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Created September 6, 2023 09:00
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GPT4 Chess
import chess
import chess.engine
from collections import defaultdict
from marvin import ai_fn, ai_model
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
def describe_board(board, illegal_moves):
result = ""
me = board.turn
other = not me
piece_counts = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
available_moves = defaultdict(set)
for square in chess.SQUARES:
piece = board.piece_at(square)
if piece is not None:
piece_counts[piece.color][piece.piece_type] += 1
for move in board.legal_moves:
result += "Board FEN:\n"
result += board.fen()
result += "\n\n"
result += "History:\n"
copied_board = chess.Board()
for (i, move) in enumerate(board.move_stack):
if i % 2 == 0:
result += f"{i // 2 + 1}. "
result += copied_board.san(move)
if i % 2 == 0:
result += " "
result += "\n"
result = result.strip() + "\n\n"
defended_by: Dict[chess.Square, Set[chess.Square]] = defaultdict(set)
result += "Board square by square:\n"
for square in chess.SQUARES:
piece = board.piece_at(square)
if piece is not None:
piece_type = chess.piece_name(piece.piece_type)
result += f"{chess.SQUARE_NAMES[square]}: {chess.COLOR_NAMES[piece.color]} {piece_type}\n"
if piece is None or piece.color != me:
for attacker in board.attackers(not me, square):
result += "\n"
result += "Defended by:\n"
for square in chess.SQUARES:
if defended_by[square]:
result += f"{chess.SQUARE_NAMES[square]} is defended by {', '.join([chess.SQUARE_NAMES[attacker] for attacker in defended_by[square]])}\n"
result += "\n"
for player in chess.COLORS:
result += f"{chess.COLOR_NAMES[player]} piece counts:\n"
for piece_type in chess.PIECE_TYPES:
result += f"{chess.PIECE_NAMES[piece_type]}: {piece_counts[player][piece_type]}\n"
result += "\n"
result += "Available moves:\n"
for square in chess.SQUARES:
if available_moves[square]:
piece_type = chess.piece_name(board.piece_type_at(square))
result += f"{piece_type} at {chess.SQUARE_NAMES[square]}: {', '.join([board.san(move) for move in available_moves[square]])}\n"
result += "\n"
if illegal_moves:
result += "Illegal moves: " + ", ".join(illegal_moves) + "\n\n"
return result
instructions = '''
Write an internal monologue of the thought process of deciding the best move to make.
Follow this process:
1. Identify the opening, relevant theory for opening goals, middlegame goals, etc.
2. For the current board situation, write out some heuristics to use to think about the board.
3. Identify some promising candidate moves.
4. For each candidate move, consider counter-moves, counter-counter-moves, etc. Use the "Attacked or defended by" section to help.
5. After considering a move, enumerate any pieces that could attack the destination square.
6. Decide on the best move to make. Make sure to give the move in algebraic notation, exactly as written in the Available Moves section.
class MoveDecision(BaseModel):
internal_monologue: list[str] = Field(..., description=instructions)
move: str = Field(..., description="The move to make in algebraic notation.")
def decide_move(board_description) -> MoveDecision:
'''Given the `board_description`, return the best move to make in algebraic notation.'''
if __name__ == "__main__":
stockfish_path = "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/stockfish/16/bin/stockfish"
engine = chess.engine.SimpleEngine.popen_uci(stockfish_path)
board = chess.Board()
illegal_moves = []
while not board.is_game_over():
board_description = describe_board(board, illegal_moves)
move = decide_move(board_description)
move.move = board.san(board.parse_uci(move.move))
except ValueError:
legal_moves = [board.san(move) for move in board.legal_moves]
if move.move not in legal_moves:
print("Illegal move, trying again.")
illegal_moves = []
result =, chess.engine.Limit(depth=1))
print("Stockfish move:")
Board FEN:
rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
Board square by square:
a1: white rook
b1: white knight
c1: white bishop
d1: white queen
e1: white king
f1: white bishop
g1: white knight
h1: white rook
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
d2: white pawn
e2: white pawn
f2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
d7: black pawn
e7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
g7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
b8: black knight
c8: black bishop
d8: black queen
e8: black king
f8: black bishop
g8: black knight
h8: black rook
Defended by:
a6 is defended by b7, b8
b6 is defended by a7, c7
c6 is defended by b7, d7, b8
d6 is defended by c7, e7
e6 is defended by d7, f7
f6 is defended by g8, e7, g7
g6 is defended by f7, h7
h6 is defended by g8, g7
a7 is defended by a8
b7 is defended by c8
c7 is defended by d8
d7 is defended by b8, c8, d8, e8
e7 is defended by d8, e8, f8, g8
f7 is defended by e8
g7 is defended by f8
h7 is defended by h8
b8 is defended by a8
c8 is defended by d8
d8 is defended by e8
e8 is defended by d8
f8 is defended by e8
g8 is defended by h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 8
knight: 2
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 8
knight: 2
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
knight at b1: Na3, Nc3
knight at g1: Nh3, Nf3
pawn at a2: a4, a3
pawn at b2: b3, b4
pawn at c2: c3, c4
pawn at d2: d4, d3
pawn at e2: e4, e3
pawn at f2: f4, f3
pawn at g2: g3, g4
pawn at h2: h3, h4
internal_monologue=["The game is at the very beginning. No moves have been made, and we're staring at the initial chess board setup.", "We have so many possibilities, but a good start is essential. Let's consider the classic opening principles: control the center, develop your pieces, and keep your king safe.", 'Controlling the center early on is a common strategy. The pawns at d2 and e2 can be moved to d4 and e4 respectively, which are central squares. This will help to control the center of the board.', "However, moving the knight before the pawns is generally a good idea. It allows for greater flexibility and doesn't block the bishops from being developed.", 'The knights at b1 and g1 can move to a3, c3, h3, and f3. None of these squares are under attack.', "Let's decide on the best move to make. After considering all the factors, the move Nf3 seems to be the best. It opens up the possibility for the bishop to be developed and doesn't block the central pawns."] move='Nf3'
Stockfish move:
Board FEN:
rnbqkb1r/pppppppp/5n2/8/8/5N2/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 2 2
1. Nf3 Nf6
Board square by square:
a1: white rook
b1: white knight
c1: white bishop
d1: white queen
e1: white king
f1: white bishop
h1: white rook
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
d2: white pawn
e2: white pawn
