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Last active March 17, 2020 13:30
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from string import ascii_letters
from itertools import cycle
import random
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
import timeit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from itertools import product, count, chain
import multiprocessing
from uncertainties import ufloat, unumpy as unp
###TIMING functions
def get_time(func, *x, copy=False):
if copy:
x = deepcopy(x)
timer = timeit.Timer(partial(func, *x))
t = timer.repeat(repeat=5, number=3)
print(func.__name__, len(x[0]), np.min(t) / 3)
return ufloat(np.min(t) / 3, np.std(t) / 3 / np.sqrt(len(t)))
def flatten_once(it):
for x in it:
yield list(chain([x[0]], x[1]))
def get_timings_df(funcs, inputs, key=identity, star=False, doc=False, copy=False):
df = pd.DataFrame(list(map(key, inputs)), columns=["x"])
labels = [func.__name__ for func in funcs]
if doc:
labels = [func.__doc__ for func in funcs]
y = product(funcs, inputs)
if star:
y = flatten_once(y)
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=N_CPU-1) as pool:
times_result = pool.starmap_async(partial(get_time, copy=copy), y)
times = times_result.get(timeout=len(funcs) * len(inputs))
except multiprocessing.TimeoutError:
times = times_result._value
times = np.array(times).reshape(len(funcs), -1)
for label, t in zip(labels, times):
df[label] = t
return df
def plot_times(funcs, inputs, key=identity, xlabel="x", ylabel="Time [s]", logx=False, logy=False, star=False, ratio=False, doc=False, copy=False, fmt='o-'):
df = get_timings_df(funcs, inputs, key, star, doc, copy)
for label in df.columns[1:]:
x, y = df["x"], df[label]
if ratio:
y = y / df.T.iloc[1]
plt.errorbar(x, unp.nominal_values(y), unp.std_devs(y), fmt=fmt, label=label)
if ratio:
ylabel = "Time / Time of {}".format(df.columns[1])
if logx:
if logy:
### Functions to test
def push_nepnep(list_):
def find_current_element(list_, from_):
for i in range(from_+1, len(list_)):
if list_[i] != " ":
return i
return None
list_ = list_[::-1]
good_index = list_.index(" ")
current_element_index = find_current_element(list_, 0)
while(current_element_index is not None):
for i in range(good_index, len(list_)):
if list_[i] != " ":
list_[good_index], list_[i] = list_[i], " "
good_index += 1
current_element_index = find_current_element(list_, current_element_index)
return reversed(list_)
def push_nepnep_(x):
return list(x)
def push_heap_overflow(x):
x.sort(key=" ".__ne__)
return x
def is_empty(x):
return x == " "
def find_nonempty(values, is_empty):
for i in reversed(range(len(values))):
if not is_empty(values[i]):
yield i
def push_peilonrayz(values, is_empty):
good_index = len(values) - 1
for i in find_nonempty(values, is_empty):
values[i], values[good_index] = values[good_index], values[i]
good_index -= 1
def push_peilonrayz_(x):
push_peilonrayz(x, is_empty)
return x
def push_peilonrayz2(values, is_empty):
return (
[v for v in values if is_empty(v)]
+ [v for v in values if not is_empty(v)]
def push_peilonrayz2_(x):
return push_peilonrayz2(x, is_empty)
def empty_first(it):
buffer = []
for x in it:
if x == " ":
yield x
yield from buffer
def empty_first_(x):
return list(empty_first(x))
def push_opus(y):
return reduce(lambda xs, x: xs + [x] if x.strip() != "" else [x] + xs, y, [])
alphabet = cycle(ascii_letters)
x = [[" " if random.random() > 0.5 else next(alphabet) for _ in range(n)] for n in np.logspace(1, 7, dtype=int)]
plot_times([push_nepnep_, push_heap_overflow, push_peilonrayz_, push_peilonrayz2_, empty_first_, push_opus], x, key=len, logx=True, logy=True, xlabel="len(list_)", copy=True)
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