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Last active June 23, 2023 13:44
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obfuscated file that's causing motion sensor requests -
var _cf = _cf || [],
bmak = bmak || {
ver: 1.54,
ke_cnt_lmt: 150,
mme_cnt_lmt: 100,
mduce_cnt_lmt: 75,
pme_cnt_lmt: 25,
pduce_cnt_lmt: 25,
tme_cnt_lmt: 25,
tduce_cnt_lmt: 25,
doe_cnt_lmt: 10,
dme_cnt_lmt: 10,
vc_cnt_lmt: 100,
doa_throttle: 0,
dma_throttle: 0,
session_id: default_session,
js_post: !1,
loc: ,
cf_url: (https: === document[location][protocol] ? https:// : http://) +,
params_url: (https: === document[location][protocol] ? https:// : http://) + document[location][hostname] + /get_params,
auth: ,
api_public_key: afSbep8yjnZUjq3aL010jO15Sawj2VZfdYK8uY90uxq,
aj_lmt_doact: 1,
aj_lmt_dmact: 1,
aj_lmt_tact: 1,
ce_js_post: 0,
init_time: 0,
informinfo: ,
prevfid: -1,
fidcnt: 0,
sensor_data: 0,
ins: null,
cns: null,
enGetLoc: 0,
enReadDocUrl: 1,
disFpCalOnTimeout: 0,
xagg: -1,
pen: -1,
brow: ,
browver: ,
psub: -,
lang: -,
prod: -,
plen: -1,
doadma_en: 0,
sdfn: [],
d2: 0,
d3: 0,
thr: 0,
cs: 0a46G5m17Vrp4o4c,
hn: unk,
z1: 0,
o9: 0,
vc: ,
y1: 2016,
ta: 0,
tst: -1,
t_tst: 0,
ckie: _abck,
n_ck: 0,
ckurl: 0,
bm: !1,
mr: -1,
altFonts: !1,
rst: !1,
runFonts: !1,
fsp: !1,
firstLoad: !0,
pstate: !1,
mn_mc_lmt: 10,
mn_state: 0,
mn_mc_indx: 0,
mn_sen: 0,
mn_tout: 100,
mn_stout: 1e3,
mn_ct: 1,
mn_cc: ,
mn_cd: 1e4,
mn_lc: [],
mn_ld: [],
mn_lcl: 0,
mn_al: [],
mn_il: [],
mn_tcl: [],
mn_r: [],
mn_abck: ,
mn_psn: ,
mn_ts: ,
mn_lg: [],
ir: function () {
bmak[start_ts] = Date[now] ? Date[now]() : +new Date, bmak[kact] = , bmak[ke_cnt] = 0, bmak[ke_vel] = 0, bmak[mact] = , bmak[mme_cnt] = 0, bmak[mduce_cnt] = 0, bmak[me_vel] = 0, bmak[pact] = , bmak[pme_cnt] = 0, bmak[pduce_cnt] = 0, bmak[pe_vel] = 0, bmak[tact] = , bmak[tme_cnt] = 0, bmak[tduce_cnt] = 0, bmak[te_vel] = 0, bmak[doact] = , bmak[doe_cnt] = 0, bmak[doe_vel] = 0, bmak[dmact] = , bmak[dme_cnt] = 0, bmak[dme_vel] = 0, bmak[vcact] = , bmak[vc_cnt] = 0, bmak[aj_indx] = 0, bmak[aj_ss] = 0, bmak[aj_type] = -1, bmak[aj_indx_doact] = 0, bmak[aj_indx_dmact] = 0, bmak[aj_indx_tact] = 0, bmak[me_cnt] = 0, bmak[pe_cnt] = 0, bmak[te_cnt] = 0, bmak[nav_perm] =
get_cf_date: function () {
return Date[now] ? Date[now]() : +new Date
sd_debug: function (a) {
if (!bmak[js_post]) {
var t = a;
string == typeof _sd_trace ? _sd_trace += t : _sd_trace = t
pi: function (a) {
return parseInt(a)
uar: function () {
return window[navigator][userAgent][replace](/\\|"/g, )
gd: function () {
var a = bmak[uar](),
t = + bmak[ab](a),
e = bmak[start_ts] / 2,
n = window[screen] ? window[screen][availWidth] : -1,
o = window[screen] ? window[screen][availHeight] : -1,
m = window[screen] ? window[screen][width] : -1,
r = window[screen] ? window[screen][height] : -1,
i = window[innerWidth] || document[body][clientWidth],
c = window[innerHeight] || document[body][clientHeight],
b = window[outerWidth] || document[body][outerWidth];
bmak[z1] = bmak[pi](bmak[start_ts] / (bmak[y1] * bmak[y1]));
var d = Math[random](),
k = bmak[pi](1e3 * d / 2),
s = d + ;
return s = s[slice](0, 11) + k, bmak[get_browser](), bmak[bc](), bmak[bmisc](), a + ,uaend, + bmak[xagg] + , + bmak[psub] + , + bmak[lang] + , + bmak[prod] + , + bmak[plen] + , + bmak[pen] + , + bmak[wen] + , + bmak[den] + , + bmak[z1] + , + bmak[d3] + , + n + , + o + , + m + , + r + , + i + , + c + , + b + , + bmak[bd]() + , + t + , + s + , + e + ,loc: + bmak[loc]
get_browser: function () {
navigator[productSub] && (bmak[psub] = navigator[productSub]), navigator[language] && (bmak[lang] = navigator[language]), navigator[product] && (bmak[prod] = navigator[product]), bmak[plen] = void 0 !== navigator[plugins] ? navigator[plugins][length] : -1
bc: function () {
var a = window[addEventListener] ? 1 : 0,
t = window[XMLHttpRequest] ? 1 : 0,
e = window[XDomainRequest] ? 1 : 0,
n = window[emit] ? 1 : 0,
o = window[DeviceOrientationEvent] ? 1 : 0,
m = window[DeviceMotionEvent] ? 1 : 0,
r = window[TouchEvent] ? 1 : 0,
i = window[spawn] ? 1 : 0,
c = window[innerWidth] ? 1 : 0,
b = window[outerWidth] ? 1 : 0,
d = window[chrome] ? 1 : 0,
k = Function[prototype][bind] ? 1 : 0,
s = window[Buffer] ? 1 : 0,
l = window[PointerEvent] ? 1 : 0;
bmak[xagg] = a + (t << 1) + (e << 2) + (n << 3) + (o << 4) + (m << 5) + (r << 6) + (i << 7) + (c << 8) + (b << 9) + (d << 10) + (k << 11) + (s << 12) + (l << 13)
bmisc: function () {
bmak[pen] = window[_phantom] ? 1 : 0, bmak[wen] = window[webdriver] ? 1 : 0, bmak[den] = window[domAutomation] ? 1 : 0
bd: function () {
var a = [],
t = window[callPhantom] ? 1 : 0;
a[push](,cpen: + t);
try {
var e = new Function(return/*@cc_on!@*/!1)() ? 1 : 0
} catch (a) {
var e = 0
a[push](i1: + e);
var n = number == typeof document[documentMode] ? 1 : 0;
a[push](dm: + n);
var o = window[chrome] && window[chrome][webstore] ? 1 : 0;
a[push](cwen: + o);
var m = navigator[onLine] ? 1 : 0;
a[push](non: + m);
var r = window[opera] ? 1 : 0;
a[push](opc: + r);
var i = undefined != typeof InstallTrigger ? 1 : 0;
a[push](fc: + i);
var c = window[HTMLElement] && Object[prototype][toString][call](window[HTMLElement])[indexOf](Constructor) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
a[push](sc: + c);
var b = function == typeof window[RTCPeerConnection] || function == typeof window[mozRTCPeerConnection] || function == typeof window[webkitRTCPeerConnection] ? 1 : 0;
a[push](wrc: + b);
var d = mozInnerScreenY in window ? window[mozInnerScreenY] : 0;
a[push](isc: + d), bmak[d2] = bmak[pi](bmak[z1] / 23);
var k = function == typeof navigator[vibrate] ? 1 : 0;
a[push](vib: + k);
var s = function == typeof navigator[getBattery] ? 1 : 0;
a[push](bat: + s);
var l = Array[prototype][forEach] ? 0 : 1;