f2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
f3: white knight
f6: black knight
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
d7: black pawn
e7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
g7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
b8: black knight
c8: black bishop
d8: black queen
e8: black king
f8: black bishop
h8: black rook
Defended by:
e4 is defended by f6
g4 is defended by f6
d5 is defended by f6
h5 is defended by f6
a6 is defended by b7, b8
b6 is defended by a7, c7
c6 is defended by b7, d7, b8
d6 is defended by c7, e7
e6 is defended by d7, f7
f6 is defended by e7, g7
g6 is defended by f7, h7
h6 is defended by g7
a7 is defended by a8
b7 is defended by c8
c7 is defended by d8
d7 is defended by f6, b8, c8, d8, e8
e7 is defended by d8, e8, f8
f7 is defended by e8
g7 is defended by f8
h7 is defended by f6, h8
b8 is defended by a8
c8 is defended by d8
d8 is defended by e8
e8 is defended by d8, f6
f8 is defended by e8, h8
g8 is defended by f6, h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 8
knight: 2
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 8
knight: 2
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
knight at b1: Na3, Nc3
rook at h1: Rg1
pawn at a2: a4, a3
pawn at b2: b3, b4
pawn at c2: c3, c4
pawn at d2: d4, d3
pawn at e2: e4, e3
pawn at g2: g3, g4
pawn at h2: h3, h4
knight at f3: Nh4, Ng1, Ng5, Ne5, Nd4
internal_monologue=['The game is in the opening phase, and it seems like both sides have played the Reti Opening. The goal of this opening is to control the center of the board and develop the pieces to their best squares.', 'The board position is symmetrical, and there are no apparent threats from either side. The middle game strategy would involve piece development, control of the center, and king safety.', 'Promising candidate moves include Nc3, d4, and e4. Nc3 develops the knight to a good square, d4 and e4 control the center.', "Nc3 doesn't seem to have any immediate counter-moves from black. e4 could be met with ...d5, challenging the pawn. d4 could be met with ...d5, also challenging the pawn.", 'After considering each move, it seems that no piece would immediately attack the destination square.', 'Considering all of the above, I think Nc3 is the best move. It develops the knight and prepares for castling.'] move='Nc3'
Stockfish move:
Board FEN:
rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/3p4/8/2N2N2/PPPPPPPP/R1BQKB1R w KQkq - 0 3
1. Nf3 Nf6
2. Nc3 d5
Board square by square:
a1: white rook
c1: white bishop
d1: white queen
e1: white king
f1: white bishop
h1: white rook
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
d2: white pawn
e2: white pawn
f2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
c3: white knight
f3: white knight
d5: black pawn
f6: black knight
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
e7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
g7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
b8: black knight
c8: black bishop
d8: black queen
e8: black king
f8: black bishop
h8: black rook
Defended by:
h3 is defended by c8
c4 is defended by d5
e4 is defended by d5, f6
g4 is defended by c8, f6
d5 is defended by d8, f6
f5 is defended by c8
h5 is defended by f6
a6 is defended by b7, b8
b6 is defended by a7, c7
c6 is defended by b7, b8
d6 is defended by c7, d8, e7
e6 is defended by c8, f7
f6 is defended by e7, g7
g6 is defended by f7, h7
h6 is defended by g7
a7 is defended by a8
b7 is defended by c8
c7 is defended by d8
d7 is defended by f6, b8, c8, d8, e8
e7 is defended by d8, e8, f8
f7 is defended by e8
g7 is defended by f8
h7 is defended by f6, h8
b8 is defended by a8
c8 is defended by d8
d8 is defended by e8
e8 is defended by d8, f6
f8 is defended by e8, h8
g8 is defended by f6, h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 8
knight: 2
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 8
knight: 2
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
rook at a1: Rb1
rook at h1: Rg1
pawn at a2: a4, a3
pawn at b2: b3, b4
pawn at d2: d4, d3
pawn at e2: e4, e3
pawn at g2: g3, g4
pawn at h2: h3, h4
knight at c3: Ne4, Nb1, Nxd5, Na4, Nb5
knight at f3: Nh4, Ng1, Ng5, Ne5, Nd4
internal_monologue=['This opening appears to be a sort of hybrid between the Pirc Defense and the Alekhine Defense by black. The immediate goals are to control the center, develop the pieces, and ensure the safety of the king.', 'The next moves should aim to develop the bishops and rooks, possibly fianchettoing the bishops if advantageous. A pawn push in the center would also be helpful for gaining space.', 'The promising candidate moves are Nxd5, d4, and e4. Nxd5 captures a central pawn, d4 challenges the center, and e4 establishes more central control.', 'If Nxd5, black could counter with Qxd5 or exd5. If Qxd5, white can play e4 to gain tempo on the queen. If exd5, white can play d4 to gain central control.', 'If d4, black can either capture with the pawn or the knight. If the pawn captures, white can recapture with the knight, gaining central control. If the knight captures, the queen can capture it.', 'If e4, black can either capture with the pawn or push the pawn to d4, attacking the knight on c3. In either case, white will respond with the knight to either capture the pawn or retreat to a safer square.', 'After considering these moves, it can be noted that the d5 square could be attacked by the knights on f3 and c3.', "Out of all these considerations, Nxd5 seems to be the best move. It captures a central pawn and challenges black's pawn structure, potentially leading to a beneficial pawn majority in the center for white."] move='Nxd5'
Stockfish move:
Board FEN:
rnb1kb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/3q4/8/5N2/PPPPPPPP/R1BQKB1R w KQkq - 0 4
1. Nf3 Nf6
2. Nc3 d5
3. Nxd5 Qxd5
Board square by square:
a1: white rook
c1: white bishop
d1: white queen
e1: white king
f1: white bishop
h1: white rook
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
d2: white pawn
e2: white pawn
f2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
f3: white knight
d5: black queen
f6: black knight
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
e7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
g7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
b8: black knight
c8: black bishop
e8: black king
f8: black bishop
h8: black rook
Defended by:
b3 is defended by d5
d3 is defended by d5
h3 is defended by c8
c4 is defended by d5
d4 is defended by d5
e4 is defended by d5, f6
g4 is defended by c8, f6
a5 is defended by d5
b5 is defended by d5
c5 is defended by d5
d5 is defended by f6
e5 is defended by d5
f5 is defended by c8, d5
g5 is defended by d5
h5 is defended by d5, f6
a6 is defended by b7, b8
b6 is defended by a7, c7
c6 is defended by b7, d5, b8
d6 is defended by c7, d5, e7
