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  • Save grahamperrin/e757b7bb7f127bfb009c11d1a55f849c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Don't be alarmed by the multiple matches – it's almost certain that there are duplicates and triplicates in my bookmarks.
Now let's see how a thumbnail appears for:
(For the curious: `D|l` is my abbreviation for Diigo: library.)
Now, I'll wait … let's say, ten seconds after the blinking i-beam appears in the search field of Conex before pasting that search phrase …
That was the result of me experimentally right-clicking on a dividing area within the search results. Again, I'll right-click (wondering whether it should offer to close/disclose the subset of results that are in history; whether I can focus on e.g. bookmarks alone)
(Reloading without cache because Firefox sometimes represents content that is DAYS out of date.)
Yep. There, I think, is the randomness that partly caused me to begin recording the screen.
More than a thousand tabs, ignore the 'loaded' number (a minor issue with the Tab Tally extension – the truth is probably less than twenty loaded). So I expect slowness, and enjoy the exaggeration that can help developers to view issues such as these :-)
Let's take a look at database sizes …
## Cosmetic bug
The wording for a found bookmark should probably be something other than 'switch to group' …
Oops, that was meant to be a right-click (not a click).
Again, don't be alarmed by the multiple matches. I probably do have quadruplicates. (Did I just make up that word?)
(Note to self: the ones with exclamation marks at the tails are certainly outdated. Why be alarmed or excited by a bookmarklet? Calm DOWN, LastPass.)
Now, that bookmark has at least a favicon. I wonder where Firefox stores thumbnails.
… I wonder, I hope not, 'cause I don't want to lose that large file if there's a problem with the database.
(Note to self: a minute or so ago I followed the on-screen hint to … what was it? 'enter to expand…')
## Possible bug: is the word 'group' misused to describe a container?
Echoes of …
(That's the icon for my 'mobile' container, which I use to help test the new look (AMO).)
Oops, careless clicks at 03:32 in the morning. Exclamation mark. Calm down, LastPass; calm down, Graham.
Now, that rarely used word:
Someone might wish to use tags in Firefox bookmarks (I don't, because I use Diigo for most of my bookmarking). So there'll be the wish to seek tags …
Incidentally I'm rushing things, pasting before the menu is ready. Intentionally pushing it.
Long enough for that page to be thumbnailed by Firefox? I wonder …
Was my recent visit to this Framasphere* stream page more than six/seven minutes ago? I guess so, but I'll not be certain until after this screen recording ends. (Note to self: speed it up in VLC Media Player.)
Again, oops, I meant to right-click, not click.
Note to self: find something that will allow clicks and right-clicks to be visible in screen recordings.
Still no match for:
3: F
I'm gonna rename that bookmark (not losing its third place, which allows me to use a keyboard shortcut). Something close to unique. Let's try:
It's official. Well, I reckon so. At least one of my databases might be fucked up :-)
Really, FreeBSD? The phrase 'burp' appears there?
That was me **expecting** a <kbd>Control</kbd>-<kbd>Click</kbd> to present a context menu for a result in the Conex window. And …
… that's probably **exactly** why a few weeks ago I toyed with the idea of a bundled web page.
Let's retry a search expression that I'm almost certain worked for me, earlier:
A nicely refined history, at least.
Really? I doubt that the word 'fart' appears on a teeth whitening page :-)
That was, yeah, me rushing the paste into the search field. Time for the cut-and-paste workaround to refine results in history.
Not the best example, but I might fart myself laughing to end this screen recording.
Enjoy, Daniel. This lot might keep you going until some time in 2018 … by which time I'll be using something for groups that's not based on containers :-) but I'm delighted to be helping you in the meantime.
Change of mind: I'll end this recording with a test of a new profile.
Oh that's OK, it's experimental. Proper to not find it at `about:addons`.
Side note: should be under privacy, not generalised under 'General'; I have a screenshot of the misplacement from a few days ago.
OK, BIG note to self!
I'm uncertain about whether it's necessary for data in databases (and other files used by Firefox) to be written to permanent storage e.g. disk (in my case, using ZFS) for e.g. recently bookmarked items to be found by Conex. Like, I bookmarked the 'Firefox by default sh…' page then found it with Conex before `places.sqlite` had been modified.
Really, that long between writes to disk of that database? More than nine or ten minutes?
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