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Created May 6, 2014 14:58
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module Main where
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
type Name = String
data Context = Context { ctxNextId :: State Context Int
, ctxNextName :: State Context Name }
getNextId = get >>= ctxNextId
getNextName = get >>= ctxNextName
-- The state, which will be injected into client code.
-- You can use nextId to provide sequental int numbers.
nextId :: Int -> State Context Int
nextId prevId = do let nId = prevId + 1
modify (\ctx -> ctx { ctxNextId = nextId nId })
return nId
-- Or, instead of nextId, you can use nextRnd to provide random int numbers.
nextRnd :: StdGen -> State Context Int
nextRnd prevG = do let (r, g) = randomR (0, 100) prevG
modify (\ctx -> ctx { ctxNextId = nextRnd g })
return r
-- And you can use nextName to provide some names.
nextName :: Int -> State Context Name
nextName 0 = do
modify (\ctx -> ctx { ctxNextName = nextName 1 } )
return "GNVOERK"
nextName 1 = do
modify (\ctx -> ctx { ctxNextName = nextName 2 } )
nextName _ = return "BLABLABLATOR"
-- Client code. Knows nothing about furniture materials, but uses external state to create it.
type IkeaFurniture = (Int, Name)
createFurniture :: State Context IkeaFurniture
createFurniture = liftM2 (,) getNextId getNextName
ikea :: State Context [IkeaFurniture]
ikea = do
table <- createFurniture
shelf <- createFurniture
return [table, shelf]
main :: IO ()
main = do
print "Sequental ids:"
print $ evalState ikea (Context (nextId 0) (nextName 0))
print "Random ids:"
print $ evalState ikea (Context (nextRnd (mkStdGen 100)) (nextName 0))
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