e6 is defended by c8, d5, f7
f6 is defended by e7, g7
g6 is defended by f7, h7
h6 is defended by g7
a7 is defended by a8
b7 is defended by c8, d5
d7 is defended by d5, f6, b8, c8, e8
e7 is defended by e8, f8
f7 is defended by d5, e8
g7 is defended by f8
h7 is defended by f6, h8
b8 is defended by a8
d8 is defended by d5, e8
e8 is defended by f6
f8 is defended by e8, h8
g8 is defended by f6, h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 8
knight: 1
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 2
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
rook at a1: Rb1
rook at h1: Rg1
pawn at a2: a4, a3
pawn at b2: b3, b4
pawn at c2: c3, c4
pawn at d2: d4, d3
pawn at e2: e4, e3
pawn at g2: g3, g4
pawn at h2: h3, h4
knight at f3: Nh4, Ng1, Ng5, Ne5, Nd4
internal_monologue=['This is a non-standard opening with the black queen coming out early. At this point, my goals are to develop my remaining pieces and control the center.', 'Looking at the board, the black queen is really exposed on d5. If I can develop a piece and attack the queen at the same time, it would be a great move.', 'The promising candidate moves are Ng5 and e4. Ng5 would develop the knight and attack the queen, forcing the queen to move. On the other hand, e4 would attack the queen and control more of the center.', 'If I move Ng5, the black queen could move to a5, b5, c5, e5 or f5. If I move e4, the queen could move to a5, b5, c5, e6 or f5.', 'After considering the moves, the destination square e4 could be attacked by the black knight on f6 and the black queen on d5. If I move Ng5, the destination square g5 could be attacked by the black queen on d5.', 'Considering the above points, moving the pawn to e4 is the best move. It would control more of the center and attack the queen at the same time. Although it could be attacked by the knight and the queen, it would be defended by the knight on f3.'] move='e4'
Stockfish move:
Board FEN:
rnb1kb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/8/4q3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/R1BQKB1R w KQkq - 0 5
1. Nf3 Nf6
2. Nc3 d5
3. Nxd5 Qxd5
4. e4 Qxe4+
Board square by square:
a1: white rook
c1: white bishop
d1: white queen
e1: white king
f1: white bishop
h1: white rook
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
d2: white pawn
f2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
f3: white knight
e4: black queen
f6: black knight
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
e7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
g7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
b8: black knight
c8: black bishop
e8: black king
f8: black bishop
h8: black rook
Defended by:
e2 is defended by e4
d3 is defended by e4
e3 is defended by e4
h3 is defended by c8
a4 is defended by e4
b4 is defended by e4
c4 is defended by e4
d4 is defended by e4
e4 is defended by f6
f4 is defended by e4
g4 is defended by c8, e4, f6
h4 is defended by e4
d5 is defended by e4, f6
e5 is defended by e4
f5 is defended by c8, e4
h5 is defended by f6
a6 is defended by b7, b8
b6 is defended by a7, c7
c6 is defended by b7, e4, b8
d6 is defended by c7, e7
e6 is defended by c8, e4, f7
f6 is defended by e7, g7
g6 is defended by e4, f7, h7
h6 is defended by g7
a7 is defended by a8
b7 is defended by c8, e4
d7 is defended by b8, c8, e8, f6
e7 is defended by e4, f8, e8
f7 is defended by e8
g7 is defended by f8
h7 is defended by e4, f6, h8
b8 is defended by a8
d8 is defended by e8
e8 is defended by f6
f8 is defended by e8, h8
g8 is defended by f6, h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 1
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 2
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
queen at d1: Qe2
bishop at f1: Be2
internal_monologue=['The game is still in the opening stage, and it seems that the opponent has made an aggressive opening by moving the queen early. The key now is to ensure the safety of my king while developing my pieces. The immediate threat is the black queen attacking the king. So the responses should be focused on dealing with this threat.', 'In the current board situation, the black queen is exposed early in the game, which can be exploited if handled properly. But at the moment, the black queen is attacking the king, so the move should address this.', 'Looking at the available moves, there are two possible moves to handle the threat: Qe2 and Be2. Both moves block the check and protect the king.', 'Considering the counter-moves, if I move Qe2, the black queen could take the knight at f3, giving check again. This is a potential disadvantage of the Qe2 move.', "On the other hand, if I move Be2, the bishop would be blocking the queen's defense of the knight. However, the black queen doesn't have a good option to continue the attack as moving Qg6 or Qg4 would just put the queen in a position to be taken by the knight. Taking the knight at f3 with the queen would lead to queen exchange which is not favorable for black at this stage.", 'Considering the possible attacks on the destination squares after the moves, e2 is defended by the black queen, and Be2 will neutralize this. After Be2, the potential attack on e2 would then come from the black knight, but that would expose the knight.', 'Finally, weighing the implications of the available moves, Be2 seems like the better option. The bishop move not only neutralizes the immediate check but also develops a piece and prepares for castle. In addition, it avoids the threat of losing the knight that Qe2 would have brought.'] move='Be2'
Stockfish move:
Board FEN:
rnb1kb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/3q4/8/5N2/PPPPBPPP/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 2 6
1. Nf3 Nf6
2. Nc3 d5
3. Nxd5 Qxd5
4. e4 Qxe4+
5. Be2 Qd5
Board square by square:
a1: white rook
c1: white bishop
d1: white queen
e1: white king
h1: white rook
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
d2: white pawn
e2: white bishop
f2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
f3: white knight
d5: black queen
f6: black knight
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
e7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
g7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
b8: black knight
c8: black bishop
e8: black king
f8: black bishop
h8: black rook
Defended by:
b3 is defended by d5
d3 is defended by d5
h3 is defended by c8
c4 is defended by d5
d4 is defended by d5
e4 is defended by d5, f6
g4 is defended by c8, f6
a5 is defended by d5
b5 is defended by d5
c5 is defended by d5
d5 is defended by f6
e5 is defended by d5
f5 is defended by c8, d5
g5 is defended by d5
h5 is defended by d5, f6
a6 is defended by b7, b8
b6 is defended by a7, c7
c6 is defended by b7, d5, b8
d6 is defended by c7, d5, e7
e6 is defended by c8, d5, f7
f6 is defended by e7, g7
