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Created May 17, 2014 03:25
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Save granthenke/e4e29b5f67ee02a2dd51 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A drop in script to add simple and configurable Avro file compilation support
// A drop in script to add simple and configurable Avro file compilation support
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
import org.apache.avro.tool.SpecificCompilerTool
def AvroSource = file("src/main/resources/avro")
def AvroDest = file("src/main/avro")
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir AvroDest
task cleanAvro(type: Delete) {
delete fileTree(dir: AvroDest)
task compileAvro() {
doLast {
// The SpecificCompilerTool writes to System.err so we need to redirect it temporarily
def oldErrStream = System.err
def tempErrStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
System.setErr(new PrintStream(tempErrStream)) // Catch System.err output from tool
// Compile schemas //TODO(GH): Add AVDL support
def args = ["-string", "schema", AvroSource.path, AvroDest.path].asList() //Remove -string to use utf8
new SpecificCompilerTool().run(null, null, null, args)
// Reset System.err to old stream
System.setErr(oldErrStream) String(tempErrStream.toByteArray()))
compileJava.dependsOn compileAvro
apply plugin: "java"
apply from: "$rootDir/path/to/avro.gradle" // just drop it in you build file (must have java plugin)
// build stuff here...
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