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Last active September 26, 2016 14:33
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DC Apache Spark MeetUp - Zeppelin & Spark SQL
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"text": "%md\n## Agenda\n\n1. Loading data, initial discovery\n2. Joining with browsers lookup\n3. Custom UDF for ip-geo\n4. Page dwell time, sessionize visits\n6. Revenue metrics\n7. Funnel analysis",
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"title": "Load Datasets",
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"text": "// in Zeppelin we can call \"\" to display our dataset, for DataFrames it will provide some basic visualizations such as a table and various charts\n\\"hit_time\"))",
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"title": "Stats for Numeric Values",
"text": "// the describe method calulates some basic statistics of numerical columns\n\\"revenue \u003e 0\").\n describe(\"revenue\", \"orders\", \"units\"))",
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"title": "Frequent Items in Products",
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"msg": "product\njeans\nskinny jean\nshorts\ntennis shorts\ncotton pants\ncufflinks\nlow waist jean\n\n"
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"title": "Join with Browsers Lookup Table",
"text": "val withBrowser \u003d events.\n join(browsers, \n events(\"browser\") \u003d\u003d\u003d browsers(\"id\"), \n \"left_outer\").\n drop(\"id\").\n drop(\"browser\").\n withColumnRenamed(\"name\", \"browser\").\n na.fill(\"Unknown\", Seq(\"browser\"))",
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"text": "%md\n\u003cbr\u003e\nIf we wanted to perform a broadcast join we\u0027d first have to cache the browsers dataset or we can use a broadcast \"hint\" by writing the join like so:\n\u003cbr\u003e\n```scala\nval withBrowser \u003d events.\n join(broadcast(browsers),\n events(\"browser\") \u003d\u003d\u003d browsers(\"id\"),\n \"left_outer\")\n```",
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"msg": "browser\tcount\nMicrosoft Internet Explorer 6.0\t2715\nUnknown\t1894\nMicrosoft Internet Explorer 5.5\t176\nMicrosoft MSN Internet Access\t79\nMozilla Firefox 3.0\t54\nGoogle Chrome (unknown version)\t48\nMicrosoft Internet Explorer 5.0\t33\nMicrosoft Internet Explorer 5.01\t30\nMicrosoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (AOL)\t30\nMicrosoft MSN Explorer 2.5\t25\nSafari 1.0.3\t22\nSafari 1.2.4\t16\nSafari 1.3\t12\nMicrosoft Internet Explorer 5.16 (Macintosh)\t7\nSafari 1.1.1\t6\nMicrosoft Internet Explorer 5.23 (Macintosh)\t6\nMicrosoft Internet Explorer 4.01\t6\nSafari 2.0\t6\nSafari 1.2.3\t6\nSafari 1.3.1\t5\nMicrosoft Internet Explorer 5.22 (Macintosh)\t5\nOpera 7.54\t5\nMicrosoft Internet Explorer (unknown version)\t4\nMicrosoft Internet Explorer 5.17 (Macintosh)\t4\nMicrosoft Internet Explorer 5.14 (Macintosh)\t3\nSafari 1.3.2\t2\nSafari 2.0.4\t2\nMozilla Firefox 1.5 beta\t1\nSafari 2.0.3\t1\nMozilla Firefox 1.0.5\t1\nSafari 2.0.2\t1\nMozilla Firefox (unknown version)\t1\nAmerica Online Browser (unknown version)\t1\n"
"dateCreated": "Sep 18, 2015 2:52:59 AM",
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"title": "Geo-IP Lookup UDF First Try",
"text": "import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._\nimport\nimport\nimport com.maxmind.geoip2._\n\ncase class Location(latitude: Double, longitude: Double)\ncase class Geo(city: String, country: String, loc: Location)\n\n// this is not very good since it\u0027ll re-load the DB file each execution of the UDF\nval iplookupv1 \u003d udf { (s: String) \u003d\u003e {\n val ip \u003d InetAddress.getByName(s)\n \n val db \u003d new File(\"/data/meetup/GeoLite2-City.mmdb\")\n \n val reader \u003d new DatabaseReader.Builder(db).build()\n \n val record \u003d\n \n val city \u003d record.getCity\n val country \u003d record.getCountry\n val location \u003d record.getLocation\n \n Geo(city.getName, country.getName, Location(location.getLatitude, location.getLongitude))\n} }",
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"msg": "import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._\nimport\nimport\nimport com.maxmind.geoip2._\ndefined class Location\ndefined class Geo\niplookupv1: org.apache.spark.sql.UserDefinedFunction \u003d UserDefinedFunction(\u003cfunction1\u003e,StructType(StructField(city,StringType,true), StructField(country,StringType,true), StructField(loc,StructType(StructField(latitude,DoubleType,false), StructField(longitude,DoubleType,false)),true)),List(StringType))\n"