a[push](x11: + l);
var u = FileReader in window ? 1 : 0;
return a[push](x12: + u), a[join](,)
fas: function () {
try {
return Boolean(navigator[credentials]) + (Boolean(navigator[appMinorVersion]) << 1) + (Boolean(navigator[bluetooth]) << 2) + (Boolean(navigator[storage]) << 3) + (Boolean(Math[imul]) << 4) + (Boolean(navigator[getGamepads]) << 5) + (Boolean(navigator[getStorageUpdates]) << 6) + (Boolean(navigator[hardwareConcurrency]) << 7) + (Boolean(navigator[mediaDevices]) << 8) + (Boolean(navigator[mozAlarms]) << 9) + (Boolean(navigator[mozConnection]) << 10) + (Boolean(navigator[mozIsLocallyAvailable]) << 11) + (Boolean(navigator[mozPhoneNumberService]) << 12) + (Boolean(navigator[msManipulationViewsEnabled]) << 13) + (Boolean(navigator[permissions]) << 14) + (Boolean(navigator[registerProtocolHandler]) << 15) + (Boolean(navigator[requestMediaKeySystemAccess]) << 16) + (Boolean(navigator[requestWakeLock]) << 17) + (Boolean(navigator[sendBeacon]) << 18) + (Boolean(navigator[serviceWorker]) << 19) + (Boolean(navigator[storeWebWideTrackingException]) << 20) + (Boolean(navigator[webkitGetGamepads]) << 21) + (Boolean(navigator[webkitTemporaryStorage]) << 22) + (Boolean(Number[parseInt]) << 23) + (Boolean(Math[hypot]) << 24)
} catch (a) {
return 0
getmr: function () {
try {
if (undefined == typeof performance || void 0 === performance[now] || undefined == typeof JSON) return void(bmak[mr] = undef);
for (var a = , t = 1e3, e = [Math[abs], Math[acos], Math[asin], Math[atanh], Math[cbrt], Math[exp], Math[random], Math[round], Math[sqrt], isFinite, isNaN, parseFloat, parseInt, JSON[parse]], n = 0; n < e[length]; n++) {
var o = [],
m = 0,
r = performance[now](),
i = 0,
c = 0;
if (void 0 !== e[n]) {
for (i = 0; i < t && m < .6; i++) {
for (var b = performance[now](), d = 0; d < 4e3; d++) e[n](3.14);
var k = performance[now]();
o[push](Math[round](1e3 * (k - b))), m = k - r
var s = o[sort]();
c = s[Math[floor](s[length] / 2)] / 5
a = a + c + ,
bmak[mr] = a
} catch (a) {
bmak[mr] = exception
sed: function () {
var a;
a = window[$cdc_asdjflasutopfhvcZLmcfl_] || document[$cdc_asdjflasutopfhvcZLmcfl_] ? 1 : 0;
var t;
t = null != window[document][documentElement][getAttribute](webdriver) ? 1 : 0;
var e;
e = void 0 !== navigator[webdriver] && navigator[webdriver] ? 1 : 0;
var n;
n = void 0 !== window[webdriver] ? 1 : 0;
var o;
o = void 0 !== window[XPathResult] || void 0 !== document[XPathResult] ? 1 : 0;
var m;
m = null != window[document][documentElement][getAttribute](driver) ? 1 : 0;
var r;
return r = null != window[document][documentElement][getAttribute](selenium) ? 1 : 0, [a, t, e, n, o, m, r][join](,)
cma: function (a, t) {
try {
if (1 == t && bmak[mme_cnt] < bmak[mme_cnt_lmt] || 1 != t && bmak[mduce_cnt] < bmak[mduce_cnt_lmt]) {
var e = a || window[event],
n = -1,
o = -1;
e && e[pageX] && e[pageY] ? (n = Math[floor](e[pageX]), o = Math[floor](e[pageY])) : e && e[clientX] && e[clientY] && (n = Math[floor](e[clientX]), o = Math[floor](e[clientY]));
var m = e[toElement];
null == m && (m = e[target]);
var r = bmak[gf](m),
i = bmak[get_cf_date]() - bmak[start_ts],
c = bmak[me_cnt] + , + t + , + i + , + n + , + o;
if (1 != t) {
c = c + , + r;
var b = void 0 !== e[which] ? e[which] : e[button];
null != b && 1 != b && (c = c + , + b)
void 0 !== e[isTrusted] && !1 === e[isTrusted] && (c += ,it0), c += ;, bmak[me_vel] = bmak[me_vel] + bmak[me_cnt] + t + i + n + o, bmak[mact] = bmak[mact] + c, bmak[ta] += i
1 == t ? bmak[mme_cnt]++ : bmak[mduce_cnt]++, bmak[me_cnt]++, bmak[js_post] && 3 == t && (bmak[aj_type] = 1, bmak[bpd](), bmak[pd](!0), bmak[ce_js_post] = 1)
} catch (a) {}
x2: function () {
var a = bmak[ff],
t = a(98) + a(109) + a(97) + a(107) + a(46) + a(103) + a(101) + a(116);
return t = t + a(95) + a(99) + a(102) + a(95), t = return + t + a(100) + a(97) + a(116) + a(101) + a(40) + a(41), t += ;, new Function(t)()
np: function () {
var a = [],
t = [geolocation, notifications, push, midi, camera, microphone, speaker, device-info, background-sync, bluetooth, persistent-storage, ambient-light-sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, clipboard, accessibility-events, clipboard-read, clipboard-write, payment-handler];
try {
if (!navigator[permissions]) return 6;
var e = function (t, e) {
return navigator[permissions][query]({
name: t
})[then](function (t) {
switch (t[state]) {
case prompt:
a[e] = 1;
case granted:
a[e] = 2;
case denied:
a[e] = 0;
a[e] = 5
})[catch](function (t) {
a[e] = -1 !== t[message][indexOf](is not a valid enum value of type PermissionName) ? 4 : 3
n = t[map](function (a, t) {
return e(a, t)
Promise[all](n)[then](function () {
bmak[nav_perm] = a[join]()
} catch (a) {
return 7
cpa: function (a, t) {
try {
var e = !1;
if (1 == t && bmak[pme_cnt] < bmak[pme_cnt_lmt] || 1 != t && bmak[pduce_cnt] < bmak[pduce_cnt_lmt]) {
var n = a || window[event];
if (n && mouse != n[pointerType]) {
e = !0;
var o = -1,
m = -1;
n && n[pageX] && n[pageY] ? (o = Math[floor](n[pageX]), m = Math[floor](n[pageY])) : n && n[clientX] && n[clientY] && (o = Math[floor](n[clientX]), m = Math[floor](n[clientY]));
var r = bmak[get_cf_date]() - bmak[start_ts],
i = bmak[pe_cnt] + , + t + , + r + , + o + , + m;
void 0 !== n[isTrusted] && !1 === n[isTrusted] && (i += ,0), bmak[pe_vel] = bmak[pe_vel] + bmak[pe_cnt] + t + r + o + m, bmak[pact] = bmak[pact] + i + ;, bmak[ta] += r, 1 == t ? bmak[pme_cnt]++ : bmak[pduce_cnt]++
1 == t ? bmak[pme_cnt]++ : bmak[pduce_cnt]++, bmak[pe_cnt]++, bmak[js_post] && 3 == t && e && (bmak[aj_type] = 2, bmak[bpd](), bmak[pd](!0), bmak[ce_js_post] = 1)
} catch (a) {}
ab: function (a) {
if (null == a) return -1;
try {
for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < a[length]; e++) {
var n = a[charCodeAt](e);