g6 is defended by f7, h7
h6 is defended by g7
a7 is defended by a8
b7 is defended by c8, d5
d7 is defended by d5, f6, b8, c8, e8
e7 is defended by e8, f8
f7 is defended by d5, e8
g7 is defended by f8
h7 is defended by f6, h8
b8 is defended by a8
d8 is defended by d5, e8
e8 is defended by f6
f8 is defended by e8, h8
g8 is defended by f6, h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 1
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 2
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
rook at a1: Rb1
king at e1: O-O, Kf1
rook at h1: Rf1, Rg1
pawn at a2: a4, a3
pawn at b2: b3, b4
pawn at c2: c3, c4
pawn at d2: d4, d3
bishop at e2: Bc4, Bf1, Bb5+, Ba6, Bd3
pawn at g2: g3, g4
pawn at h2: h3, h4
knight at f3: Nh4, Ng1, Ng5, Ne5, Nd4
internal_monologue=['The game is still in its opening phase. Considering the positions and available moves, there does not seem to be a clear opening strategy being followed.', 'Looking at the board, the current threat is from the black queen on d5 attacking several spaces. There are no immediate threats to my king but I need to be cautious.', 'The candidates for moves are the pieces that can immediately confront the black queen or support an attacking piece. My knight, bishop, and pawns have some potential for this.', 'The bishop can move to c4 which will confront the black queen and put it under threat. However, after Bc4, the possible counter-move for black queen could be Qd6 or Qd7, which would keep the queen in an active position.', 'The knight could move to Nd4, which would confront the queen, possibly forcing it to retreat and thereby gaining some tempo.', 'After considering the moves and possible counter-moves, the knight seems to be the best candidate. If Nd4 is played, the black queen will be forced to move, and no immediate pieces will be able to attack the knight at its destination.', 'Considering all these factors, my decision is to move the knight to d4. This will effectively confront the black queen while keeping the knight safe from immediate attacks.'] move='Nd4'
Stockfish move:
Board FEN:
rnb1kb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/8/3q4/8/PPPPBPPP/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 0 7
1. Nf3 Nf6
2. Nc3 d5
3. Nxd5 Qxd5
4. e4 Qxe4+
5. Be2 Qd5
6. Nd4 Qxd4
Board square by square:
a1: white rook
c1: white bishop
d1: white queen
e1: white king
h1: white rook
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
d2: white pawn
e2: white bishop
f2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
d4: black queen
f6: black knight
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
e7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
g7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
b8: black knight
c8: black bishop
e8: black king
f8: black bishop
h8: black rook
Defended by:
c3 is defended by d4
d3 is defended by d4
e3 is defended by d4
h3 is defended by c8
a4 is defended by d4
b4 is defended by d4
c4 is defended by d4
e4 is defended by d4, f6
f4 is defended by d4
g4 is defended by c8, d4, f6
h4 is defended by d4
c5 is defended by d4
d5 is defended by d4, f6
e5 is defended by d4
f5 is defended by c8
h5 is defended by f6
a6 is defended by b7, b8
b6 is defended by a7, c7, d4
c6 is defended by b7, b8
d6 is defended by c7, d4, e7
e6 is defended by c8, f7
f6 is defended by d4, e7, g7
g6 is defended by f7, h7
h6 is defended by g7
a7 is defended by a8, d4
b7 is defended by c8
d7 is defended by f6, b8, c8, d4, e8
e7 is defended by e8, f8
f7 is defended by e8
g7 is defended by f8
h7 is defended by f6, h8
b8 is defended by a8
d8 is defended by d4, e8
e8 is defended by f6
f8 is defended by e8, h8
g8 is defended by f6, h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 0
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 2
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
rook at a1: Rb1
king at e1: O-O, Kf1
rook at h1: Rf1, Rg1
pawn at a2: a4, a3
pawn at b2: b3, b4
pawn at c2: c3, c4
pawn at d2: d3
bishop at e2: Bc4, Bh5, Bf1, Bb5+, Ba6, Bg4, Bf3, Bd3
pawn at f2: f4, f3
pawn at g2: g3, g4
pawn at h2: h3, h4
internal_monologue=["Looking at the board, black's queen has managed to infiltrate our defenses. We're in the middlegame phase.", 'Our immediate goal should be to get the queen out of our territory and bring our undeveloped pieces into the game.', 'In terms of heuristics, we should prioritize king safety, piece development, and control of the center.', "Looking at the available moves, we could potentially move a pawn to challenge the queen's position, or use our bishop to attack.", 'However, we must also be cautious about exposing our king to checks. A wrong move could put us in a dire situation.', "Considering the positions of the black pieces, we see that the pawn at d2 can be moved to d3 to attack the black queen. But there's no beneficial gain from this move as the queen can easily move to a safe square. The move Bishop to Ba6, attacking the queen seems promising.", "In response to Ba6, black's queen may have few options. But there's no immediate threat to the queen as she has several squares to escape.", "After considering the possible responses, we can see that the move Ba6 won't lead to any immediate loss for us and it may cause the black queen to retreat.", "Let's decide to move Bishop to a6."] move='Ba6'
Stockfish move:
Board FEN:
r1b1kb1r/ppp1pppp/n4n2/8/3q4/8/PPPP1PPP/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 0 8
1. Nf3 Nf6
2. Nc3 d5
3. Nxd5 Qxd5
4. e4 Qxe4+
5. Be2 Qd5
6. Nd4 Qxd4
7. Ba6 Nxa6
Board square by square:
a1: white rook
c1: white bishop
d1: white queen
e1: white king
h1: white rook
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
d2: white pawn
f2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
d4: black queen
a6: black knight
f6: black knight
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
e7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
g7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
c8: black bishop
e8: black king
f8: black bishop
h8: black rook
Defended by:
c3 is defended by d4
d3 is defended by d4
e3 is defended by d4
h3 is defended by c8
a4 is defended by d4
b4 is defended by a6, d4
c4 is defended by d4
e4 is defended by d4, f6
f4 is defended by d4
g4 is defended by c8, d4, f6
h4 is defended by d4
c5 is defended by a6, d4
d5 is defended by d4, f6
e5 is defended by d4
f5 is defended by c8
h5 is defended by f6
a6 is defended by b7
b6 is defended by a7, c7, d4
c6 is defended by b7
d6 is defended by c7, d4, e7
e6 is defended by c8, f7
f6 is defended by d4, e7, g7
g6 is defended by f7, h7
h6 is defended by g7
a7 is defended by a8, d4
b7 is defended by c8
c7 is defended by a6
d7 is defended by c8, d4, e8, f6
e7 is defended by e8, f8
f7 is defended by e8
g7 is defended by f8
h7 is defended by f6, h8
