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Created June 4, 2018 00:53
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xqRest router
xquery version "3.1";
(:~ main app routes
@author Grant MacKenzie
@version 0.1
this app is proxied behind openresty/nginx
the data for the app is separate from the app
GET routes deliver a hyperlinked website
- render docs in named collections - pages
- render docs in date archive - posts
pages/home/index.html - home-page
pages/about/index.html about-page
pages/tags/index.html list named tags
pages/tags/{tag-name} list entries tagged as
posts/{ID}.html a dated entry
posts/latest latest dated entries
posts/2016/10/01 this days entries
posts/2016/10 this months entries
posts/2016 this years entries
posts/ all posts
module namespace router = "";
import module namespace templates="";
import module namespace system="";
import module namespace util="";
import module namespace map="";
import module namespace req="";
(: include my modules here vim-note: `gf` to go to at files below
import module namespace tt="" at "lib/tt.xqm";
import module namespace archive="" at "../lib/archive.xqm";
import module namespace note="" at "../lib/note.xqm";
import module namespace site="" at "../render/site.xqm";
import module namespace feed="" at "../render/feed.xqm";
import module namespace entry="" at "../render/entry.xqm";
import module namespace muURL="" at "../lib/muURL.xqm";
import module namespace muUtility="" at "../lib/muUtility.xqm";
declare namespace repo="";
declare namespace pkg="";
declare namespace rest="";
declare namespace http="";
declare namespace output="";
(: declare option output:method "html5"; :)
(: declare option output:html-version "5"; :)
(: declare option output:media-type "text/html"; :)
(: declare option output:indent "yes"; :)
(:Determine the application base from the current module load path :)
declare variable $router:base :=
substring-before( system:get-module-load-path(), '/modules');
declare variable $router:domain :=
substring-after( $router:base, repo:get-root() );
declare variable $router:root := substring-before( $router:base,'/apps/');
declare variable $router:dPath := $router:root || '/data/' || $router:domain;
declare variable $router:dDocs := $router:dPath || '/docs';
declare variable $router:dRecyle := $router:dPath || '/docs/recycle';
declare variable $router:dPosts := $router:dPath || '/docs/posts';
declare variable $router:dPages := $router:dPath || '/docs/pages';
declare variable $router:dUploads := $router:dPath || '/docs/uploads';
declare variable $router:dMentions := $router:dPath || '/docs/mentions';
declare variable $router:dMedia := $router:dPath || '/media';
declare variable $router:repo := doc($router:base || "/repo.xml");
declare variable $router:pkg := doc($router:base || "/expath-pkg.xml");
(: templates :)
declare variable $router:tPosts := $router:base || "/templates/posts";
declare variable $router:tPages := $router:base || "/templates/pages";
declare variable $router:tTags := $router:base || "/templates/tags";
declare variable $router:nl := "
declare variable $router:wmValue :=
"<https://" || $router:domain || "/webmention> rel='webmention'";
declare variable $router:wmLink :=
<http:header name="Link" value="{$router:wmValue}"/>;
declare variable $router:map := map {
'domain' := $router:domain,
'author' := $router:repo//repo:author/string(),
'website' := $router:repo//repo:website/string(),
'gravatar' := '',
'description' := $router:repo//repo:description/string(),
'version' := $router:pkg/pkg:package/@version/string(),
'title' := $router:pkg//pkg:title/string(),
'data-posts' := $router:dPosts,
'data-pages' := $router:dPages,
'data-mentions' := $router:dMentions,
'data-media' := $router:dMedia
declare variable $router:config := map {
$templates:CONFIG_APP_ROOT := $router:base,
$templates:CONFIG_STOP_ON_ERROR := true(),
$templates:CONFIG_PARAM_RESOLVER := function($param as xs:string) as xs:string* {req:parameter($param)}
declare variable $router:error := map {
'notFound' := QName( '','documentNotAvailable'),
'wmError' : QName( '','webmentionError')
declare variable $router:lookup :=function($functionName as xs:string, $arity as xs:int) {
try {
function-lookup(xs:QName($functionName), $arity)
} catch * {()}
%rest:path( "/")
function router:home() {
try {
let $templatePath := $router:tPages || "/" || "home.html"
let $template :=
if (doc-available($templatePath)) then (doc($templatePath)) else (
'template not available on path: ' || substring-after( $templatePath , $router:base || '/')
return (
<http:response status="200" message="OK">
templates:apply($template, $router:lookup, $router:map, $router:config )
catch * {(
<http:response status="200" message="OK">
<h1> TODO! </h1>
<p>error code - {$err:code}</p>
<p>error description - {$err:description}</p>
<p>error line number- {$err:line-number}</p>
<p>error module - {$err:module}</p>
posts templates
html template based on 'kind of post'
- postType: entry/@kind/string()
gf: templates/posts/note.html
function router:posts($id as xs:string) {
try {
let $uid := substring-before($id,'.')