n < 128 && (t += n)
return t
} catch (a) {
return -2
ff: function (a) {
return String[fromCharCode](a)
to: function () {
var a = bmak[x2]() % 1e7;
bmak[d3] = a;
for (var t = a, e = 0; e < 5; e++) {
var n = bmak[pi](a / Math[pow](10, e)) % 10,
o = n + 1,
m = return a + bmak[cc](n) + o + ;;
t = new Function(a, m)(t)
bmak[o9] = t
gf: function (a) {
var t;
if (t = null == a ? document[activeElement] : a, null == document[activeElement]) return -1;
var e = t[getAttribute](name);
if (null == e) {
var n = t[getAttribute](id);
return null == n ? -1 : bmak[ab](n)
return bmak[ab](e)
cc: function (a) {
var t = a % 4;
2 == t && (t = 3);
var e = 42 + t;
return String[fromCharCode](e)
isIgn: function (a) {
var t = document[activeElement];
if (null == document[activeElement]) return 0;
var e = t[getAttribute](type);
return 1 == (null == e ? -1 : bmak[get_type](e)) && bmak[fidcnt] > 12 && -2 == a ? 1 : 0
cka: function (a, t) {
try {
var e = a || window[event],
n = -1,
o = 1;
if (bmak[ke_cnt] < bmak[ke_cnt_lmt] && e) {
n = e[keyCode];
var m = e[charCode],
r = e[shiftKey] ? 1 : 0,
i = e[ctrlKey] ? 1 : 0,
c = e[metaKey] ? 1 : 0,
b = e[altKey] ? 1 : 0,
d = 8 * r + 4 * i + 2 * c + b,
k = bmak[get_cf_date]() - bmak[start_ts],
s = bmak[gf](null),
l = 0;
m && n && (n = 0 != m && 0 != n && m != n ? -1 : 0 != n ? n : m), 0 == i && 0 == c && 0 == b && n >= 32 && (n = 3 == t && n >= 32 && n <= 126 ? -2 : n >= 33 && n <= 47 ? -3 : n >= 112 && n <= 123 ? -4 : -2), s != bmak[prevfid] ? (bmak[fidcnt] = 0, bmak[prevfid] = s) : bmak[fidcnt] = bmak[fidcnt] + 1;
if (0 == bmak[isIgn](n)) {
var u = bmak[ke_cnt] + , + t + , + k + , + n + , + l + , + d + , + s;
void 0 !== e[isTrusted] && !1 === e[isTrusted] && (u += ,0), u += ;, bmak[kact] = bmak[kact] + u, bmak[ke_vel] = bmak[ke_vel] + bmak[ke_cnt] + t + k + n + d + s, bmak[ta] += k
} else o = 0
o && e && bmak[ke_cnt]++, !bmak[js_post] || 1 != t || 13 != n && 9 != n || (bmak[aj_type] = 3, bmak[bpd](), bmak[pd](!0), bmak[ce_js_post] = 1)
} catch (a) {}
cta: function (a, t) {
try {
if (1 == t && bmak[tme_cnt] < bmak[tme_cnt_lmt] || 1 != t && bmak[tduce_cnt] < bmak[tduce_cnt_lmt]) {
var e = a || window[event],
n = -1,
o = -1;
e && e[pageX] && e[pageY] ? (n = Math[floor](e[pageX]), o = Math[floor](e[pageY])) : e && e[clientX] && e[clientY] && (n = Math[floor](e[clientX]), o = Math[floor](e[clientY]));
var m = bmak[get_cf_date]() - bmak[start_ts],
r = bmak[te_cnt] + , + t + , + m + , + n + , + o;
void 0 !== e[isTrusted] && !1 === e[isTrusted] && (r += ,0), bmak[tact] = bmak[tact] + r + ;, bmak[ta] += m, bmak[te_vel] = bmak[te_vel] + bmak[te_cnt] + t + m + n + o, bmak[doa_throttle] = 0, bmak[dma_throttle] = 0
1 == t ? bmak[tme_cnt]++ : bmak[tduce_cnt]++, bmak[te_cnt]++, bmak[js_post] && 2 == t && bmak[aj_indx_tact] < bmak[aj_lmt_tact] && (bmak[aj_type] = 5, bmak[bpd](), bmak[pd](!0), bmak[ce_js_post] = 1, bmak[aj_indx_tact]++)
} catch (a) {}
getFloatVal: function (a) {
try {
if (-1 != bmak[chknull](a) && !isNaN(a)) {
var t = parseFloat(a);
if (!isNaN(t)) return t[toFixed](2)
} catch (a) {}
return -1
cdoa: function (a) {
try {
if (bmak[doe_cnt] < bmak[doe_cnt_lmt] && bmak[doa_throttle] < 2 && a) {
var t = bmak[get_cf_date]() - bmak[start_ts],
e = bmak[getFloatVal](a[alpha]),
n = bmak[getFloatVal](a[beta]),
o = bmak[getFloatVal](a[gamma]),
m = bmak[doe_cnt] + , + t + , + e + , + n + , + o;
void 0 !== a[isTrusted] && !1 === a[isTrusted] && (m += ,0), bmak[doact] = bmak[doact] + m + ;, bmak[ta] += t, bmak[doe_vel] = bmak[doe_vel] + bmak[doe_cnt] + t, bmak[doe_cnt]++
bmak[js_post] && bmak[doe_cnt] > 1 && bmak[aj_indx_doact] < bmak[aj_lmt_doact] && (bmak[aj_type] = 6, bmak[bpd](), bmak[pd](!0), bmak[ce_js_post] = 1, bmak[aj_indx_doact]++), bmak[doa_throttle]++
} catch (a) {}
cdma: function (a) {
try {
if (bmak[dme_cnt] < bmak[dme_cnt_lmt] && bmak[dma_throttle] < 2 && a) {
var t = bmak[get_cf_date]() - bmak[start_ts],
e = -1,
n = -1,
o = -1;
a[acceleration] && (e = bmak[getFloatVal](a[acceleration][x]), n = bmak[getFloatVal](a[acceleration][y]), o = bmak[getFloatVal](a[acceleration][z]));
var m = -1,
r = -1,
i = -1;
a[accelerationIncludingGravity] && (m = bmak[getFloatVal](a[accelerationIncludingGravity][x]), r = bmak[getFloatVal](a[accelerationIncludingGravity][y]), i = bmak[getFloatVal](a[accelerationIncludingGravity][z]));
var c = -1,
b = -1,
d = 1;
a[rotationRate] && (c = bmak[getFloatVal](a[rotationRate][alpha]), b = bmak[getFloatVal](a[rotationRate][beta]), d = bmak[getFloatVal](a[rotationRate][gamma]));
var k = bmak[dme_cnt] + , + t + , + e + , + n + , + o + , + m + , + r + , + i + , + c + , + b + , + d;
void 0 !== a[isTrusted] && !1 === a[isTrusted] && (k += ,0), bmak[dmact] = bmak[dmact] + k + ;, bmak[ta] += t, bmak[dme_vel] = bmak[dme_vel] + bmak[dme_cnt] + t, bmak[dme_cnt]++
bmak[js_post] && bmak[dme_cnt] > 1 && bmak[aj_indx_dmact] < bmak[aj_lmt_dmact] && (bmak[aj_type] = 7, bmak[bpd](), bmak[pd](!0), bmak[ce_js_post] = 1, bmak[aj_indx_dmact]++), bmak[dma_throttle]++
} catch (a) {}
get_type: function (a) {
return a = a[toLowerCase](), text == a || search == a || url == a || email == a || tel == a || number == a ? 0 : password == a ? 1 : 2
chknull: function (a) {
return null == a ? -1 : a
getforminfo: function () {
for (var a = , t = , e = document[getElementsByTagName](input), n = -1, o = 0; o < e[length]; o++) {
var m = e[o],
r = bmak[ab](m[getAttribute](name)),
i = bmak[ab](m[getAttribute](id)),
c = m[getAttribute](required),
b = null == c ? 0 : 1,
d = m[getAttribute](type),
k = null == d ? -1 : bmak[get_type](d),
s = m[getAttribute](autocomplete);
null == s ? n = -1 : (s = s[toLowerCase](), n = off == s ? 0 : on == s ? 1 : 2);
var l = m[defaultValue],
u = m[value],
_ = 0,
f = 0;
