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Created June 16, 2024 15:07
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(* Free monads in OCaml
Code for my talk:
(* Free monads are implemented with the help of these resourses: *)
(*programs as free monadic scripts*)
module type Functor = sig
type 'a t
val fmap : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
module Free (F : Functor) = struct
type 'a t =
| Pure: 'a -> 'a t
| Roll: ('a t) F.t -> 'a t
let pure a = Pure a
let rec fmap f = function
| Pure a -> Pure (f a)
| Roll a -> Roll (F.fmap (fmap f) a)
let rec join = function
| Pure a -> a
| Roll f -> Roll (F.fmap join f)
let rec bind m f = match m with
| Pure a -> f a
| Roll x -> Roll (F.fmap (fun m2 -> bind m2 f) x)
let (>>=) = bind
let (>>) m1 m2 = m1 >>= (fun _ -> m2)
let void_m m = bind m (fun _ -> pure ())
let rec map_m mF its = match its with
| [] -> pure []
| i::rest ->
bind (mF i) (fun v ->
bind (map_m mF rest) (fun vals -> pure (v :: vals)
let map_m_ mF its = void_m (map_m mF its)
let rec replicate_m i m = match i with
| x when x <= 0 -> pure []
| x ->
bind m (fun v ->
bind (replicate_m (i - 1) m) (fun vals -> pure (v :: vals)
let replicate_m_ i m = void_m (replicate_m i m)
module TerminalF = struct
type 'a t =
| GetLine: (string -> 'a) -> 'a t
| PrintLine: (string * (unit -> 'a)) -> 'a t
let fmap f = function
| PrintLine (s, nxt) -> PrintLine (s, fun x -> f (nxt x))
| GetLine nxt -> GetLine (fun x -> f (nxt x))
module Terminal = struct
include Free(TerminalF)
include TerminalF
let print_line s = Roll (PrintLine (s, pure))
(* let print_line s = Roll (PrintLine (s, fun i -> Pure i)) *)
let get_line = Roll (GetLine pure)
(* let get_line = Roll (GetLine (fun s -> Pure s))*)
module TerminalInterpreter = struct
include Free(TerminalF)
include TerminalF
let rec run_terminal m = match m with
| Pure a -> a
| Roll f -> match f with
| GetLine nxt ->
let s = "some input from user\n"
in run_terminal (nxt s)
| PrintLine (s, nxt) -> begin
print_string s;
run_terminal (nxt ())
let program2 =
let open Terminal in
(map_m (fun v -> print_line ("\"{" ^ v ^ "}\""))
[ "abc"; "cde"; "efg" ]
let program =
let open Terminal in
replicate_m_ 3 (print_line "Hello world!\n")
>> (
get_line >>= print_line
let _ = let open Terminal in begin
(* TerminalInterpreter.run_terminal program;*)
TerminalInterpreter.run_terminal program2;
(* print_string "\n\n";*)
(* TerminalInterpreter.run_terminal (replicate_m_ 4 program2);*)
(* programs as values - GADT and continuations *)
(*type 'a terminalF =*)
(* | GetLine: (string -> (unit terminalF) list) -> unit terminalF*)
(* | Print: string -> unit terminalF*)
(*let rec run_program : ((unit terminalF) list -> unit) = function*)
(* | [] -> ()*)
(* | GetLine nxt :: rest -> begin*)
(* let s = "some input from user\n" in*)
(* run_program (nxt s);*)
(* run_program rest*)
(* end*)
(* | Print s :: rest -> begin*)
(* print_string s;*)
(* run_program rest*)
(* end*)
(* *)
(*let program =*)
(* [ Print "Hello world!\n"*)
(* ; GetLine (fun line ->*)
(* [ Print ("You typed: " ^ line)*)
(* ])*)
(* ]*)
(* *)
(*let _ = run_program program*)
(*(*simple programs as values*)*)
(*type terminalF =*)
(* | GetLine of (string -> terminalF list)*)
(* | Print of string*)
(*let rec run_simple_program = function *)
(* | [] -> ()*)
(* | GetLine nxt :: rest -> begin*)
(* let s = "some input from user\n" in*)
(* run_simple_program (nxt s);*)
(* run_simple_program rest*)
(* end*)
(* | Print s :: rest -> begin*)
(* print_string s;*)
(* run_simple_program rest*)
(* end*)
(*let simple_program : terminalF list =*)
(* [ Print "Hello world!\n"*)
(* ; GetLine (fun line ->*)
(* [ Print ("You typed: " ^ line);*)
(* GetLine (fun line ->*)
(* [ Print ("You typed: " ^ line) ]*)
(* )*)
(* ]*)
(* )*)
(* ]*)
(*let _ = run_simple_program simple_program*)
(*(*Usual imperative programs*)*)
(*let _ = begin*)
(* print_string "Hello world!\n";*)
(* *)
(* let strings = [ "abc"; "cde"; "efg" ] in*)
(* let quoted_strings = (fun s -> "\"" ^ s ^ "\"") strings in*)
(* print_string (String.concat " " quoted_strings);*)
(* end*)
(* *)
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