let $kindOfPost :=
switch( substring( $id,1,1) )
case 'n' return 'note'
case 'r' return 'reply'
case 'a' return 'article'
case 'p' return 'photo'
default return 'note'
let $docsPath := $router:dPosts || '/' || $uid
let $data :=
if (doc-available($docsPath)) then (doc($docsPath)) else (
fn:error($router:error('notFound'), $docsPath || ' : data doc not available on path' )
let $templatePath := $router:tPosts || "/" || $kindOfPost || ".html"
let $template :=
if (doc-available($templatePath)) then (doc($templatePath)) else (
fn:error($router:error('notFound'),'template doc not available on path' )
create an new map by combining router:map ( site-wide stuff )
let $dataMap := map {
'kind' := $kindOfPost,
'id' := $data/entry/uid/string(),
'url' := $data/entry/url/string(),
'published' := $data/entry/published/string(),
'category' := if( $data/entry/category/text()) then ($data/entry/category/string()) else(),
'in-reply-to' := if( $data/entry/in-reply-to/text()) then ($data/entry/in-reply-to/string()) else(),
'syndicate-to' := if( $data/entry/syndicate-to/text()) then ($data/entry/syndicate-to/string()) else(),
'photo' := if( $data/entry/photo/text()) then ($data/entry/photo/string()) else(),
'content' := if( $data/entry/content ) then ($data/entry/content) else ()
(: content is a node everything else a string or a sequence:)
let $map := map:new(( $router:map, $dataMap ))
return (
<http:response status="200" message="OK">
templates:apply($template, $router:lookup, $map, $router:config )
catch * {
if ( xs:string($err:code) eq 'router:documentNotAvailable' ) then (
<http:response status="404"/>
doc($router:tPages || '/not-found.html'),
map:new(( $router:map, map {
'id' := substring-before($id, '.html'),
'module' := $err:module,
'code' := $err:code,
'line-number' := $err:line-number,
'description' := $err:description
} )),
<http:response status="404"/>
<h1> TODO! </h1>
<p>error code - {$err:code}</p>
<p>error description - {$err:description}</p>
<p>error line number- {$err:line-number}</p>
<p>error module - {$err:module}</p>
%rest:path( "/{$id}")
function router:tags($id as xs:string) {
try {
let $templatePath := $router:tPosts || "/tags.html"
let $template :=
if (doc-available($templatePath)) then (doc($templatePath)) else (
fn:error($router:error('notFound'),'template doc not available on path' )
let $sID := substring-before($id, '.html')
let $dataMap := map {
'tag' := $sID
let $map := map:new(( $router:map, $dataMap ))
templates:apply($template, $router:lookup, $map, $router:config )
catch * {(
<http:response status="404"/>
<h1> xx TODO! </h1>
<p>error code - {$err:code}</p>
<p>error description - {$err:description}</p>
<p>error line number- {$err:line-number}</p>
<p>error module - {$err:module}</p>
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