b8 is defended by a6, a8
c8 is defended by a8
d8 is defended by d4, e8
e8 is defended by f6
f8 is defended by e8, h8
g8 is defended by f6, h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 0
bishop: 1
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 2
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
rook at a1: Rb1
queen at d1: Qf3, Qh5, Qg4, Qe2
king at e1: Ke2, O-O, Kf1
rook at h1: Rf1, Rg1
pawn at a2: a4, a3
pawn at b2: b3, b4
pawn at c2: c3, c4
pawn at d2: d3
pawn at f2: f4, f3
pawn at g2: g3, g4
pawn at h2: h3, h4
internal_monologue=["Looking at the board, the situation is dire for White. Black's queen dominates the center and is threatening to capture the unprotected bishop on c1. Additionally, there's a threat of a discovered check from the black knight on f6.", 'With these aspects in mind, the primary goal should be to eliminate immediate threats. The bishop on c1 can be protected, and the king can be moved out of potential checks.', 'Promising moves to achieve these goals are Qe2 and O-O, both of which would protect the bishop and move the king out of the line of attack.', "Considering counter-moves, if Qe2 is played, Black could respond with Qe5+, placing White in check. After Kd1, Black can play Nc5, and White's position remains difficult.", 'If O-O is played, Black could respond with O-O-O, maintaining a strong position and increasing control over the d-file. However, the black queen would no longer be threatening any immediate captures, and the black knights do not have any immediate strong moves.', 'Considering piece attacks on the destination squares, e2 is currently under attack by the black queen, and g1 (after O-O) is not under attack.', "Considering these aspects, it seems O-O is the best move to make. It protects the bishop, moves the king out of potential checks and doesn't immediately concede more material."] move='O-O'
Stockfish move:
Board FEN:
r1b1kb1r/ppp2ppp/n4n2/4p3/3q4/8/PPPP1PPP/R1BQ1RK1 w kq - 0 9
1. Nf3 Nf6
2. Nc3 d5
3. Nxd5 Qxd5
4. e4 Qxe4+
5. Be2 Qd5
6. Nd4 Qxd4
7. Ba6 Nxa6
8. O-O e5
Board square by square:
a1: white rook
c1: white bishop
d1: white queen
f1: white rook
g1: white king
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
d2: white pawn
f2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
d4: black queen
e5: black pawn
a6: black knight
f6: black knight
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
g7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
c8: black bishop
e8: black king
f8: black bishop
h8: black rook
Defended by:
a3 is defended by f8
c3 is defended by d4
d3 is defended by d4
e3 is defended by d4
h3 is defended by c8
a4 is defended by d4
b4 is defended by a6, d4, f8
c4 is defended by d4
d4 is defended by e5
e4 is defended by d4, f6
f4 is defended by d4, e5
g4 is defended by c8, d4, f6
h4 is defended by d4
c5 is defended by a6, d4, f8
d5 is defended by d4, f6
e5 is defended by d4
f5 is defended by c8
h5 is defended by f6
a6 is defended by b7
b6 is defended by a7, c7, d4
c6 is defended by b7
d6 is defended by c7, d4, f8
e6 is defended by c8, f7
f6 is defended by g7
g6 is defended by f7, h7
h6 is defended by g7
a7 is defended by a8, d4
b7 is defended by c8
c7 is defended by a6
d7 is defended by c8, d4, e8, f6
e7 is defended by e8, f8
f7 is defended by e8
g7 is defended by f8
h7 is defended by f6, h8
b8 is defended by a6, a8
c8 is defended by a8
d8 is defended by d4, e8
e8 is defended by f6
f8 is defended by e8, h8
g8 is defended by f6, h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 0
bishop: 1
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 2
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
rook at a1: Rb1
queen at d1: Qe1, Qg4, Qe2, Qf3, Qh5
rook at f1: Re1
king at g1: Kh1
pawn at a2: a4, a3
pawn at b2: b3, b4
pawn at c2: c3, c4
pawn at d2: d3
pawn at g2: g3, g4
pawn at h2: h3, h4
internal_monologue=["Looking at the board, I see that we're well past the opening stage and now into the middlegame. I have lost my knights early on but still have both rooks, my queen, and a bishop left, while my opponent still has all their pieces except a bishop.", 'The first thing I notice is the black queen sitting in the middle of the board at d4, which is currently defended by a pawn on e5. This could potentially be a threat, so I need to think about how I can deal with it.', 'One promising move that comes to mind is moving my queen to g4. This would put the black queen in check and force it to move or be defended by another piece.', 'But before I make this move, I have to consider how my opponent can respond. They could either move the queen back to e6 or protect it by moving the knight from a6 to b4, which would also attack my queen.', "However, looking at the 'Attacked or Defended by' section, I see that if I move my queen to g4, it will be attacked by the bishop on c8 and the pawn on e5. This could potentially put my queen in danger.", 'After considering all this, I believe that the best move to make is Qg4. Despite the potential threats, it puts pressure on the black queen and forces my opponent to react. And even if they decide to attack my queen, I can simply move it back and maintain a strong position.'] move='Qg4'
Stockfish move:
Board FEN:
r1b1kb1r/ppp2ppp/n7/4p3/3q2n1/8/PPPP1PPP/R1B2RK1 w kq - 0 10
1. Nf3 Nf6
2. Nc3 d5
3. Nxd5 Qxd5
4. e4 Qxe4+
5. Be2 Qd5
6. Nd4 Qxd4
7. Ba6 Nxa6
8. O-O e5
9. Qg4 Nxg4
Board square by square:
a1: white rook
c1: white bishop
f1: white rook
g1: white king
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
d2: white pawn
f2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
d4: black queen
g4: black knight
e5: black pawn
a6: black knight
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
g7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
c8: black bishop
e8: black king
f8: black bishop
h8: black rook
Defended by:
a3 is defended by f8
c3 is defended by d4
d3 is defended by d4
e3 is defended by d4, g4
a4 is defended by d4
b4 is defended by a6, d4, f8
c4 is defended by d4
d4 is defended by e5
e4 is defended by d4
f4 is defended by d4, e5
g4 is defended by c8, d4
c5 is defended by a6, d4, f8
d5 is defended by d4
e5 is defended by d4, g4
f5 is defended by c8
a6 is defended by b7
b6 is defended by a7, c7, d4
c6 is defended by b7
d6 is defended by c7, d4, f8
e6 is defended by c8, f7
f6 is defended by g7, g4
g6 is defended by f7, h7
h6 is defended by g7, g4
a7 is defended by a8, d4
b7 is defended by c8
c7 is defended by a6
d7 is defended by c8, d4, e8
e7 is defended by e8, f8
f7 is defended by e8
g7 is defended by f8
h7 is defended by h8
b8 is defended by a6, a8
c8 is defended by a8
d8 is defended by d4, e8
f8 is defended by e8, h8
g8 is defended by h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 0
bishop: 1
rook: 2
