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Last active August 26, 2016 17:06
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Customize the Post Header of a Single Post in the Beaver Builder Theme
// Add our custom Post Header section on Single Posts ONLY
add_action( 'fl_after_header', 'bb_do_single_post_top_section' );
function bb_do_single_post_top_section() {
// If the current page loading is a Single Post
if(is_single() && get_post_type( $post ) == 'post'){
echo '<div class="bb-top-post-header">';
// get the value of the ACF background file we uploaded to the field.
// If you named your field a different name to $bb_page_title_bg, replace this with your field name that you used
$bb_page_title_bg = get_field('bb_single_post_background_image');
echo '<div class="gradient-fade"></div>';
// the below outputs the field. As the BB theme runs on Boostrap, we're using some
// bootstrap grid classes to keep the content of this Page Title in the same grid as the other content on the page
<div class="bb-page-title"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-md-12">
<header class="fl-post-header">
<?php // output the Yoast SEO Breadcrumbs
if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') ) { yoast_breadcrumb('<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>'); }
<h1 class="fl-post-title" itemprop="headline">
<?php the_title(); ?>
<?php edit_post_link( _x( 'Edit', 'Edit post link text.', 'fl-automator' ) ); ?>
<?php FLTheme::post_top_meta(); ?>
</header><!-- .fl-post-header -->
<?php // if there is an image uploaded into our new custom ACF background field
// set the URL of the variable $bb_page_title_bg_url to the URL value of of image field
$bb_page_title_bg_url = $bb_page_title_bg[url];
} else {
// If there is no background image set on the current page or post
// we set the default image to the URL below. Change this to whatever you want your
// default image to be for the background
$bb_page_title_bg_url = ''; //add the URL to the default image you want to use if there is not an image set
// now we output the CSS required to add the background to the image
echo "<style>
.bb-top-post-header{background:url('$bb_page_title_bg_url') no-repeat center top;background-size:cover;background-attachment:fixed;}
echo '</div>';
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