l && 0 != l[length] && (f = 1), !u || 0 == u[length] || f && u == l || (_ = 1), 2 != k && (a = a + k + , + n + , + _ + , + b + , + i + , + r + , + f + ;), t = t + _ + ;
return null == bmak[ins] && (bmak[ins] = t), bmak[cns] = t, a
startdoadma: function () {
0 == bmak[doadma_en] && window[addEventListener] && (window[addEventListener](deviceorientation, bmak[cdoa], !0), window[addEventListener](devicemotion, bmak[cdma], !0), bmak[doadma_en] = 1), bmak[doa_throttle] = 0, bmak[dma_throttle] = 0
updatet: function () {
return bmak[get_cf_date]() - bmak[start_ts]
htm: function (a) {
bmak[cta](a, 1)
hts: function (a) {
bmak[cta](a, 2)
hte: function (a) {
bmak[cta](a, 3)
htc: function (a) {
bmak[cta](a, 4)
hmm: function (a) {
bmak[cma](a, 1)
hc: function (a) {
bmak[cma](a, 2)
hmd: function (a) {
bmak[cma](a, 3)
hmu: function (a) {
bmak[cma](a, 4)
hpd: function (a) {
bmak[cpa](a, 3)
hpu: function (a) {
bmak[cpa](a, 4)
hkd: function (a) {
bmak[cka](a, 1)
hku: function (a) {
bmak[cka](a, 2)
hkp: function (a) {
bmak[cka](a, 3)
form_submit: function () {
try {
if (bmak[bpd](), 0 == bmak[sdfn][length]) {
if (document[getElementById](bm-telemetry) && (document[getElementById](bm-telemetry)[value] = bmak[sensor_data]), void 0 !== document[getElementsByName](bm-telemetry))
for (var a = document[getElementsByName](bm-telemetry), t = 0; t < a[length]; t++) a[t][value] = bmak[sensor_data]
} else
for (var t = 0; t < bmak[sdfn][length]; t++) document[getElementById](bmak[sdfn][t]) && (document[getElementById](bmak[sdfn][t])[value] = bmak[sensor_data])
} catch (a) {
bmak[sd_debug](,s7: + a + , + bmak[sensor_data])
get_telemetry: function () {
return bmak[bpd](), bmak[sensor_data]
getdurl: function () {
return bmak[enReadDocUrl] ? document[URL][replace](/\\|"/g, ) :
x1: function () {
return Math[floor](16777216 * (1 + Math[random]()))[toString](36)
gck: function () {
var a = bmak[x1]() + bmak[x1]() + bmak[x1]() + bmak[x1]();
return bmak[set_cookie](bmak[ckie], a + _ + bmak[ab](a)), a
set_cookie: function (a, t) {
void 0 !== document[cookie] && (document[cookie] = a + = + t + ; path=/; expires=Fri, 01 Feb 2025 08:00:00 GMT;)
get_cookie: function () {
var a = 0;
try {
var a = bmak[cookie_chk_read](bmak[ckie]);
a || (bmak[n_ck] = 1, a = bmak[bm] ? 2 : 1)
} catch (a) {}
return a
cookie_chk_read: function (a) {
if (document[cookie])
for (var t = a + =, e = document[cookie][split](; ), n = 0; n < e[length]; n++) {
var o = e[n];
if (0 === o[indexOf](t)) {
var m = o[substring](t[length], o[length]);
if (-1 != m[indexOf](~) || -1 != decodeURIComponent(m)[indexOf](~)) return m
return !1
bpd: function () {
var a = 0;
try {
a = bmak[get_cf_date]();
var t = bmak[updatet](),
e = 3;
bmak[ckie] && (e = bmak[get_cookie]());
var n = bmak[gd](),
o = window[DeviceOrientationEvent] ? do_en : do_dis,
m = window[DeviceMotionEvent] ? dm_en : dm_dis,
r = window[TouchEvent] ? t_en : t_dis,
i = o + , + m + , + r,
c = bmak[getforminfo](),
b = bmak[getdurl](),
d = bmak[aj_type] + , + bmak[aj_indx];
!bmak[fpcf][fpValCalculated] && (0 == bmak[js_post] || bmak[aj_indx] > 0) && bmak[fpcf][fpVal]();
var k = bmak[ke_vel] + bmak[me_vel] + bmak[doe_vel] + bmak[dme_vel] + bmak[te_vel] + bmak[pe_vel],
s = bmak[get_cf_date]() - bmak[start_ts],
l = bmak[pi](bmak[d2] / 6),
u = bmak[fas](),
_ = [bmak[ke_vel] + 1, bmak[me_vel] + 32, bmak[te_vel] + 32, bmak[doe_vel], bmak[dme_vel], bmak[pe_vel], k, t, bmak[init_time], bmak[start_ts], bmak[fpcf][td], bmak[d2], bmak[ke_cnt], bmak[me_cnt], l, bmak[pe_cnt], bmak[te_cnt], s, bmak[ta], bmak[n_ck], e, bmak[ab](e), bmak[fpcf][rVal], bmak[fpcf][rCFP], u],
f = _[join](,),
p = + bmak[ab](bmak[fpcf][fpValstr]);
var v = bmak[sed](),
h = bmak[mn_get_current_challenges](),
g = ,
w = ,
y = ;
if (void 0 !== h[1]) {
var C = h[1];
void 0 !== bmak[mn_r][C] && (g = bmak[mn_r][C])
if (void 0 !== h[2]) {
var E = h[2];
void 0 !== bmak[mn_r][E] && (w = bmak[mn_r][E])
if (void 0 !== h[3]) {
var S = h[3];
void 0 !== bmak[mn_r][S] && (y = bmak[mn_r][S])
bmak[sensor_data] = bmak[ver] + -1,2,-94,-100, + n + -1,2,-94,-101, + i + -1,2,-94,-105, + bmak[informinfo] + -1,2,-94,-102, + c + -1,2,-94,-108, + bmak[kact] + -1,2,-94,-110, + bmak[mact] + -1,2,-94,-117, + bmak[tact] + -1,2,-94,-111, + bmak[doact] + -1,2,-94,-109, + bmak[dmact] + -1,2,-94,-114, + bmak[pact] + -1,2,-94,-103, + bmak[vcact] + -1,2,-94,-112, + b + -1,2,-94,-115, + f + -1,2,-94,-106, + d, bmak[sensor_data] = bmak[sensor_data] + -1,2,-94,-119, + bmak[mr] + -1,2,-94,-122, + v + -1,2,-94,-123, + g + -1,2,-94,-124, + w + -1,2,-94,-126, + y + -1,2,-94,-127, + bmak[nav_perm];
var j = 24 ^ bmak[ab](bmak[sensor_data]);
bmak[sensor_data] = bmak[sensor_data] + -1,2,-94,-70, + bmak[fpcf][fpValstr] + -1,2,-94,-80, + p + -1,2,-94,-116, + bmak[o9] + -1,2,-94,-118, + j + -1,2,-94,-121,, bmak[sd_debug](,s1: + bmak[sensor_data][slice](0, 10))
} catch (a) {
try {
bmak[sd_debug](,s2: + a), bmak[sensor_data] = bmak[ver] + -1,2,-94,-100, + bmak[uar]() + -1,2,-94,-120, + a[replace](/\"/g, \')
} catch (a) {
bmak[sd_debug](,s3: + a)
try {
var M = bmak[od](bmak[cs], bmak[api_public_key])[slice](0, 16),
x = Math[floor](bmak[get_cf_date]() / 36e5),
A = bmak[get_cf_date](),
L = M + bmak[od](x, M) + bmak[sensor_data];
bmak[sensor_data] = L + ; + (bmak[get_cf_date]() - a) + ; + bmak[tst] + ; + (bmak[get_cf_date]() - A)
} catch (a) {}
od: function (a, t) {
try {
a = String(a), t = String(t);
var e = [],
n = t[length];
if (n > 0) {
for (var o = 0; o < a[length]; o++) {
var m = a[charCodeAt](o),
r = a[charAt](o),
i = t[charCodeAt](o % n);
m = bmak[rir](m, 47, 57, i), m != a[charCodeAt](o) && (r = String[fromCharCode](m)), e[push](r)
if (e[length] > 0) return e[join]()
} catch (a) {}
return a
rir: function (a, t, e, n) {
return a > t && a <= e && (a += n % (e - t)) > e && (a = a - e + t), a