queen: 0
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 2
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
rook at a1: Rb1
rook at f1: Re1, Rd1
king at g1: Kh1
pawn at a2: a4, a3
pawn at b2: b3, b4
pawn at c2: c3, c4
pawn at d2: d3
pawn at g2: g3
pawn at h2: h3, h4
internal_monologue=["The current board position is a complex one, looking at the board it's quite clear that black is currently in an advantageous position given the control of the center and a more active queen.", "White is currently down by a knight and a queen and there are no captures available for the next move which means the deficit can't be made up immediately.", 'The black queen at d4 and knight at g4 are both posing serious threats and therefore need to be dealt with.', 'One strategy could be to try and force the black queen to move by attacking it, or by blocking the black knight at g4.', 'Looking at the available moves, the best available options seem to be moving the rook at f1 to d1(Rd1) or moving the pawn at d2 to d3(d3).', 'Rd1 will put the black queen in check, but it can easily be moved to a safe location so it might not be the best move.', 'On the other hand, d3 does not put any black piece in an immediate threat but it blocks the potential threat of the black knight at g4 to the king.', 'Considering these factors, it seems that the move d3 might be the best move in this situation.'] move='d3'
Stockfish move:
Board FEN:
r1b1k2r/ppp2ppp/n7/2b1p3/3q2n1/3P4/PPP2PPP/R1B2RK1 w kq - 1 11
1. Nf3 Nf6
2. Nc3 d5
3. Nxd5 Qxd5
4. e4 Qxe4+
5. Be2 Qd5
6. Nd4 Qxd4
7. Ba6 Nxa6
8. O-O e5
9. Qg4 Nxg4
10. d3 Bc5
Board square by square:
a1: white rook
c1: white bishop
f1: white rook
g1: white king
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
f2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
d3: white pawn
d4: black queen
g4: black knight
c5: black bishop
e5: black pawn
a6: black knight
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
g7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
c8: black bishop
e8: black king
h8: black rook
Defended by:
a3 is defended by c5
c3 is defended by d4
e3 is defended by d4, g4
a4 is defended by d4
b4 is defended by a6, c5, d4
c4 is defended by d4
d4 is defended by c5, e5
e4 is defended by d4
f4 is defended by d4, e5
g4 is defended by c8, d4
c5 is defended by a6, d4
d5 is defended by d4
e5 is defended by d4, g4
f5 is defended by c8
a6 is defended by b7
b6 is defended by a7, c5, c7
c6 is defended by b7
d6 is defended by c5, d4, c7
e6 is defended by c8, f7
f6 is defended by g7, g4
g6 is defended by f7, h7
h6 is defended by g7, g4
a7 is defended by a8, c5
b7 is defended by c8
c7 is defended by a6
d7 is defended by c8, d4, e8
e7 is defended by c5, e8
f7 is defended by e8
h7 is defended by h8
b8 is defended by a6, a8
c8 is defended by a8
d8 is defended by d4, e8
e8 is defended by h8
f8 is defended by c5, e8, h8
g8 is defended by h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 0
bishop: 1
rook: 2
queen: 0
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 2
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
rook at a1: Rb1
bishop at c1: Bg5, Be3, Bd2, Bh6, Bf4
rook at f1: Re1, Rd1
king at g1: Kh1
pawn at a2: a4, a3
pawn at b2: b3, b4
pawn at c2: c3, c4
pawn at g2: g3
pawn at h2: h3, h4
internal_monologue=["From the history, this game started with a fairly standard 1. Nf3 Nf6 opening. However, the game quickly deviated from typical theory with 3. Nxd5, and now we're in a very unconventional position.", "The board shows that black has a strong position with the queen centralized and active knights. White's pieces are largely undeveloped and the queen is off the board. The black knight on g4 and the queen on d4 create a lot of pressure.", "Looking at the available moves, I need to consider how to neutralize the threats and develop my pieces. Moves like h3 or Be3 could help to kick the queen and knight, while c3 or c4 could also disrupt the queen's position.", "Considering potential counter-moves, if I play h3, black might just retreat the knight to h6 or f6. If I play Be3, black could trade the queen for two bishops with Qxe3 fxe3, which might not be ideal given that I'm already down material.", 'For a move like c3, black could just retreat the queen to d6 or d7, maintaining a good position. If I play c4, black has the option to play ...Bb4, pinning my pawn. Also, the move c4 does not help me to develop my pieces.', 'After considering the potential threats and possibilities, I might want to play Be3. Even though it allows black to trade the queen for two bishops, it helps me to develop my piece and kick the queen away, potentially gaining some tempo.', 'After Be3, the d3 pawn could be attacked by the knight from g4, the bishop on c5, and the rook on a8 if the a6 knight moves. But with my rook on f1, I should be able to defend it adequately.'] move='Be3'
Stockfish move:
Board FEN:
r1b1k2r/ppp2ppp/n7/2b1p3/3q4/3Pn3/PPP2PPP/R4RK1 w kq - 0 12
1. Nf3 Nf6
2. Nc3 d5
3. Nxd5 Qxd5
4. e4 Qxe4+
5. Be2 Qd5
6. Nd4 Qxd4
7. Ba6 Nxa6
8. O-O e5
9. Qg4 Nxg4
10. d3 Bc5
11. Be3 Nxe3
Board square by square:
a1: white rook
f1: white rook
g1: white king
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
f2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
d3: white pawn
e3: black knight
d4: black queen
c5: black bishop
e5: black pawn
a6: black knight
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
g7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
c8: black bishop
e8: black king
h8: black rook
Defended by:
d1 is defended by e3
a3 is defended by c5
c3 is defended by d4
e3 is defended by d4
h3 is defended by c8
a4 is defended by d4
b4 is defended by a6, c5, d4
c4 is defended by d4, e3
d4 is defended by c5, e5
e4 is defended by d4
f4 is defended by d4, e5
g4 is defended by c8, d4, e3
h4 is defended by d4
c5 is defended by a6, d4
d5 is defended by d4, e3
e5 is defended by d4
f5 is defended by c8, e3
a6 is defended by b7
b6 is defended by a7, c5, c7
c6 is defended by b7
d6 is defended by c5, d4, c7
e6 is defended by c8, f7
f6 is defended by g7
g6 is defended by f7, h7
h6 is defended by g7
a7 is defended by a8, c5
b7 is defended by c8
c7 is defended by a6
d7 is defended by c8, d4, e8
e7 is defended by c5, e8
f7 is defended by e8
h7 is defended by h8
b8 is defended by a6, a8
c8 is defended by a8
d8 is defended by d4, e8
e8 is defended by h8
f8 is defended by c5, e8, h8
g8 is defended by h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 0
bishop: 0
rook: 2
queen: 0
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 2
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
rook at a1: Rab1, Rac1, Rad1, Rae1
rook at f1: Rfe1, Rfd1, Rfc1, Rfb1
king at g1: Kh1
pawn at a2: a4, a3
pawn at b2: b3, b4
pawn at c2: c3, c4
pawn at f2: fxe3, f4, f3
pawn at g2: g3, g4