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"title": "Geo-IP lookup UDF Better",
"text": "import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._\nimport\nimport\nimport com.maxmind.geoip2._\n\n// rather than load the DB file each call we use a Scala object with a lazy initializer (Java singleton)\n// this will get initialized once in each executor JVM, the @transient attribute tells Scala not to serialize the field\n\nobject GeoIPLookup {\n @transient lazy val reader \u003d {\n val db \u003d new File(\"/data/meetup/GeoLite2-City.mmdb\")\n \n val reader \u003d new DatabaseReader.Builder(db).build()\n \n reader\n }\n}\n\ncase class Location(latitude: Double, longitude: Double)\ncase class Geo(city: String, country: String, loc: Location)\n\nval iplookup \u003d udf { (s: String) \u003d\u003e {\n val ip \u003d InetAddress.getByName(s)\n \n val record \u003d\n \n val city \u003d record.getCity\n val country \u003d record.getCountry\n val location \u003d record.getLocation\n \n Geo(city.getName, country.getName, Location(location.getLatitude, location.getLongitude))\n} }",
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"msg": "import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._\nimport\nimport\nimport com.maxmind.geoip2._\ndefined module GeoIPLookup\ndefined class Location\ndefined class Geo\niplookup: org.apache.spark.sql.UserDefinedFunction \u003d UserDefinedFunction(\u003cfunction1\u003e,StructType(StructField(city,StringType,true), StructField(country,StringType,true), StructField(loc,StructType(StructField(latitude,DoubleType,false), StructField(longitude,DoubleType,false)),true)),List(StringType))\n"
"dateCreated": "Sep 18, 2015 3:10:58 AM",
"dateStarted": "Oct 5, 2015 11:47:01 PM",
"dateFinished": "Oct 5, 2015 11:47:06 PM",
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"title": "Run Geo-IP Lookup",
"text": "val withGeo \u003d withBrowser.\n withColumn(\"geo\", iplookup(column(\"ip\")))\n\nwithGeo.printSchema",
"dateUpdated": "Oct 6, 2015 2:36:21 AM",
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"msg": "withGeo: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame \u003d [hit_time: string, visid: double, hitid: double, ip: string, url: string, page_name: string, referrer: string, product: string, revenue: double, orders: int, units: int, ecom_event: string, browser: string, geo: struct\u003ccity:string,country:string,loc:struct\u003clatitude:double,longitude:double\u003e\u003e]\nroot\n |-- hit_time: string (nullable \u003d true)\n |-- visid: double (nullable \u003d true)\n |-- hitid: double (nullable \u003d true)\n |-- ip: string (nullable \u003d true)\n |-- url: string (nullable \u003d true)\n |-- page_name: string (nullable \u003d true)\n |-- referrer: string (nullable \u003d true)\n |-- product: string (nullable \u003d true)\n |-- revenue: double (nullable \u003d true)\n |-- orders: integer (nullable \u003d true)\n |-- units: integer (nullable \u003d true)\n |-- ecom_event: string (nullable \u003d true)\n |-- browser: string (nullable \u003d false)\n |-- geo: struct (nullable \u003d true)\n | |-- city: string (nullable \u003d true)\n | |-- country: string (nullable \u003d true)\n | |-- loc: struct (nullable \u003d true)\n | | |-- latitude: double (nullable \u003d false)\n | | |-- longitude: double (nullable \u003d false)\n\n"
"dateCreated": "Sep 19, 2015 1:41:50 PM",
"dateStarted": "Oct 5, 2015 11:47:12 PM",
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"title": "Query Revenue By Location",
"text": "// this is just showing how we can use Zeppelin to provide filtering of our Spark\n// queries from the UI\n\ncase class Loc(lat: Double, lon: Double, desc: String)\n\nval argLimit \u003d z.input(\"Limit\", 50).toString.toInt\nval country \u003d\"Country\", \"United States\",\n Seq((\"United States\", \"United States\"), \n (\"Italy\", \"Italy\"), \n (\"England\", \"England\"), \n (\"Germany\", \"Germany\"), \n (\"France\", \"France\"),\n (\"*\", \"All\"))\n).toString\n\nval countryFilter \u003d country match {\n case \"*\" \u003d\u003e \"true \u003d true\"\n case _ \u003d\u003e s\" \u003d \u0027$country\u0027\"\n }\n\nval locations \u003d withGeo.\n where(countryFilter).\n where(\" is not null\").\n groupBy(\"geo\").\n agg(sum(\"revenue\").as(\"revenue\")).\n where(\"revenue \u003e 0\").\n select(\"geo.loc.latitude\", \"geo.loc.longitude\", \"\", \"revenue\").\n sort(column(\"revenue\").desc).\n limit(argLimit)\n \nval fmt \u003d java.text.NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(java.util.Locale.US)\n\nval result \u003d locations.collect().\n map(i \u003d\u003e {\n Loc(\n i.getDouble(0),\n i.getDouble(1),\n i.getString(2) + \": \" + fmt.format(i.getDouble(3))\n )\n }).toArray\n\nz.angularBind(\"locations\", result)\n\nprintln(s\"%html\") //just a hack to disable Scala output",
