Whole number with a size suffix in kilobytes (K), megabytes
(M), gigabytes (G), or terabytes (T).
<iso> - ISO resource name
<firmware> - UEFI firmware resource name
MG - Multiple guests can be given using commas. The word "all"
can be used to indicate all guests for these commands.
Critical error detected. Exiting for following reason:
Unrecognized command: ghostbsd
$ chyves ghostbsd install FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso
chyves v0.2.0 2016/09/11
chyves branch: 'master'
chyves dataset version: 0005
chyves guest version: 0300
FreeBSD commit: r
FreeBSD version revision: 1200018
chyves dataset <pool> {install|upgrade}
chyves dev
chyves {firmware|iso} list
chyves {firmware|iso} import {http-URL|ftp-URL|local-path}
chyves {firmware|iso} rename <resource> <new-resource-name>
chyves {firmware|iso} delete <resource>
chyves <guest> clone <clonenames>|MG [-ce|-cu|-ie|-iu] [<pool>]
chyves <guest> console
chyves <guest>|MG|all console {reset|tmux|vnc}
chyves <guest>|MG create [<size>] [<pool>]
chyves <guest>|MG|all delete [force|keepnet]
chyves <guest> disk add [<size>]
chyves <guest> disk disk{n} {description|notes} <annotation>
chyves <guest> disk delete disk{n}
chyves <guest> disk resize disk{n} <new-size>
chyves <guest> disk list
chyves <guest> get {<property>|all}
chyves <guest>|MG|all reclaim
chyves <guest> rename <new-guest-name>
chyves <guest>|MG|global|defaults|all set <prop1>=<value>...
chyves <guest> snapshot [<@snapshotname>]
chyves <guest> snapshot list
chyves <guest> snapshot delete <@snapshotname>
chyves <guest> snapshot rollback [<@snapshotname>]
chyves <guest>|MG|all start [<iso>]
chyves <guest>|MG|all stop [force]
chyves <guest>|MG|all upgrade
chyves <guest>|MG|all unset <property>
chyves help
chyves info [-zbprvstcudnakwl|-h]
chyves list [bridges|clones|defaults|disks|firmware|iso|pools|
chyves list global [<pool>|primary]
chyves list {processes|snapshots} [<guest>]
chyves list tap active
chyves network <guest> add {tap|tap{n}|vale{n}}
chyves network <guest> add {tap|tap{n}} [bridge{n}]
chyves network <guest> remove {tap{n}|vale{n}}
chyves network bridge{n} attach {vlan-iface{n}|physical-iface{n}}
chyves network bridge{n} {default|private}
chyves network bridge{n} {join|unjoin} tap{n}
chyves network bridge{n} migrate bridge{n}
chyves upgrade [master|dev|check]
chyves version
The following syntax nomenclature is used above:
subcommand - Required text, exactly as shown.
[subcommand] - Optional text, exactly as shown.
<user-input> - User supplied input field. Required when not contain in [ ].
{n} - A whole number. Context determines valid range.
... - Repeating as many iterations as desired, follows the same
preceding syntax pattern.
| - Separates options in a list.
[optional|list] - An optional field, list of valid options. "" meaning
literally no input is also an option with these lists.
{require|list} - A required field, list of valid options.
$null - '', meaning literally no input.
[-abcdefg] - An optional flag field but must start with a '-' and
followed by any combination, in any order. Eg. '-gca'
<guest> - chyves guest name
<pool> - ZFS pool. The word "primary" can be used to specify the
primary pool.
<size> - Whole number with a size suffix in kilobytes (K), megabytes
(M), gigabytes (G), or terabytes (T).
<iso> - ISO resource name
<firmware> - UEFI firmware resource name
MG - Multiple guests can be given using commas. The word "all"
can be used to indicate all guests for these commands.
Critical error detected. Exiting for following reason:
Unrecognized command: ghostbsd
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