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Created September 30, 2023 01:22
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Simple examples of how to use DuckDBs dplyr front-end in R
# preliminaries -----
# packages you'll need (install these if you don't have them)
# install.packages(c("arrow", "duckdb", "dplyr", "tidyr"))
# write a dummy parquet dataset (i.e., multiple parquet files) to disk
path = "airquality",
partitioning = c("Month") # <-- NB: partition your data by the main grouping vars for efficiency
# check files (note Hive-style partitioning "month=X", etc)
# duckdb + dplyr -----
# create connection in-memory duckdb database
con = dbConnect(duckdb())
# add parquet dataset to the connection and reference it from R by assigning
# a name (here: aq)
aq = tbl(con, "airquality/**/*.parquet")
# aside: another way of referencing a duckdb table is by going via arrow
# see the example at the bottom of this script
# preview the dataset
# now run dplyr commands as per normal; these will
# automatically be translated to the DuckDB SQL backend
aq |>
across(Ozone:Temp, mean),
.by = Month
# Note: the above still just a (lazy) preview. To actually pull the data into
# R's memory, call collect() at the end
aq |>
across(Ozone:Temp, mean),
.by = Month
) |>
# The collect feature is nice because it lets us defer computation for as long
# as possible, allowing you to string together queries
q1 = aq |>
filter(Month == 7)
q2 = q1 |>
across(Ozone:Temp, mean),
.by = Day
# Pro-tip: use explain to see the underlying SQL and DuckDB's optimised query sequence
# joins and pivot (reshape) front-end functions all work too. Although you'll
# need to load tidyr for the latter
q2 |>
pivot_longer(Ozone:Temp) |>
# ---- duckdb + dplyr + arrow
# As an alternative to the tbl() reference method, you can go via arrow, thanks
# to zero-copy and the to_duckdb() function
aq2 = arrow::open_dataset("airquality")
aq2 # just shows the arrow schema
aq2 |>
to_duckdb() |> # <-- key step
across(Ozone:Temp, mean),
.by = Month
) |>
# One nice feature of going through the arrow intermediary is that it correctly
# picks up the partition column types (e.g., numeric etc.)
aq2 |> to_duckdb() |> filter(Month <= 6) |> head()
# If you tried this next query with the original aq tbl object, it still works
# thanks to some internal magic. But note that Month is actually registered as
# a character type (and this can mess up sorting later on)
aq |> filter(Month <= 6) |> head()
# TBF you can fix the latter issue by mutating Month to as.integer first but YMMV.
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