lvc: function (a) {
try {
if (bmak[vc_cnt] < bmak[vc_cnt_lmt]) {
var t = bmak[get_cf_date]() - bmak[start_ts],
e = a + , + t + ;;
bmak[vcact] = bmak[vcact] + e
} catch (a) {}
hvc: function () {
try {
var a = 1;
document[bmak[hn]] && (a = 0), bmak[lvc](a)
} catch (a) {}
hb: function (a) {
hf: function (a) {
rve: function () {
void 0 !== document[hidden] ? (bmak[hn] = hidden, bmak[vc] = visibilitychange) : void 0 !== document[mozHidden] ? (bmak[hn] = mozHidden, bmak[vc] = mozvisibilitychange) : void 0 !== document[msHidden] ? (bmak[hn] = msHidden, bmak[vc] = msvisibilitychange) : void 0 !== document[webkitHidden] && (bmak[hn] = webkitHidden, bmak[vc] = webkitvisibilitychange), document[addEventListener] ? unk != bmak[hn] && document[addEventListener](bmak[vc], bmak[hvc], !0) : document[attachEvent] && unk != bmak[hn] && document[attachEvent](bmak[vc], bmak[hvc]), window[onblur] = bmak[hb], window[onfocus] = bmak[hf]
startTracking: function () {
try {
} catch (a) {
bmak[o9] = -654321
setInterval(function () {
}, 3e3), document[addEventListener] ? (document[addEventListener](touchmove, bmak[htm], !0), document[addEventListener](touchstart, bmak[hts], !0), document[addEventListener](touchend, bmak[hte], !0), document[addEventListener](touchcancel, bmak[htc], !0), document[addEventListener](mousemove, bmak[hmm], !0), document[addEventListener](click, bmak[hc], !0), document[addEventListener](mousedown, bmak[hmd], !0), document[addEventListener](mouseup, bmak[hmu], !0), document[addEventListener](pointerdown, bmak[hpd], !0), document[addEventListener](pointerup, bmak[hpu], !0), document[addEventListener](keydown, bmak[hkd], !0), document[addEventListener](keyup, bmak[hku], !0), document[addEventListener](keypress, bmak[hkp], !0)) : document[attachEvent] && (document[attachEvent](touchmove, bmak[htm]), document[attachEvent](touchstart, bmak[hts]), document[attachEvent](touchend, bmak[hte]), document[attachEvent](touchcancel, bmak[htc]), document[attachEvent](onmousemove, bmak[hmm]), document[attachEvent](onclick, bmak[hc]), document[attachEvent](onmousedown, bmak[hmd]), document[attachEvent](onmouseup, bmak[hmu]), document[attachEvent](onpointerdown, bmak[hpd]), document[attachEvent](onpointerup, bmak[hpu]), document[attachEvent](onkeydown, bmak[hkd]), document[attachEvent](onkeyup, bmak[hku]), document[attachEvent](onkeypress, bmak[hkp])), bmak[rve](), bmak[informinfo] = bmak[getforminfo](), bmak[js_post] && (bmak[aj_type] = 0, bmak[bpd](), bmak[pd](!0)), bmak[firstLoad] = !1
gb: function (a, t) {
var e = a[charCodeAt](t);
return e = e > 255 ? 0 : e
encode: function (a) {
if (undefined != typeof btoa) return btoa(a);
for (var t, e, n, o, m, r, i, c = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/, b = , d = 3 * Math[floor](a[length] / 3), k = 0; k < d; k += 3) t = bmak[gb](a, k), e = bmak[gb](a, k + 1), n = bmak[gb](a, k + 2), o = t >> 2, m = ((3 & t) << 4) + (e >> 4), r = ((15 & e) << 2) + (n >> 6), i = 63 & n, b = b + c[charAt](o) + c[charAt](m) + c[charAt](r) + c[charAt](i);
return a[length] % 3 == 1 && (t = bmak[gb](a, k), o = t >> 2, m = (3 & t) << 4, b = b + c[charAt](o) + c[charAt](m) + ==), a[length] % 3 == 2 && (t = bmak[gb](a, k), e = bmak[gb](a, k + 1), o = t >> 2, m = ((3 & t) << 4) + (e >> 4), r = (15 & e) << 2, b = b + c[charAt](o) + c[charAt](m) + c[charAt](r) + =), b
ie9OrLower: function () {
try {
if (string == typeof navigator[appVersion] && -1 != navigator[appVersion][indexOf](MSIE)) {
if (parseFloat(navigator[appVersion][split](MSIE)[1]) <= 9) return !0
} catch (a) {}
return !1
parse_gp: function (a) {},
call_gp: function () {
var a;
void 0 !== window[XMLHttpRequest] ? a = new XMLHttpRequest : void 0 !== window[XDomainRequest] ? (a = new XDomainRequest, a[onload] = function () {
this[readyState] = 4, this[onreadystatechange] instanceof Function && this[onreadystatechange]()
}) : a = new ActiveXObject(Microsoft.XMLHTTP), a[open](GET, bmak[params_url], !0), a[onreadystatechange] = function () {
a[readyState] > 3 && bmak[parse_gp] && bmak[parse_gp](a)
}, a[send]()
apicall: function (a, t) {
var e;
e = window[XDomainRequest] ? new XDomainRequest : window[XMLHttpRequest] ? new XMLHttpRequest : new ActiveXObject(Microsoft.XMLHTTP), e[open](POST, a, t);
var n = bmak[encode](bmak[api_public_key] + :);
bmak[auth] = ,"auth" : " + n + ", e[setRequestHeader] && (e[setRequestHeader](Content-type, application/json), e[setRequestHeader](Authorization, Basic + n), bmak[auth] = );
var o = {"session_id" : " + bmak[session_id] + ","sensor_data" : " + bmak[sensor_data] + " + bmak[auth] + };
apicall_bm: function (a, t, e) {
var n;
void 0 !== window[XMLHttpRequest] ? n = new XMLHttpRequest : void 0 !== window[XDomainRequest] ? (n = new XDomainRequest, n[onload] = function () {
this[readyState] = 4, this[onreadystatechange] instanceof Function && this[onreadystatechange]()
}) : n = new ActiveXObject(Microsoft.XMLHTTP), n[open](POST, a, t), void 0 !== n[withCredentials] && (n[withCredentials] = !0);
var o = {"sensor_data":" + bmak[sensor_data] + "};
n[onreadystatechange] = function () {
n[readyState] > 3 && e && e(n)
}, n[send](o)
pd: function (a) {
bmak[check_stop_protocol]() && (bmak[apicall_bm](bmak[cf_url], a, bmak[patp]), bmak[aj_indx] = bmak[aj_indx] + 1)
check_stop_protocol: function () {
var a = bmak[get_stop_signals](),
t = a[0];
!bmak[rst] && t > -1 && (bmak[ir](), bmak[rst] = !0);
var e = a[1];
return -1 == e || bmak[aj_ss] < e
get_stop_signals: function () {
var a = [-1, -1],
t = bmak[cookie_chk_read](bmak[ckie]);
if (!1 !== t) try {
var e = decodeURIComponent(t)[split](~);
if (e[length] >= 4) {
var n = bmak[pi](e[1]),
o = bmak[pi](e[3]);
n = isNaN(n) ? -1 : n, o = isNaN(o) ? -1 : o, a = [o, n]
