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Last active August 29, 2017 15:54
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  • Save grant-killian/7ed7e53e6f9f021c8efc4891a794583c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save grant-killian/7ed7e53e6f9f021c8efc4891a794583c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
- The encyption is specific to each server, so this needs to be run separately on every IIS server
- ASPNet_RegIIS requires a web.config file to operate, so we have to massage our Sitecore .config into a web.config format it will understand
1) Copy current Connectionstrings.config to a file named "web.config"
2) insert <configuration> node surrounding the <connectionStrings> XML
3) run this new web.config file through aspNet_RegIIS...
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -pef "connectionStrings" "S:\Sitecore\TEST-CMS\website\App_Config"
4) take the contents of the -- now encrypted -- web.config file and pull the information within the
<connectionStrings>...</connectionStrings> nodes and overwrite what's currently in connectionStrings.config
$configLocation = "S:\Sitecore\website\App_Config"
#this is here only in case you want a back-up, but don't blindly leave a back-up around or it defeats the purpose of encrypting
#Copy-Item -Path ($configLocation + "\connectionStrings.config") -Destination ($configLocation + "\connectionStrings.PlainText.backup")
Copy-Item -Path ($configLocation + "\connectionStrings.config") -Destination ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings = Get-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings.replace('</connectionStrings>', '</connectionStrings></configuration>') | Set-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings = Get-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings.replace('<connectionStrings>', '<configuration><connectionStrings>') | Set-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -pef "connectionStrings" $configLocation
$encryptedString = Get-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$encryptedString.replace('</connectionStrings></configuration>', '</connectionStrings>') | Set-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$encryptedString = Get-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$encryptedString.replace('<configuration><connectionStrings', '<connectionStrings') | Set-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
#this is now our XML to inject into the Sitecore connectionStrings.config
$encryptedString = Get-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
Clear-Content -Path ($configLocation + "\connectionStrings.config")
Set-Content -Path ($configLocation + "\connectionStrings.config") -Value $encryptedString
Remove-Item ($configLocation + "\web.config")
Write-Host "$configLocation\webconnectionStrings.config is now encrypted" -ForegroundColor Magenta
# to un-encrypt, run the following from the machine that performed the encryption. ConnectionStrings will be revealed in plain text in a new web.config file
$configLocation = "S:\Sitecore\website\App_Config"
Copy-Item -Path ($configLocation + "\connectionStrings.config") -Destination ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings = Get-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings.replace('</connectionStrings>', '</connectionStrings></configuration>') | Set-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings = Get-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings.replace('<connectionStrings', '<configuration><connectionStrings') | Set-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -pdf "connectionStrings" $configLocation
Write-Host "Check $configLocation\web.config for the plain text configuration" -ForegroundColor Magenta
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