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Created June 5, 2015 16:47
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Example of using lenses. Code material for presentation on Dev2Dev 2.0 (30 of May, 2015, Krasnoyarsk)
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, Rank2Types #-}
module Main where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Monoid
import Data.List as L (insert, isInfixOf)
data ContactType = VK | FB | Twitter | Email
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
vk user = (VK, user)
fb user = (FB, user)
twitter user = (Twitter, user)
email user = (Email, user)
type Contact = (ContactType, String)
data Skill = Cpp | CSharp | Haskell | Java | FSharp | Python
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type Skills = [Skill]
type Contacts = [Contact]
data Person = Person {
_name :: String,
_surname :: String,
_contacts :: Contacts,
_skills :: Skills
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type Persons = [Person]
type Presentation = String
type Presentations = [Presentation]
type Msg = String
data Attendee = Speaker {
_person :: Person,
_visited :: Presentations,
_presentationTitle :: String
| Attendee {
_person :: Person,
_visited :: Presentations
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Conference = Conference {
_attendees :: [Attendee],
_currentPresentation :: Presentation,
_conferenceTweets :: [(Presentation, Person, Msg)]
deriving (Show, Eq)
makeLenses ''Person
makeLenses ''Attendee
makeLenses ''Conference
addSkill :: Person -> Skill -> Person
addSkill (Person n s cs existSkills) newSkill =
Person n s cs (newSkill : existSkills)
setAttendeeName :: Attendee -> String -> Attendee
setAttendeeName attendee n = case attendee of
Speaker pers visit theme -> Speaker (setName pers) visit theme
Attendee pers visit -> Attendee (setName pers) visit
setName (Person _ s cts skls) = Person n s cts skls
setAttendeeName' attendee n = set ( n attendee
addContact attendee contact = case attendee of
Speaker pers visit theme -> Speaker (appendContact pers) visit theme
Attendee pers visit -> Attendee (appendContact pers) visit
appendContact (Person n s cts skls) = Person n s (contact : cts) skls
addContact' :: Attendee -> Contact -> Attendee
addContact' attendee contact =
over (person . contacts) (insert contact) attendee
addSkill' :: Attendee -> Skill -> Attendee
addSkill' attendee sk =
over (person . skills) (insert sk) attendee
anyEqual s = any (== s)
isJava = (==Java)
attendeeSkills :: Attendee -> Skills
attendeeSkills attendee = attendee ^. person.skills
attendeeContacts :: Attendee -> Contacts
attendeeContacts attendee = attendee ^. person.contacts
javaDevs = filter (\a -> any isJava (a ^.. person.skills.traverse)) confAttendees
filterSkill s = traverse.person.skills.filtered (anyEqual s)
javaAttendeesSkills = confAttendees ^. (filterSkill Java)
haskellAttendeesSkills = confAttendees ^. (filterSkill Haskell)
beginPresentation :: Presentation -> StateT Conference IO ()
beginPresentation title = do
currentPresentation .= title
event "[Conf]" " Presentation by "
p <- use $ singular $ speakerOf title
printPerson p
putStrIO ": "
putStrLnIO title
onlyListeners :: Persons -> Traversal' [Attendee] Attendee
onlyListeners ls = traversed . filtered f
f att = att ^. person `elem` ls
speakerOf title = attendees . traversed . filtered f . person
f att = att ^. presentationTitle == title
listeners :: [Person] -> StateT Conference IO ()
listeners ls = setVisited (attendees . onlyListeners ls)
setVisited atts = do
title <- use currentPresentation
atts.visited %= (insert title)
writeTweet :: Person -> Msg -> StateT Conference IO ()
writeTweet p msg = do
pName <- use currentPresentation
conferenceTweets %= insert (pName, p, msg)
tweeted p msg = if conftag `isInfixOf` msg
then do
event "[Conf] " "[Tweet] "
writeTweet p msg
else do
event "[....] " "[Tweet] "
printTweet = do
printPerson p
putStrIO ": "
putStrLnIO msg
printPerson p = do
putStrIO $ p ^. name
putStrIO " "
putStrIO $ p ^. surname
event eType msg = do
putStrIO eType
putStrIO msg
printIO :: (Show m) => m -> StateT a IO ()
printIO = lift . print
putStrIO = lift . putStr
putStrLnIO = lift . putStrLn
conferenceScenario :: StateT Conference IO ()
conferenceScenario = do
alex `tweeted` "Rush hour, sorry. #conf"
beginPresentation multilang
listeners [pete, jakob, lana]
jakob `tweeted` "Great talk! #conf"
lana `tweeted` "So technical. #conf"
pete `tweeted` "#MLP 222 coming soon."
beginPresentation lenses
listeners [pete, jakob, lana, guru]
lana `tweeted` "Some new ideas. #conf"
pete `tweeted` "Check it out, #cats!"
pete `tweeted` "#wtf my phone vibrates!"
beginPresentation cpp22
listeners [guru]
conftag = "#conf"
alex = Person "Alexander" "Granin" [vk "graninas"] [Haskell]
pete = Person "Pete" "Howard" [fb "pete"] [Java, Python]
jakob = Person "Jakob" "Brown" [twitter "jab"] [Java, CSharp]
lana = Person "Lana" "Dell" [] [FSharp]
guru = Person "Real" "Guru" [] [Cpp, Java, CSharp, Haskell]
steve = Person "Steve" "Cobb" [fb "steve"] [Cpp]
peteAttendee = attendee pete
attendee p = Attendee p []
speaker p title = Speaker p [] title
attendeeName att = _name (_person att)
multilang = "Multilanguage projects"
lenses = "Lenses"
cpp22 = "C++22"
confAttendees =
[ attendee pete
, attendee jakob
, attendee lana
, speaker guru multilang
, speaker alex lenses
--, speaker steve cpp22
conference = Conference confAttendees "" []
main = do
r <- runStateT conferenceScenario conference
print r
putStrLn "All ok."
tweeted' :: Person -> Msg -> State Conference ()
tweeted' pers msg = if "#conf" `isInfixOf` msg
then writeTweet' pers msg
else return ()
writeTweet' :: Person -> Msg -> State Conference ()
writeTweet' pers msg = do
presentationName <- use currentPresentation
conferenceTweets %= insert (presentationName, pers, msg)
beginPresentation' :: Presentation -> State Conference ()
beginPresentation' title = currentPresentation .= title
listeners' :: [Person] -> State Conference ()
listeners' ls = setVisited (attendees . onlyListeners ls)
setVisited atts = do
title <- use currentPresentation
atts.visited %= (insert title)
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