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"displayName": "United States"
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"displayName": "Italy"
"value": "England",
"displayName": "England"
"value": "Germany",
"displayName": "Germany"
"value": "France",
"displayName": "France"
"value": "*",
"displayName": "All"
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"title": "Mapping Revenue By Location",
"text": "%angular\n\n\u003clink rel\u003d\"stylesheet\" href\u003d\"\" /\u003e\n\u003cdiv id\u003d\"map\" style\u003d\"height: 800px; width: 100%\"\u003e\u003c/div\u003e\n\n\u003cscript type\u003d\"text/javascript\"\u003e\nfunction initMap() {\n var map \u003d\u0027map\u0027).setView([30.00, -30.00], 3);\n\n L.tileLayer(\u0027http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png\u0027, {\n attribution: \u0027Map data \u0026copy; \u003ca href\u003d\"\"\u003eOpenStreetMap\u003c/a\u003e contributors\u0027,\n maxZoom: 12,\n minZoom: 3\n }).addTo(map);\n\n var geoMarkers \u003d L.layerGroup().addTo(map);\n \n var el \u003d angular.element($(\u0027#map\u0027).parent(\\u0027));\n angular.element(el).ready(function() {\n window.locationWatcher \u003d el.scope().compiledScope.$watch(\u0027locations\u0027, function(newValue, oldValue) {\n geoMarkers.clearLayers();\n angular.forEach(newValue, function(loc) {\n var marker \u003d L.marker([, loc.lon ])\n .bindPopup(loc.desc)\n .addTo(geoMarkers);\n });\n })\n });\n}\n\nif (window.locationWatcher) {\n // clear existing watcher otherwise we\u0027ll have duplicates\n window.locationWatcher();\n}\n\n// ensure we only load the script once, seems to cause issues otherwise\nif (window.L) {\n initMap();\n} else {\n console.log(\u0027Loading Leaflet library\u0027);\n var sc \u003d document.createElement(\u0027script\u0027);\n sc.type \u003d \u0027text/javascript\u0027;\n sc.src \u003d \u0027\u0027;\n sc.onload \u003d initMap;\n sc.onerror \u003d function(err) { alert(err); }\n document.getElementsByTagName(\u0027head\u0027)[0].appendChild(sc);\n}\n\u003c/script\u003e",
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"text": "%md\n# Analytics with Window Functions\n\n* ### Introduced in v1.4\n* ### Similar to Hive Windowing Functions\n* ### Allows for aggregate operations on sliding window of rows\n* ### A Window consists of:\n* * #### A partition (grouping of rows)\n* * #### A sort order within the partition\n* * #### A range for the window, based on number of rows or range of order values\n* ###[Databricks Blog: Introducing Window Functions in Spark SQL](\n\n\u003cbr/\u003e\n\n![rows](\n\n\u003cbr/\u003e\n\n![rows](\n\n",
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"title": "Measure Page Dwell time",
"text": "import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window\n\nval windowSpec \u003d Window.\n partitionBy(\"visid\").\n orderBy(column(\"hit_time\").asc)\n\nval tsFormat \u003d \"YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\"\n\nval withDwellTime \u003d withGeo.\n withColumn(\"dwell_time\", \n unix_timestamp(column(\"hit_time\"), tsFormat) - \n unix_timestamp(lag(\"hit_time\", 1, 0l).over(windowSpec), tsFormat)).\n na.fill(0l, Seq(\"dwell_time\"))",
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"msg": "import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window\nwindowSpec: org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.WindowSpec \u003d org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.WindowSpec@4b9d1c66\ntsFormat: String \u003d YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\nwithDwellTime: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame \u003d [hit_time: string, visid: double, hitid: double, ip: string, url: string, page_name: string, referrer: string, product: string, revenue: double, orders: int, units: int, ecom_event: string, browser: string, geo: struct\u003ccity:string,country:string,loc:struct\u003clatitude:double,longitude:double\u003e\u003e, dwell_time: bigint]\n"
