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Last active May 17, 2016 18:54
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Confidence Band Plot - R Function
# Functions to make SLR Confidence and Prediction Band Plots.
# Grant Brown, June 2013
# 171-162
# Internal function used by ConfidenceBandPlot and PredictionBandPlot
BasicRegressionPlot = function(X,Y, main = "", xlab = "",ylab = "", plt = TRUE, matchScale = FALSE)
regression = lm(Y ~ X)
if (plt)
if (matchScale)
lower = min(min(X), min(Y)) - 0.2*max(sd(X), sd(Y))
upper = max(max(X), max(Y)) + 0.2*max(sd(X), sd(Y))
plot(X,Y,main = main,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab, xlim = c(lower, upper), ylim = c(lower, upper))
plot(X,Y,main = main,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab, xlim = c(min(X)-sd(X), max(X) + sd(X)), ylim = c(min(Y)-sd(Y), max(Y) + sd(Y)))
# Internal function used by ConfidenceBandPlot and PredictionBandPlot
BandPlot = function(X,Y,type = c("confidence", "prediction"),main="Regression + Confidence Band"
,xlab="X",ylab="Y", col = "red", lty =2, lwd =1,
alpha=0.05, add = FALSE, matchScale = FALSE)
if (! add)
regression = BasicRegressionPlot(X,Y,main,xlab,ylab,plt=TRUE,matchScale)
regression = BasicRegressionPlot(X,Y,plt=FALSE)
MSE = sum(regression$residuals^2)/regression$df.residual
RSE = sqrt(MSE)
n = length(Y)
X0 = seq(min(X) - 10*sd(X), max(X) + 10*sd(X), length = 300)
if (type == "confidence")
print("making confidence band plot")
SE = RSE*sqrt(1/n + ((X0 - mean(X))^2)/(sum((X-mean(X))^2)))
else if (type == "prediction")
print("making prediction band plot")
SE = RSE*sqrt(1 + 1/n + ((X0 - mean(X))^2)/(sum((X-mean(X))^2)))
print(paste("Unsupported type: ", type, sep = ""))
print("Using Confidence Band")
LB = qt(alpha/2, df = n-2)*SE
UB = qt(1-alpha/2,df=n-2)*SE
Yhat = regression$coefficients[1] + regression$coefficients[2]*X0
UB = UB + Yhat
LB = LB + Yhat
lines(X0, UB, lty=lty, col = col)
lines(X0, LB, lty=lty, col = col)
# Make a Confidence Band Plot. The only required arguments are X and Y.
ConfidenceBandPlot = function(X,Y,main="Regression + Confidence Band",xlab="X",
ylab="Y", col = "red", lty =2, lwd =1,matchScale = FALSE,
alpha=0.05, add = FALSE
BandPlot(X,Y,type = "confidence", main = main, xlab =xlab,ylab=ylab,col=col,
lty = lty, lwd = lwd, alpha = alpha, add = add, matchScale = matchScale)
# Make a Prediction Band Plot. The only required arguments are X and Y.
PredictionBandPlot = function(X,Y,main="Regression + Prediction Band",xlab="X",
ylab="Y", col = "red", lty =2, lwd =1,matchScale = FALSE,
alpha=0.05, add = FALSE
BandPlot(X,Y,type = "prediction", main = main, xlab =xlab,ylab=ylab,col=col,
lty = lty, lwd = lwd, alpha =alpha, add = add, matchScale = matchScale)
MakeExamplePlots = function()
# Simulate data for a regression
X = seq(1,10, length = 100)
Y = X + rnorm(length(X), 0, 5)
# Open up a pdf device
pdf(file = "Confidence and Prediction Bands.pdf")
# Set up a grid of 2x2 plots
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
# Make a confidence band plot at alpha = 0.01
ConfidenceBandPlot(X,Y, alpha = 0.01)
# Make a prediction band plot at alpha = 0.01
PredictionBandPlot(X,Y, alpha = 0.01)
# Make a prediction + confidence band plot at alpha = 0.01
ConfidenceBandPlot(X,Y, alpha = 0.01, main = "Regression + Confidence \n and Prediction Bands", lty = 1)
PredictionBandPlot(X,Y, alpha = 0.01, add = TRUE, col = "blue")
# Make a prediction + confidence band plot at alpha = 0.01 where the X and Y scale is identical.
ConfidenceBandPlot(X,Y, alpha = 0.01, main = "Regression + Confidence \n and Prediction Bands", lty = 1,
matchScale = TRUE)
PredictionBandPlot(X,Y, alpha = 0.01, add = TRUE, col = "blue")
# Write the plots to the pdf and close the file
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