} catch (a) {}
return a
patp: function (a) {
bmak[aj_ss]++, bmak[rst] = !1
get_mn_params_from_abck: function () {
var a = [
try {
var t = bmak[cookie_chk_read](bmak[ckie]);
if (!1 !== t) {
var e = decodeURIComponent(t)[split](~);
if (e[length] >= 5) {
var n = e[0],
o = e[4],
m = o[split](||);
if (m[length] > 0)
for (var r = 0; r < m[length]; r++) {
var i = m[r],
c = i[split](-);
if (c[length] >= 5) {
var b = bmak[pi](c[0]),
d = c[1],
k = bmak[pi](c[2]),
s = bmak[pi](c[3]),
l = bmak[pi](c[4]),
u = 1;
c[length] >= 6 && (u = bmak[pi](c[5]));
var _ = [b, n, d, k, s, l, u];
2 == u ? a[splice](0, 0, _) : a[push](_)
} catch (a) {}
return a
mn_get_current_challenges: function () {
var a = bmak[get_mn_params_from_abck](),
t = [];
if (null != a)
for (var e = 0; e < a[length]; e++) {
var n = a[e];
if (n[length] > 0) {
var o = n[1] + n[2],
m = n[6];
t[m] = o
return t
mn_update_challenge_details: function (a) {
bmak[mn_sen] = a[0], bmak[mn_abck] = a[1], bmak[mn_psn] = a[2], bmak[mn_cd] = a[3], bmak[mn_tout] = a[4], bmak[mn_stout] = a[5], bmak[mn_ct] = a[6], bmak[mn_ts] = bmak[start_ts], bmak[mn_cc] = bmak[mn_abck] + bmak[start_ts] + bmak[mn_psn]
mn_get_new_challenge_params: function (a) {
var t = null,
e = null,
n = null;
if (null != a)
for (var o = 0; o < a[length]; o++) {
var m = a[o];
if (m[length] > 0) {
for (var r = m[0], i = bmak[mn_abck] + bmak[start_ts] + m[2], c = m[3], b = m[6], d = 0; d < bmak[mn_lcl] && (1 == r && bmak[mn_lc][d] != i && bmak[mn_ld][d] != c); d++);
d == bmak[mn_lcl] && (t = o, 2 == b && (e = o), 3 == b && (n = o))
return null != n && bmak[pstate] ? a[n] : null == e || bmak[pstate] ? null == t || bmak[pstate] ? null : a[t] : a[e]
mn_poll: function () {
if (0 == bmak[mn_state]) {
var a = bmak[get_mn_params_from_abck](),
t = bmak[mn_get_new_challenge_params](a);
null != t && (bmak[mn_update_challenge_details](t), bmak[mn_sen] && (bmak[mn_state] = 1, bmak[mn_mc_indx] = 0, bmak[mn_al] = [], bmak[mn_il] = [], bmak[mn_tcl] = [], bmak[mn_lg] = [], setTimeout(bmak[mn_w], bmak[mn_tout])))
mn_init: function () {
bmak[pstate] ? setInterval(bmak[mn_poll], 500) : setInterval(bmak[mn_poll], 1e3)
rotate_left: function (a, t) {
return a << t | a >>> 32 - t
encode_utf8: function (a) {
return unescape(encodeURIComponent(a))
mn_h: function (a) {
var t = 1732584193,
e = 4023233417,
n = 2562383102,
o = 271733878,
m = 3285377520,
r = bmak[encode_utf8](a),
i = 8 * r[length];
r += String[fromCharCode](128);
for (var c = r[length] / 4 + 2, b = Math[ceil](c / 16), d = new Array(b), k = 0; k < b; k++) {
d[k] = new Array(16);
for (var s = 0; s < 16; s++) d[k][s] = r[charCodeAt](64 * k + 4 * s) << 24 | r[charCodeAt](64 * k + 4 * s + 1) << 16 | r[charCodeAt](64 * k + 4 * s + 2) << 8 | r[charCodeAt](64 * k + 4 * s + 3) << 0
var l = i / Math[pow](2, 32);
d[b - 1][14] = Math[floor](l), d[b - 1][15] = 4294967295 & i;
for (var u = 0; u < b; u++) {
for (var _, f, p, v = new Array(80), h = t, g = e, w = n, y = o, C = m, k = 0; k < 80; k++) v[k] = k < 16 ? d[u][k] : bmak[rotate_left](v[k - 3] ^ v[k - 8] ^ v[k - 14] ^ v[k - 16], 1), k < 20 ? (_ = g & w | ~g & y, f = 1518500249) : k < 40 ? (_ = g ^ w ^ y, f = 1859775393) : k < 60 ? (_ = g & w | g & y | w & y, f = 2400959708) : (_ = g ^ w ^ y, f = 3395469782), p = bmak[rotate_left](h, 5) + _ + C + f + v[k], C = y, y = w, w = bmak[rotate_left](g, 30), g = h, h = p;
t += h, e += g, n += w, o += y, m += C
return [t >> 24 & 255, t >> 16 & 255, t >> 8 & 255, 255 & t, e >> 24 & 255, e >> 16 & 255, e >> 8 & 255, 255 & e, n >> 24 & 255, n >> 16 & 255, n >> 8 & 255, 255 & n, o >> 24 & 255, o >> 16 & 255, o >> 8 & 255, 255 & o, m >> 24 & 255, m >> 16 & 255, m >> 8 & 255, 255 & m]
bdm: function (a, t) {
for (var e = 0, n = 0; n < a[length]; ++n) e = (e << 8 | a[n]) >>> 0, e %= t;
return e
mn_w: function () {
try {
for (var a = 0, t = 0, e = 0, n = , o = bmak[get_cf_date](), m = bmak[mn_cd] + bmak[mn_mc_indx]; 0 == a;) {
n = Math[random]()[toString](16);
var r = bmak[mn_cc] + m[toString]() + n,
i = bmak[mn_h](r);
if (0 == bmak[bdm](i, m)) a = 1, e = bmak[get_cf_date]() - o, bmak[mn_al][push](n), bmak[mn_tcl][push](e), bmak[mn_il][push](t), 0 == bmak[mn_mc_indx] && (bmak[mn_lg][push](bmak[mn_abck]), bmak[mn_lg][push](bmak[mn_ts]), bmak[mn_lg][push](bmak[mn_psn]), bmak[mn_lg][push](bmak[mn_cc]), bmak[mn_lg][push](bmak[mn_cd][toString]()), bmak[mn_lg][push](m[toString]()), bmak[mn_lg][push](n), bmak[mn_lg][push](r), bmak[mn_lg][push](i));
else if ((t += 1) % 1e3 == 0 && (e = bmak[get_cf_date]() - o) > bmak[mn_stout]) return void setTimeout(bmak[mn_w], 1e3 + bmak[mn_stout])
bmak[mn_mc_indx] += 1, bmak[mn_mc_indx] < bmak[mn_mc_lmt] ? setTimeout(bmak[mn_w], bmak[mn_tout] + e) : (bmak[mn_mc_indx] = 0, bmak[mn_lc][bmak[mn_lcl]] = bmak[mn_cc], bmak[mn_ld][bmak[mn_lcl]] = bmak[mn_cd], bmak[mn_lcl] = bmak[mn_lcl] + 1, bmak[mn_state] = 0, bmak[mn_r][bmak[mn_abck] + bmak[mn_psn]] = bmak[mn_pr](), bmak[js_post] && (bmak[aj_type] = 8, bmak[bpd](), bmak[pd](!0)))
} catch (a) {
bmak[sd_debug](,mn_w: + a)
mn_pr: function () {
return bmak[mn_al][join](,) + ; + bmak[mn_tcl][join](,) + ; + bmak[mn_il][join](,) + ; + bmak[mn_lg][join](,) + ;
calc_fp: function () {
bmak[fpcf][fpVal](), bmak[js_post] && (bmak[aj_type] = 9, bmak[bpd](), bmak[pd](!0))
listFunctions: {
_setJsPost: function (a) {
bmak[js_post] = a, bmak[js_post] && (bmak[enReadDocUrl] = 1)
_setSessionId: function (a) {
bmak[session_id] = a
_setJavaScriptKey: function (a) {
bmak[api_public_key] = a
_setEnAddHidden: function (a) {
bmak[enAddHidden] = a
_setInitTime: function (a) {
bmak[init_time] = a
_setApiUrl: function (a) {
bmak[cf_url] = a
_setEnGetLoc: function (a) {
bmak[enGetLoc] = a
_setEnReadDocUrl: function (a) {
bmak[enReadDocUrl] = a