"dateCreated": "Sep 20, 2015 3:05:06 PM",
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"title": "Sessionize Visits using Dwell Time",
"text": "val sessionized \u003d withDwellTime.\n withColumn(\"newVisit\", when(column(\"dwell_time\") \u003e 15*60, 1).otherwise(0)).\n withColumn(\"visitnum\", sum(\"newVisit\").over(windowSpec)).\n withColumn(\"visitnum\", column(\"visitnum\") + 1).\n drop(\"newVisit\")",
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"dateCreated": "Sep 20, 2015 3:31:12 PM",
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"title": "Top External Referrers by Revenue",
"text": "// another example UDF to extract the hostname from a URL\n\nval host \u003d udf { (s: String) \u003d\u003e s.length \u003e 0 match {\n case true \u003d\u003e {\n try {\n val url \u003d new\n url.getHost\n } catch {\n case e: \u003d\u003e \"\"\n }\n }\n case _ \u003d\u003e \"\"\n} }\n\n// we want to find referrers per session, so the window will be partitioned by visid and visitnum\n// and ordered by hit_time\n\nval sessionWindowSpec \u003d Window.\n partitionBy(\"visid\", \"visitnum\").\n orderBy(\"hit_time\")\n \nval externalReferrers \u003d sessionized.\n withColumn(\"session_referrer\", host(first(\"referrer\").over(sessionWindowSpec))).\n where(\"session_referrer not in (\\u0027, \u0027\u0027)\")\n\nval revenueByReferrer \u003d externalReferrers.\n groupBy(\"session_referrer\").\n agg(sum(\"revenue\").as(\"total_revenue\")).\n sort(desc(\"total_revenue\")).\n limit(10)\n\",
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"title": "Top Revenue By Landing Page",
"text": "// the landing page is the first page in the session but a purchase will occur at the end of the session, so\n// we use window functions to keep track of the landing page across the whole session\n\nval landingPageRevenue \u003d sessionized.\n withColumn(\"landing_page\", first(\"page_name\").over(sessionWindowSpec)).\n groupBy(\"landing_page\").\n agg(sum(\"revenue\").as(\"revenue\")).\n sort(column(\"revenue\").desc).\n limit(10)\n\",
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"title": "Top 2 Purchased Items By Cities in US",
"text": "// using the rank window function to rank top 2 products per city in the US\n\nval geoWindowSpec \u003d Window.\n partitionBy(\"\", \"\").\n orderBy(column(\"revenue\").desc)\n \nval topProductsByCity \u003d sessionized.\n where(\"product \u003c\u003e \u0027\u0027\").\n where(\"revenue \u003e 0\").\n where(\" is not null\").\n where(\" \u003d \u0027United States\u0027\").\n select(\n column(\"\"),\n column(\"\"),\n column(\"product\"),\n column(\"revenue\"),\n rank.over(geoWindowSpec).as(\"rank\")\n ).\n where(\"rank \u003c\u003d 2\")\n\",
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"title": "Funnel Analysis",
"text": "// this is just setting a flag (0,1) for each event of a funnel\nval funnel \u003d sessionized.\n withColumn(\"viewed_product\", when(column(\"ecom_event\") \u003d\u003d\u003d \"VIEW_PRODUCT\", 1).otherwise(0)).\n withColumn(\"added_to_cart\", when(column(\"ecom_event\") \u003d\u003d\u003d \"ADD_CART\", 1).otherwise(0)).\n withColumn(\"checked_out\", when(column(\"ecom_event\") \u003d\u003d\u003d \"CHECKOUT\", 1).otherwise(0)).\n withColumn(\"completed_purchase\", when(column(\"page_name\") \u003d\u003d\u003d \"Order Completion\", 1).otherwise(0))\n",
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"msg": "funnel: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame \u003d [hit_time: string, visid: double, hitid: double, ip: string, url: string, page_name: string, referrer: string, product: string, revenue: double, orders: int, units: int, ecom_event: string, browser: string, geo: struct\u003ccity:string,country:string,loc:struct\u003clatitude:double,longitude:double\u003e\u003e, dwell_time: bigint, visitnum: bigint, viewed_product: int, added_to_cart: int, checked_out: int, completed_purchase: int]\n"
"dateCreated": "Sep 21, 2015 12:41:16 AM",
"dateStarted": "Oct 5, 2015 11:59:20 PM",
"dateFinished": "Oct 5, 2015 11:59:20 PM",
"status": "FINISHED",
"progressUpdateIntervalMs": 500
"title": "Funnel Chart",
