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Created February 14, 2022 16:25
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def calc_time_to_next_comm(start=None, debug_prints=False):
Queries the Kadi event database for the next several (scheduled) comm passes.
Calculates the duration between now (in UTC) and the next comm pass.
If that duration is negative (i.e. that comm already happened), it searches
the list of passes for the first positive time delta, i.e. the first comm pass in the future.
Returns a string in reporting the time to the next comm pass.
# This can sometimes fail, and I really don't want a failure to kill my code. It's not important enough.
# Now must be in UTC becuase the comm table is is.
from kadi import events
if start is None:
comms = events.dsn_comms.filter(
if debug_prints:
f'Start query is automatic and reads as {convert_to_doy(dt.datetime.utcnow())}')
elif start is not None:
comms = events.dsn_comms.filter(start=start).table
if debug_prints:
f'Start query is manual and reads as {start}')
# The NEXT comm will either be row zero of the table, or row one. It depends on when you fetch. So just check.
comm_tdelta = None
if debug_prints:
print(f'Start query is manual and reads as {start}')
print(f'comm_tdelta is {comm_tdelta}')
for i in range(0, 4):
raw_comm_start = dt.datetime.strptime(
comms['start'][i], "%Y:%j:%H:%M:%S.%f")
if debug_prints:
print(f'Searching events table on iteration {i}...')
print(f'raw_comm_start is {raw_comm_start}')
est = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')
utc = pytz.utc
if debug_prints:
print(f'EST initialized as {est}...')
print(f'UTC initialized as {utc}...')
localized_comm_start = utc.localize(raw_comm_start)
# I DO NOT understand why DST is not being accounted for! the subtraction of 1 hour is a brute-force fix.
localized_now = est.localize( - dt.timedelta(hours=1)
comm_tdelta = localized_comm_start - localized_now
if debug_prints:
print(f'localized_comm_start is {localized_comm_start}...')
print(f'localized_now is {localized_now}...')
print(f'comm_tdelta is {comm_tdelta}...')
if comm_tdelta.total_seconds() > 0:
# Then we have (hopefully) succeeded, and now need only format a string to return.
days = int(comm_tdelta.days)
seconds = round(int(comm_tdelta.seconds), 0)
# the // operator rounds down the answer, and returns a whole number.
hours = seconds // 3600
minutes = (seconds//60) % 60
comm_fetch_success = True
comm_string = f'{days} days, {hours} hours, {minutes} minutes'
if comm_tdelta is None:
# Then the code has failed to find a next comm and there is a problem. Just report that.
comm_fetch_success = False
comm_string = 'Comm fetch seems to be working, but next comm is not found.'
except Exception as e:
print(f'Exception in calc_time_to_next_comm: {e}')
print(f'Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
comm_fetch_success = False
comm_string = f"Function calc_time_to_next_comm() returned exception: {e}"
return comm_fetch_success, comm_string
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