pawn at h2: h3, h4
internal_monologue=["The current board situation is quite dire for white, black has a formidable position with both knights and the queen in key positions. Black's bishop, knight and queen are bearing down on white's king from different directions.", 'The white pieces are scattered and there is no immediate threat to the black king. The black pieces, particularly the knights and the queen, are well positioned.', 'The white king is safe for now, but the position of the black queen and knight on e3 pose a significant threat. White needs to take care of this as soon as possible.', "Looking at the available moves, both rooks have a variety of moves but none that would significantly improve white's situation. The king can move to h1 but this does not seem like a promising move.", 'The pawns have a variety of moves, with pawn at f2 having the ability to capture the threatening knight at e3. This seems to be the most promising move as it would eliminate a significant threat to the white king.', 'Considering counter moves, if pawn at f2 captures knight at e3, black queen may capture the pawn at e3. However, this would move the queen away from a threatening position towards the white king.', 'After considering the move, the only black piece that could attack the destination square is the black queen.', 'Given the situation, the best move seems to be fxe3. This move eliminates the immediate threat of the black knight and moves the black queen away from its threatening position.'] move='fxe3'
Stockfish move:
Board FEN:
r1b1k2r/ppp2ppp/n7/2b1p3/8/3Pq3/PPP3PP/R4RK1 w kq - 0 13
1. Nf3 Nf6
2. Nc3 d5
3. Nxd5 Qxd5
4. e4 Qxe4+
5. Be2 Qd5
6. Nd4 Qxd4
7. Ba6 Nxa6
8. O-O e5
9. Qg4 Nxg4
10. d3 Bc5
11. Be3 Nxe3
12. fxe3 Qxe3+
Board square by square:
a1: white rook
f1: white rook
g1: white king
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
d3: white pawn
e3: black queen
c5: black bishop
e5: black pawn
a6: black knight
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
g7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
c8: black bishop
e8: black king
h8: black rook
Defended by:
c1 is defended by e3
e1 is defended by e3
d2 is defended by e3
e2 is defended by e3
f2 is defended by e3
a3 is defended by c5
e3 is defended by c5
f3 is defended by e3
g3 is defended by e3
h3 is defended by c8, e3
b4 is defended by a6, c5
d4 is defended by c5, e3, e5
e4 is defended by e3
f4 is defended by e3, e5
g4 is defended by c8
c5 is defended by a6, e3
e5 is defended by e3
f5 is defended by c8
g5 is defended by e3
a6 is defended by b7
b6 is defended by a7, c5, c7
c6 is defended by b7
d6 is defended by c5, c7
e6 is defended by c8, f7
f6 is defended by g7
g6 is defended by f7, h7
h6 is defended by e3, g7
a7 is defended by a8, c5
b7 is defended by c8
c7 is defended by a6
d7 is defended by c8, e8
e7 is defended by c5, e8
f7 is defended by e8
h7 is defended by h8
b8 is defended by a6, a8
c8 is defended by a8
d8 is defended by e8
e8 is defended by h8
f8 is defended by c5, e8, h8
g8 is defended by h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 6
knight: 0
bishop: 0
rook: 2
queen: 0
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 1
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
rook at f1: Rf2
king at g1: Kh1
internal_monologue=['The board is currently in a tough spot for White. Black has a significant material advantage and their queen is actively threatening my position.', "Given the current board situation, I need a move that can protect against Black's attacks. Currently, my king is under threat from the black queen.", 'I have two possible moves to consider. I can either move the rook to f2 or the king to h1.', "Moving the rook to f2 seems like a good option initially, as it would block the queen's check. However, it leaves the rook vulnerable to capture by the black queen.", 'Moving the king to h1, on the other hand, takes my king out of check without sacrificing any pieces.', 'After considering both moves, it seems that moving the king to h1 is the best option. None of the black pieces can immediately attack the h1 square.'] move='Kh1'
Stockfish move:
Board FEN:
r1b1k2r/ppp2ppp/n7/2b1p1q1/8/3P4/PPP3PP/R4R1K w kq - 2 14
1. Nf3 Nf6
2. Nc3 d5
3. Nxd5 Qxd5
4. e4 Qxe4+
5. Be2 Qd5
6. Nd4 Qxd4
7. Ba6 Nxa6
8. O-O e5
9. Qg4 Nxg4
10. d3 Bc5
11. Be3 Nxe3
12. fxe3 Qxe3+
13. Kh1 Qg5
Board square by square:
a1: white rook
f1: white rook
h1: white king
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
d3: white pawn
c5: black bishop
e5: black pawn
g5: black queen
a6: black knight
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
g7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
c8: black bishop
e8: black king
h8: black rook
Defended by:
c1 is defended by g5
g1 is defended by c5
d2 is defended by g5
f2 is defended by c5
a3 is defended by c5
e3 is defended by c5, g5
g3 is defended by g5
h3 is defended by c8
b4 is defended by a6, c5
d4 is defended by c5, e5
f4 is defended by e5, g5
g4 is defended by c8, g5
h4 is defended by g5
c5 is defended by a6
e5 is defended by g5
f5 is defended by c8, g5
h5 is defended by g5
a6 is defended by b7
b6 is defended by a7, c5, c7
c6 is defended by b7
d6 is defended by c5, c7
e6 is defended by c8, f7
f6 is defended by g7, g5
g6 is defended by f7, g5, h7
h6 is defended by g7, g5
a7 is defended by a8, c5
b7 is defended by c8
c7 is defended by a6
d7 is defended by c8, e8
e7 is defended by c5, e8, g5
f7 is defended by e8
g7 is defended by g5
h7 is defended by h8
b8 is defended by a6, a8
c8 is defended by a8
d8 is defended by e8, g5
e8 is defended by h8
f8 is defended by c5, e8, h8
g8 is defended by h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 6
knight: 0
bishop: 0
rook: 2
queen: 0
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 1
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
rook at a1: Rab1, Rac1, Rad1, Rae1
rook at f1: Rfd1, Rfc1, Rf6, Rf2, Rf4, Rg1, Rfe1, Rfb1, Rf3, Rf5, Rxf7
pawn at a2: a4, a3
pawn at b2: b3, b4
pawn at c2: c3, c4
pawn at g2: g3, g4
pawn at h2: h3, h4
pawn at d3: d4
internal_monologue=['The game has transitioned from the opening phase into a unique middlegame position. My opponent has a significant material advantage with one more pawn, one knight, two bishops, and one queen. I have also lost my queen, which makes the situation quite dire.', "My main goal now is to prevent any immediate threats and try to regain some material if possible. However, the situation doesn't look promising. My king is relatively exposed and my opponent's queen and bishop are targeting my pawns.", "I see a few potential moves. The move Rf6 seems interesting as it would put pressure on the opponent's queen, forcing it to move. However, it could easily be countered by the bishop protecting that square.", "Moving my rook from a1 to another file might help to strengthen my position, but it would also allow the opponent's pieces to invade my territory even more.", 'Movements of my pawns seem not effective enough at this stage. They cannot help in attacking or defending effectively.', 'After considering these possibilities, Rf6 seems to be the most promising move even if it is risky. The queen may retreat or exchange with the rook, but in both cases, it would give me a little breathing room to adjust my position.'] move='Rf6'