"text": "// now we want to just get the flags for each event per session (session is visid and visitnum) then we sum them across all sessions\nval rollupFunnel \u003d funnel.\n groupBy(\"visid\", \"visitnum\").\n agg(\n max(\"viewed_product\").as(\"view\"),\n max(\"added_to_cart\").as(\"cart\"), \n max(\"checked_out\").as(\"checkout\"), \n max(\"completed_purchase\").as(\"purchase\")\n ).\n agg(\n sum(\"visitnum\"), \n sum(\"view\"), \n sum(\"cart\"), \n sum(\"checkout\"), \n sum(\"purchase\")\n )\n \",
"dateUpdated": "Oct 5, 2015 11:59:25 PM",
"config": {
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"editorHide": false,
"title": true,
"graph": {
"mode": "multiBarChart",
"height": 300.0,
"optionOpen": false,
"keys": [
"name": "sum(visitnum)",
"index": 0.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"values": [
"name": "sum(visitnum)",
"index": 0.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"name": "sum(view)",
"index": 1.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"name": "sum(cart)",
"index": 2.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"name": "sum(checkout)",
"index": 3.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"name": "sum(purchase)",
"index": 4.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"groups": [],
"scatter": {
"xAxis": {
"name": "sum(visitnum)",
"index": 0.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"yAxis": {
"name": "sum(view)",
"index": 1.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"settings": {
"params": {},
"forms": {}
"jobName": "paragraph_1442801306606_2089264047",
"id": "20150921-020826_181074990",
"result": {
"code": "SUCCESS",
"type": "TABLE",
"msg": "sum(visitnum)\tsum(view)\tsum(cart)\tsum(checkout)\tsum(purchase)\n5377\t3196\t1850\t1576\t733\n"
"dateCreated": "Sep 21, 2015 2:08:26 AM",
"dateStarted": "Oct 5, 2015 11:59:25 PM",
"dateFinished": "Oct 5, 2015 11:59:30 PM",
"status": "FINISHED",
"progressUpdateIntervalMs": 500
"title": "Funnel with Segmentation",
"text": "// funnel for specific set of products\n\n// we define a \"goal\" which is whether or not they viewed products in the set, but since viewing a product will happen\n// earlier in the session we use a window to keep track of the goal as the session progresses\n\nval productFunnel \u003d funnel.\n withColumn(\"goal\", when(column(\"product\").isin(\"shorts\", \"t-shirts\"), 1).otherwise(0)).\n withColumn(\"goal\", max(\"goal\").over(sessionWindowSpec))\n\n// so now we just filter the funnel based on those events that met the \"goal\" \nval rollupFunnel \u003d productFunnel.\n where(\"goal \u003d 1\").\n groupBy(\"visid\", \"visitnum\").\n agg(\n max(\"viewed_product\").as(\"view\"), \n max(\"added_to_cart\").as(\"cart\"), \n max(\"checked_out\").as(\"checkout\"), \n max(\"completed_purchase\").as(\"purchase\")\n ).\n agg(\n sum(\"visitnum\"), \n sum(\"view\"), \n sum(\"cart\"), \n sum(\"checkout\"), \n sum(\"purchase\")\n )\n\",
"dateUpdated": "Oct 5, 2015 2:32:31 PM",
"config": {
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"editorMode": "ace/mode/scala",
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"height": 300.0,
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"keys": [
"name": "sum(visitnum)",
"index": 0.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"values": [
"name": "sum(visitnum)",
"index": 0.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"name": "sum(view)",
"index": 1.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"name": "sum(cart)",
"index": 2.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"name": "sum(checkout)",
"index": 3.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"name": "sum(purchase)",
"index": 4.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"groups": [],
"scatter": {
"xAxis": {
"name": "sum(visitnum)",
"index": 0.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"yAxis": {
"name": "sum(view)",
"index": 1.0,
"aggr": "sum"
"settings": {
"params": {},
"forms": {}
"jobName": "paragraph_1442779107688_-271146459",
"id": "20150920-195827_234480414",
"result": {
"code": "SUCCESS",
"type": "TABLE",
"msg": "sum(visitnum)\tsum(view)\tsum(cart)\tsum(checkout)\tsum(purchase)\n85\t80\t41\t31\t15\n"
"dateCreated": "Sep 20, 2015 7:58:27 PM",
"dateStarted": "Sep 22, 2015 8:12:46 PM",
"dateFinished": "Sep 22, 2015 8:12:57 PM",
"status": "FINISHED",
"progressUpdateIntervalMs": 500
"name": "DC Apache Spark Meetup",
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