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Created May 9, 2020 19:32
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# NOT WORKING with python2 !!!
# inspired from
import os
import re
import yaml
# Config
root_doc_dir = 'docs'
mkdocs_yml = 'mkdocs.yml'
def sorted_nicely(l):
""" Sort the given iterable in the way that humans expect.
Modified to ignore case sensitivity in sorting. """
convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text
alphanum_key = lambda key: [
convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key.lower())]
return sorted(l, key=alphanum_key)
def prettify(title):
""" Convert a filename to a title cased, numbered title. """
title = re.split('-', re.sub('_', '-', title))
if (any(title) == False):
return ''
elif (title[0].isdigit()):
title[0] += '.'
return re.sub('\.md$', '', ' '.join(title))
def extract_title_md(md_file):
""" Return the first level 1 md title (without # and trailing newline) """
with open(md_file, "r") as f:
#text =
while ('# ' not in line):
line = f.readline()
return line.lstrip('# ').rstrip('\n')
def set_nav(nav):
""" Update the nav part in mkdocs conf file """
with open(mkdocs_yml) as f:
doc = yaml.safe_load(f)
doc['nav'] = nav
with open(mkdocs_yml, 'w') as f:
yaml.dump(doc, f)
def build_nav(path, value, recursive_list):
""" For each level in path, it builds nested list of dicts.
The value is append on the last level list regarding to the path.
recursive_list is used internally for recursivity """
while path.startswith('/'):
path = path[1:]
if len(path)==0:
# At root level, no need to build list of dicts, just append the value at root level
parts = path.split('/', 1)
current_level = parts[0]
# We need to find if our level of path is already present in the list
# If we find it, we need to keep a track of the index to be able to update the list
level_found = False
index = 0
for indx, dicts in enumerate(recursive_list):
if current_level in dicts:
index = indx
if len(parts) > 1:
# We're at an intermediary path level
# We need to pass the right existing list to the recursive call OR
# We need to create an empty node
if level_found:
dic = {}
dic[current_level] = []
branch = dic[current_level]
build_nav(parts[1], value, branch)
# We're at the lowest path level
# We need to apply our value to the right existing list OR
# We need to create to a new node with it
if level_found:
d = {}
d[current_level] = [value]
def nav_to_string(nav_list, level):
""" Print the content of the nav dictionary """
if nav_list:
for indx, dicts in enumerate(nav_list):
for title, lists in dicts.items():
indent = ''
for i in range(level+1):
indent = indent + ' '
if type(lists) is list:
print(indent + "- " + title + ":")
print(indent + "- " + title + ": " + lists)
# List all md files in the doc folder or subfolders
md_dict = {}
for paths, dirs, files in os.walk(root_doc_dir):
path = paths.strip('./')
# Ignore assets folders
# if ('asset' not in path):
md_dict[path] = []
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".md"):
# Remove empty nodes
md_dict={k: v for k, v in md_dict.items() if len(v)>0}
# print(md_dict)
for true_path in sorted_nicely(md_dict): # Iteration on all folders
# Remove root doc dir in all path in nav
nav_path=prettify(true_path.lstrip(root_doc_dir + "/"))
for filename in sorted_nicely(md_dict[true_path]):
true_pathfile = true_path + "/" + filename
pathfile = nav_path + "/" + filename
pathfile=pathfile.strip("/") # Strip leading / when at root_dir
build_nav(nav_path, nav_entry, nav_final)
# print(nav_final)
print("################## Nav ########################")
nav_to_string(nav_final, 0)
print("Nav block replaced in "+mkdocs_yml)
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Thanks for sharing, it helped me quite a bit! Using your script I encountered 2 issues, though.

  1. If there are empty markdown files (actually, if there are no lines that contain "# "), the while loop in extract_title_md turns to an infinite loop. Got it working with this hacky fix:
def extract_title_md(md_file):
    """ Return the first level 1 md title (without # and trailing newline) """
    lines = (line for line in open(md_file, "r"))
    	line = next(lines)  # prime generator
    except StopIteration:
    	# file is empty
    	return md_file.split("/")[-1].split(".md")[0]  # return plain filename
    while "# " not in line:
    	    line = next(lines)
    	except StopIteration:
    	    # file doesn't contain title
    	    return md_file.split("/")[-1].split(".md")[0]  # return plain filename
    return line.lstrip('# ').rstrip('\n')
  1. The built-in string methods str.lstrip and str.rstrip have some odd behaviour, if you actually give them a substring. From the Docstring: Signature: str.rstrip(self, chars=None, /) [...] If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead. So that means, that not only leading or trailing characters are removed, but all characters of chars that are found in str. This lead to a weird behaviour in e.g. line 128, where I exchanged the nav_path=prettify(true_path.lstrip(root_doc_dir + "/")) with a nav_path=prettify(true_path.replace(root_doc_dir + "/", "")). Not the best, but probably the quickest fix. :-)

Anyway, thanks again for sharing, hope this helps.

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