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Last active November 13, 2015 16:34
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Hyperloop Memory Leak issues with 3rd Party Modules
* Implementation of the GLCalendarView 3rd Party Library for iOS
* using Appcelerator Hyperloop.
* Credits go to Glow-Inc (
* for their great open source calendar!
// Require in core native classes
var CGRectMake = require('CoreGraphics').CGRectMake,
UIView = require('UIKit/UIView'),
UIScreen = require('UIKit/UIScreen'),
UIColor = require('UIKit/UIColor'),
NSDate = require('Foundation/NSDate'),
NSObject = require('Foundation/NSObject');
// Require in 3rd Party Native Classes
var GLCalendarView = require('GLCalendarView/GLCalendarView'),
GLCalendarDateRange = require('GLCalendarView/GLCalendarDateRange'),
GLDateUtils = require('GLCalendarView/GLDateUtils');
var calendar, delegate, currentSelectedRange;
* Create a native class to act as the delegate of the GLCalendarView.
* A delegate is similar to an Alloy javascript controller file for the XML
* view. It is responsible for interacting with the UI elements.
* GLCalendarView Obj- C Delegate Protocol Reference
* =================================================
* @protocol GLCalendarViewDelegate <NSObject>
* - (BOOL)calenderView:(GLCalendarView *)calendarView canAddRangeWithBeginDate:(NSDate *)beginDate;
* - (GLCalendarDateRange *)calenderView:(GLCalendarView *)calendarView rangeToAddWithBeginDate:(NSDate *)beginDate;
* - (void)calenderView:(GLCalendarView *)calendarView beginToEditRange:(GLCalendarDateRange *)range;
* - (void)calenderView:(GLCalendarView *)calendarView finishEditRange:(GLCalendarDateRange *)range continueEditing:(BOOL)continueEditing;
* - (BOOL)calenderView:(GLCalendarView *)calendarView canUpdateRange:(GLCalendarDateRange *)range toBeginDate:(NSDate *)beginDate endDate:(NSDate *)endDate;
* - (void)calenderView:(GLCalendarView *)calendarView didUpdateRange:(GLCalendarDateRange *)range toBeginDate:(NSDate *)beginDate endDate:(NSDate *)endDate;
* @optional
* - (NSArray *)weekDayTitlesForCalendarView:(GLCalendarView *)calendarView;
* @end
var CalendarDelegate = Hyperloop.defineClass('CalendarDelegate', 'NSObject');
* Implement the required delegate methods that are defined by the
* GLCalendarView
selector: 'calenderView:canAddRangeWithBeginDate:',
instance: true,
encoding: 'c@:@@',
callback: function(view, beginDate){
return true;
selector: 'calenderView:rangeToAddWithBeginDate:',
instance: true,
encoding: '@@:@@',
callback: function(calendarView, beginDate){
var start = NSDate.cast(beginDate);;
var endDate = GLDateUtils.dateByAddingDaysToDate(2, start);
var range = GLCalendarDateRange.rangeWithBeginDateEndDate(start, endDate);
range.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor();
range.editable = true;
return range;
selector: 'calenderView:beginToEditRange:',
instance: true,
encoding: 'v@:@@',
callback: function(view, range){'calenderView:beginToEditRange:');;
currentSelectedRange = GLCalendarDateRange.cast(range);
selector: 'calenderView:finishEditRange:continueEditing:',
instance: true,
encoding: 'v@:@@@',
callback: function(view, range, continueEditing){
currentSelectedRange = null;
selector: 'calenderView:canUpdateRange:toBeginDate:endDate:',
instance: true,
encoding: 'c@:@@@@',
callback: function(view, range, beginDate, endDate){
return true;
selector: 'calenderView:didUpdateRange:toBeginDate:endDate:',
instance: true,
encoding: 'v@:@@@@',
callback: function(view, range, beginDate, endDate){'Did Update Range' + GLCalendarDateRange.cast(range));
// Get the screensize
var bounds = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds
var frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height);
var today =;
calendar = new GLCalendarView();
delegate = new CalendarDelegate();
// Setup the GLCalendarView
calendar.frame = frame;
calendar.delegate = delegate;
calendar.firstDate = GLDateUtils.dateByAddingDaysToDate(-182, today);
calendar.lastDate = GLDateUtils.dateByAddingDaysToDate(182, today);
// Add GLCalendarView to the Titanium View container
* Add Click Event Listener for the Right Nav Button
* This event listener scrolls the calendar to the current day of the calendar.
$.deleteButton.addEventListener('click', removeCurrentRange);
* Removes the currently selected range from the CalendarView
function removeCurrentRange(){
currentSelectedRange = null;
* Scroll to Today's date once the view is loaded.
container.addEventListener('postlayout', function(e){
calendar.scrollToDateAnimated(today, false);
<Window id="win" title="GLCalendar">
<Label>3rd Party 3D Globe Library</Label>
<View class="vbox" id="calendar_container"></View>
The module-attribute will result in require('xp.ui').createNavigationWindow()
See app/lib/xp.ui.js for how we use this to emulate the iOS-only NavigationWindow for Android
<NavigationWindow id="navWin" module="xp.ui">
<Window title="Samples">
<ListView onItemclick="onListViewItemclick">
<ListItem itemId="autolayout" platform="ios" title="Auto Layout"/>
<ListItem itemId="touchid" platform="ios" title="Apple Touch ID"/>
<ListItem itemId="animateview" title="View Animation"/>
<ListItem itemId="label" title="Styled Labels"/>
<ListItem itemId="drawrect" title="Custom Drawing"/>
<ListItem itemId="touches" title="Touches"/>
<ListItem itemId="calendar" platform="ios" title="GLCalendar (3rd Party Integration)"/>
<ListItem itemId="charting" platform="ios" title="Charting (3rd party integration)"/>
<ListItem itemId="alert" title="Alert"/>
<ListItem itemId="xib" platform="ios" title="Interface Builder UI"/>
<ListItem itemId="donutchart" title="Donut Chart"/>
<ListItem itemId="shapes" platform="ios" title="Shapes &amp; Animation"/>
<ListItem itemId="custom" platform="ios" title="Custom Class"/>
<ListItem itemId="tinder" platform="ios" title="Tinder UI"/>
<ListItem itemId="gravity" platform="ios" title="Gravity"/>
<ListItem itemId="tableview" platform="ios" title="Table View"/>
platform :ios, '7.0'
target 'Hyperloop_Sample' do
pod 'JBChartView'
pod 'GLCalendarView', '~> 1.2'
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