_setDisFpCalOnTimeout: function (a) {
bmak[disFpCalOnTimeout] = a
_setCookie: function (a) {
bmak[ckie] = a
_setCS: function (a) {
bmak[cs] = (String(a) + bmak[cs])[slice](0, 16)
_setFsp: function (a) {
bmak[fsp] = a, bmak[fsp] && (bmak[cf_url] = bmak[cf_url][replace](/^http:\/\//i, https://))
_setBm: function (a) {
bmak[bm] = a, bmak[bm] ? (bmak[cf_url] = (bmak[fsp] ? https: : document[location][protocol]) + // + document[location][hostname] + /_bm/_data, bmak[js_post] = !0) : bmak[params_url] = (bmak[fsp] ? https: : document[location][protocol]) + // + document[location][hostname] + /get_params
_setAu: function (a) {
string == typeof a && (0 === a[lastIndexOf](/, 0) ? bmak[cf_url] = (bmak[fsp] ? https: : document[location][protocol]) + // + document[location][hostname] + a : bmak[cf_url] = a)
_setSDFieldNames: function () {
try {
var a;
for (a = 0; a < arguments[length]; a += 1) bmak[sdfn][push](arguments[a])
} catch (a) {
bmak[sd_debug](,setSDFN: + a)
_setUseAltFonts: function (a) {
bmak[altFonts] = a
_setPowState: function (a) {
bmak[pstate] = a
_setPow: function (a) {
bmak[pstate] = a
applyFunc: function () {
var a, t, e;
for (a = 0; a < arguments[length]; a += 1) e = arguments[a];
t = e[shift](), bmak[listFunctions][t] && bmak[listFunctions][t][apply](bmak[listFunctions], e)
if (function (a) {
var t = {};
a[fpcf] = t, t[sf4] = function () {
var a = bmak[uar]();
return !(!~a[indexOf](Version/4.0) || !(~a[indexOf](iPad;) || ~a[indexOf](iPhone) || ~a[indexOf](Mac OS X 10_5)))
}, t[fpValstr] = -1, t[fpValCalculated] = !1, t[rVal] = -1, t[rCFP] = -1, t[cache] = {}, t[td] = -999999, t[clearCache] = function () {
t[cache] = {}
}, t[fpVal] = function () {
t[fpValCalculated] = !0;
try {
var a = 0;
a = Date[now] ? Date[now]() : +new Date;
var e = t[data]();
t[fpValstr] = e[replace](/\"/g, \\");
var n = 0;
n = Date[now] ? Date[now]() : +new Date, t[td] = n - a
} catch (a) {}
}, t[timezoneOffsetKey] = function () {
return (new Date)[getTimezoneOffset]()
}, t[data] = function () {
var a = screen[colorDepth] ? screen[colorDepth] : -1,
e = screen[pixelDepth] ? screen[pixelDepth] : -1,
n = navigator[cookieEnabled] ? navigator[cookieEnabled] : -1,
o = navigator[javaEnabled] ? navigator[javaEnabled]() : -1,
m = navigator[doNotTrack] ? navigator[doNotTrack] : -1,
r = default;
return r = bmak[runFonts] ? bmak[altFonts] ? t[fonts_optm]() : t[fonts]() : dis, [t[canvas](<@nv45. F1n63r,Pr1n71n6!), t[canvas](m,Ev!xV67BaU> eh2m<f3AG3@), r, t[pluginInfo](), t[sessionStorageKey](), t[localStorageKey](), t[indexedDbKey](), t[timezoneOffsetKey](), t[webrtcKey](), a, e, n, o, m][join](;)
}, t[PLUGINS] = [WebEx64 General Plugin Container, YouTube Plug-in, Java Applet Plug-in, Shockwave Flash, iPhotoPhotocast, SharePoint Browser Plug-in, Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer, Chrome PDF Viewer, Native Client, Unity Player, WebKit-integrierte PDF, QuickTime Plug-in, RealPlayer Version Plugin, RealPlayer(tm) G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit), Mozilla Default Plug-in, Adobe Acrobat, AdobeAAMDetect, Google Earth Plug-in, Java Plug-in 2 for NPAPI Browsers, Widevine Content Decryption Module, Microsoft Office Live Plug-in, Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library, Google Talk Plugin Video Renderer, Edge PDF Viewer, Shockwave for Director, Default Browser Helper, Silverlight Plug-In], t[pluginInfo] = function () {
if (void 0 === navigator[plugins]) return null;
for (var a = t[PLUGINS][length], e = , n = 0; n < a; n++) {
var o = t[PLUGINS][n];
void 0 !== navigator[plugins][o] && (e = e + , + n)
return e
}, t[canvas] = function (a) {
try {
if (void 0 !== t[cache][canvas]) return t[cache][canvas];
var e = -1;
if (!t[sf4]()) {
var n = document[createElement](canvas);
if (n[width] = 280, n[height] = 60, n[style][display] = none, function == typeof n[getContext]) {
var o = n[getContext](2d);
o[fillStyle] = rgb(102, 204, 0), o[fillRect](100, 5, 80, 50), o[fillStyle] = #f60, o[font] = 16pt Arial, o[fillText](a, 10, 40), o[strokeStyle] = rgb(120, 186, 176), o[arc](80, 10, 20, 0, Math[PI], !1), o[stroke]();
var m = n[toDataURL]();
e = 0;
for (var r = 0; r < m[length]; r++) {
e = (e << 5) - e + m[charCodeAt](r), e &= e
e = e[toString]();
var i = document[createElement](canvas);
i[width] = 16, i[height] = 16;
var c = i[getContext](2d);
c[font] = 6pt Arial, t[rVal] = Math[floor](1e3 * Math[random]())[toString](), c[fillText](t[rVal], 1, 12);
for (var b = i[toDataURL](), d = 0, k = 0; k < b[length]; k++) {
d = (d << 5) - d + b[charCodeAt](k), d &= d
t[rCFP] = d[toString]()
return e
} catch (a) {
return exception
}, t[fonts_optm] = function () {
var a = 200,
e = bmak[get_cf_date](),
n = [];
if (!t[sf4]()) {
var o = [sans-serif, monospace],
m = [0, 0],
r = [0, 0],
i = document[createElement](div);
i[style][cssText] = position: relative; left: -9999px; visibility: hidden; display: block !important;
var c;
for (c = 0; c < o[length]; c++) {
var b = document[createElement](span);
b[innerHTML] = abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvxyz1234567890;+-., b[style][fontSize] = 90px, b[style][fontFamily] = o[c], i[appendChild](b)
for (document[body][appendChild](i), c = 0; c < i[childNodes][length]; c++) b = i[childNodes][c], m[c] = b[offsetWidth], r[c] = b[offsetHeight];
if (document[body][removeChild](i), bmak[get_cf_date]() - e > a) return ;
var d = [Geneva, Lobster, New York, Century, Apple Gothic, Minion Pro, Apple LiGothic, Century Gothic, Monaco, Lato, Fantasque Sans Mono, Adobe Braille, Cambria, Futura, Bell MT, Courier, Courier New, Calibri, Avenir Next, Birch Std, Palatino, Ubuntu Regular, Oswald, Batang, Ubuntu Medium, Cantarell, Droid Serif, Roboto, Helvetica Neue, Corsiva Hebrew, Adobe Hebrew, TI-Nspire, Comic Neue, Noto, AlNile, Palatino-Bold, ArialHebrew-Light, Avenir, Papyrus, Open Sans, Times, Quicksand, Source Sans Pro, Damascus, Microsoft Sans Serif],