Stockfish move:
Board FEN:
r1b1k2r/ppp2p1p/n4p2/2b1p1q1/8/3P4/PPP3PP/R6K w kq - 0 15
1. Nf3 Nf6
2. Nc3 d5
3. Nxd5 Qxd5
4. e4 Qxe4+
5. Be2 Qd5
6. Nd4 Qxd4
7. Ba6 Nxa6
8. O-O e5
9. Qg4 Nxg4
10. d3 Bc5
11. Be3 Nxe3
12. fxe3 Qxe3+
13. Kh1 Qg5
14. Rf6 gxf6
Board square by square:
a1: white rook
h1: white king
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
d3: white pawn
c5: black bishop
e5: black pawn
g5: black queen
a6: black knight
f6: black pawn
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
c8: black bishop
e8: black king
h8: black rook
Defended by:
c1 is defended by g5
g1 is defended by c5
d2 is defended by g5
f2 is defended by c5
a3 is defended by c5
e3 is defended by c5, g5
g3 is defended by g5
h3 is defended by c8
b4 is defended by a6, c5
d4 is defended by c5, e5
f4 is defended by e5, g5
g4 is defended by c8, g5
h4 is defended by g5
c5 is defended by a6
e5 is defended by f6, g5
f5 is defended by c8, g5
g5 is defended by f6
h5 is defended by g5
a6 is defended by b7
b6 is defended by a7, c5, c7
c6 is defended by b7
d6 is defended by c5, c7
e6 is defended by c8, f7
f6 is defended by g5
g6 is defended by f7, g5, h7
h6 is defended by g5
a7 is defended by a8, c5
b7 is defended by c8
c7 is defended by a6
d7 is defended by c8, e8
e7 is defended by c5, e8
f7 is defended by e8
g7 is defended by g5
h7 is defended by h8
b8 is defended by a6, a8
c8 is defended by a8
d8 is defended by e8
e8 is defended by h8
f8 is defended by c5, e8, h8
g8 is defended by g5, h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 6
knight: 0
bishop: 0
rook: 1
queen: 0
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 1
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
rook at a1: Rg1, Rd1, Re1, Rb1, Rc1, Rf1
pawn at a2: a4, a3
pawn at b2: b3, b4
pawn at c2: c3, c4
pawn at g2: g3, g4
pawn at h2: h3, h4
pawn at d3: d4
internal_monologue=['The current game situation looks like the endgame, with both sides having lost significant material. The black side is ahead with one extra knight and one extra bishop, and the black queen is well-positioned for attacks. The white side, with only one rook and the king left is in a vulnerable position.', 'Considering the currently available moves, there is no move that can directly attack any of the black pieces or that can lead to a checkmate in the next few moves.', "One possible heuristic to use in this situation for the white side is to try to play defensively, protecting the king and blocking the black queen's lines of attack.", "Looking at the available moves, moving the rook to g1 (Rg1) seems like a promising candidate move. This move would put the rook in a position to potentially block the black queen's line of attack and defend the king in future moves.", 'After considering Rg1, pieces that could attack the destination square are the black bishop at c5 and black queen at g5. However, neither of these pieces could immediately attack the rook on g1 in the next move.', 'Another move to consider could be moving a pawn to try to open up the board and perhaps create some attacking opportunities in the future. But given the current situation, defending the king seems to be a more urgent priority.', 'Given these considerations, Rg1 seems like the best move to make for the white side in this situation.'] move='Rg1'
Stockfish move:
Board FEN:
r1b1k2r/ppp2p1p/n4p2/2b1p3/8/3Pq3/PPP3PP/6RK w kq - 2 16
1. Nf3 Nf6
2. Nc3 d5
3. Nxd5 Qxd5
4. e4 Qxe4+
5. Be2 Qd5
6. Nd4 Qxd4
7. Ba6 Nxa6
8. O-O e5
9. Qg4 Nxg4
10. d3 Bc5
11. Be3 Nxe3
12. fxe3 Qxe3+
13. Kh1 Qg5
14. Rf6 gxf6
15. Rg1 Qe3
Board square by square:
g1: white rook
h1: white king
a2: white pawn
b2: white pawn
c2: white pawn
g2: white pawn
h2: white pawn
d3: white pawn
e3: black queen
c5: black bishop
e5: black pawn
a6: black knight
f6: black pawn
a7: black pawn
b7: black pawn
c7: black pawn
f7: black pawn
h7: black pawn
a8: black rook
c8: black bishop
e8: black king
h8: black rook
Defended by:
c1 is defended by e3
e1 is defended by e3
d2 is defended by e3
e2 is defended by e3
f2 is defended by e3
a3 is defended by c5
e3 is defended by c5
f3 is defended by e3
g3 is defended by e3
h3 is defended by c8, e3
b4 is defended by a6, c5
d4 is defended by c5, e3, e5
e4 is defended by e3
f4 is defended by e3, e5
g4 is defended by c8
c5 is defended by a6, e3
e5 is defended by e3, f6
f5 is defended by c8
g5 is defended by e3, f6
a6 is defended by b7
b6 is defended by a7, c5, c7
c6 is defended by b7
d6 is defended by c5, c7
e6 is defended by c8, f7
g6 is defended by f7, h7
h6 is defended by e3
a7 is defended by a8, c5
b7 is defended by c8
c7 is defended by a6
d7 is defended by c8, e8
e7 is defended by c5, e8
f7 is defended by e8
h7 is defended by h8
b8 is defended by a6, a8
c8 is defended by a8
d8 is defended by e8
e8 is defended by h8
f8 is defended by c5, e8, h8
g8 is defended by h8
white piece counts:
pawn: 6
knight: 0
bishop: 0
rook: 1
queen: 0
king: 1
black piece counts:
pawn: 7
knight: 1
bishop: 2
rook: 2
queen: 1
king: 1
Available moves:
rook at g1: Rd1, Re1, Rb1, Ra1, Rf1, Rc1
pawn at a2: a4, a3
pawn at b2: b3, b4
pawn at c2: c3, c4
pawn at g2: g3, g4
pawn at h2: h3, h4
pawn at d3: d4
internal_monologue=["Looking at the board, I can see that I'm in a difficult position. My only pieces are a rook and my king, while my opponent has a full set of pieces.", "There's a dangerous situation where the black queen is attacking my king, and I only have one piece that can block or capture her: my rook on g1.", 'Given the board situation, it seems like my priority should be to try and protect my king as best as I can.', 'There are a couple of moves that I could consider. One would be to move my rook to any of the available squares on rank 1 or to d1.', "However, after considering possible counter-moves, it seems like these would just delay the inevitable. The black queen has a lot of potential to attack my king, and I don't have enough pieces to defend him properly.", 'Taking into account all these factors, the best move might be to move my rook to e1, hoping to draw the black queen away from my king.', "This move will probably be attacked, but at this point, it's about trying to prolong the game as much as possible."] move='Re1'
Stockfish move:
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