k = document[createElement](div);
k[style][cssText] = position: relative; left: -9999px; visibility: hidden; display: block !important;
for (var s = [], l = 0; l < d[length]; l++) {
var u = document[createElement](div);
for (c = 0; c < o[length]; c++) {
var b = document[createElement](span);
b[innerHTML] = abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvxyz1234567890;+-., b[style][fontSize] = 90px, b[style][fontFamily] = d[l] + , + o[c], u[appendChild](b)
if (bmak[get_cf_date]() - e > a) return ;
for (var l = 0; l < k[childNodes][length]; l++) {
var _ = !1,
u = k[childNodes][l];
for (c = 0; c < u[childNodes][length]; c++) {
var b = u[childNodes][c];
if (b[offsetWidth] !== m[c] || b[offsetHeight] !== r[c]) {
_ = !0;
if (_ && s[push](l), bmak[get_cf_date]() - e > a) break
document[body][removeChild](k), n = s[sort]()
return n[join](,)
}, t[fonts] = function () {
var a = [];
if (!t[sf4]()) {
var e = [serif, sans-serif, monospace],
n = [0, 0, 0],
o = [0, 0, 0],
m = document[createElement](span);
m[innerHTML] = abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvxyz1234567890;+-., m[style][fontSize] = 90px;
var r;
for (r = 0; r < e[length]; r++) m[style][fontFamily] = e[r], document[body][appendChild](m), n[r] = m[offsetWidth], o[r] = m[offsetHeight], document[body][removeChild](m);
for (var i = [Geneva, Lobster, New York, Century, Apple Gothic, Minion Pro, Apple LiGothic, Century Gothic, Monaco, Lato, Fantasque Sans Mono, Adobe Braille, Cambria, Futura, Bell MT, Courier, Courier New, Calibri, Avenir Next, Birch Std, Palatino, Ubuntu Regular, Oswald, Batang, Ubuntu Medium, Cantarell, Droid Serif, Roboto, Helvetica Neue, Corsiva Hebrew, Adobe Hebrew, TI-Nspire, Comic Neue, Noto, AlNile, Palatino-Bold, ArialHebrew-Light, Avenir, Papyrus, Open Sans, Times, Quicksand, Source Sans Pro, Damascus, Microsoft Sans Serif], c = [], b = 0; b < i[length]; b++) {
var d = !1;
for (r = 0; r < e[length]; r++)
if (m[style][fontFamily] = i[b] + , + e[r], document[body][appendChild](m), m[offsetWidth] === n[r] && m[offsetHeight] === o[r] || (d = !0), document[body][removeChild](m), d) {
a = c[sort]()
return a[join](,)
}, t[webrtcKey] = function () {
return function == typeof window[RTCPeerConnection] || function == typeof window[mozRTCPeerConnection] || function == typeof window[webkitRTCPeerConnection]
}, t[indexedDbKey] = function () {
return !!t[hasIndexedDB]()
}, t[sessionStorageKey] = function () {
return !!t[hasSessionStorage]()
}, t[localStorageKey] = function () {
return !!t[hasLocalStorage]()
}, t[hasSessionStorage] = function () {
try {
return !!window[sessionStorage]
} catch (a) {
return !1
}, t[hasLocalStorage] = function () {
try {
return !!window[localStorage]
} catch (a) {
return !1
}, t[hasIndexedDB] = function () {
return !!window[indexedDB]
}(bmak), bmak[firstLoad]) {
for (var i = 0; i < _cf[length]; i++) bmak[applyFunc](_cf[i]);
bmak[sd_debug](<setSDFN> + bmak[sdfn][join]() + </setSDFN>), _cf = {
push: bmak[applyFunc]
try {
bmak[ir](), bmak[t_tst] = bmak[get_cf_date](), bmak[startTracking](), bmak[tst] = bmak[get_cf_date]() - bmak[t_tst], bmak[disFpCalOnTimeout] || setTimeout(bmak[calc_fp], 500);
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) setTimeout(bmak[getmr], 400 + 5e3 * i);
setTimeout(bmak[mn_init], 1e3)
} catch (a) {}
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Hi Grant, I visited your site and read your blog and enjoyed your opinions on the matter. This is indeed Akamai bot detection software. I've been reverse engineering it for a few weeks now trying to figure out how to generate valid cookies from this. There's a bunch of different checks inside this code like checking if it's a scripting software like Selenium or making sure it's an actual browser and not a headless script running on the website etc. It's actually very interesting how much these scripts are checking to determine if there's a bot. There's a whole section monitoring which buttons were clicked like the 'Enter' key or tabs, and the location of specific clicks on the page. It's very interesting just how much effort they are going to and what they are checking to make sure it's valid individuals trying to log into these sites who use this software.

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Hi Grant, I visited your site and read your blog and enjoyed your opinions on the matter. This is indeed Akamai bot detection software. I've been reverse engineering it for a few weeks now trying to figure out how to generate valid cookies from this. There's a bunch of different checks inside this code like checking if it's a scripting software like Selenium or making sure it's an actual browser and not a headless script running on the website etc. It's actually very interesting how much these scripts are checking to determine if there's a bot. There's a whole section monitoring which buttons were clicked like the 'Enter' key or tabs, and the location of specific clicks on the page. It's very interesting just how much effort they are going to and what they are checking to make sure it's valid individuals trying to log into these sites who use this software.

Hi Beatrod96, I'm trying to do the same, but unfortunately without good results. Do you have anything to help me continue this?

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@Beatrod96 Thanks for sharing! Definitely interesting.. they don't seem to leave any stone unturned. It's a constantly escalating game though. Can't imagine what they'll have to do 5 years from now.

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