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Last active February 1, 2024 09:18
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Polylabel Algorithm for Unity
// modified for usage in Unity by grapefrukt, (removed support for polygons with holes as I do not need it)
// based C# port of Polylabel found here:
// which in turn, is based on Polylabel from
// as the name implies this is useful for placing labels on a polygon
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Utilities {
public static class PolyLabel {
public static Vector2 GetPolyLabel(Vector2[] polygon, float precision = .1f) {
// calculates the in-center in fixed time for any triangles, it's faster and more accurate
if (polygon.Length == 3) return GetInCenter(polygon);
//Find the bounding box of the outer ring
float minX = float.MaxValue, minY = float.MaxValue, maxX = float.MinValue, maxY = float.MinValue;
foreach (var point in polygon) {
minX = Mathf.Min(minX, point.x);
maxX = Mathf.Max(maxX, point.x);
minY = Mathf.Min(minY, point.y);
maxY = Mathf.Max(maxY, point.y);
var width = maxX - minX;
var height = maxY - minY;
var cellSize = Mathf.Max(width, height);
var halfCell = cellSize / 2;
//A priority queue of cells in order of their "potential" (max distance to polygon)
var cellQueue = new CellPriorityQueue();
if (FloatEquals(cellSize, 0)) return new Vector2(minX, minY);
var firstCell = new Cell((minX + maxX) / 2, (minY + maxY) / 2, halfCell, polygon);
var bestCell = firstCell;
while (cellQueue.HasItems) {
//Pick the most promising cell from the queue
var cell = cellQueue.Dequeue();
//Update the best cell if we found a better one
if (cell.D > bestCell.D) {
bestCell = cell;
//Do not drill down further if there's no chance of a better solution
if (cell.Max - bestCell.D <= precision)
//Split the cell into four cells
halfCell = cell.H / 2;
cellQueue.Enqueue(new Cell(cell.X - halfCell, cell.Y - halfCell, halfCell, polygon));
cellQueue.Enqueue(new Cell(cell.X + halfCell, cell.Y - halfCell, halfCell, polygon));
cellQueue.Enqueue(new Cell(cell.X - halfCell, cell.Y + halfCell, halfCell, polygon));
cellQueue.Enqueue(new Cell(cell.X + halfCell, cell.Y + halfCell, halfCell, polygon));
// lastIterationCount = iterationCount;
return new Vector2(bestCell.X, bestCell.Y);
static Vector2 GetInCenter(Vector2[] polygon) {
// Formula to calculate in-center
var a = Vector2.Distance(polygon[2], polygon[1]);
var b = Vector2.Distance(polygon[0], polygon[2]);
var c = Vector2.Distance(polygon[2], polygon[0]);
var x = (a * polygon[0].x + b * polygon[1].x + c * polygon[2].x) / (a + b + c);
var y = (a * polygon[0].y + b * polygon[1].y + c * polygon[2].y) / (a + b + c);
return new Vector2(x, y);
//Signed distance from point to polygon outline (negative if point is outside)
public static float PointToPolygonDist(float x, float y, Vector2[] polygon) {
var inside = false;
var minDistSq = float.MaxValue;
for (int i = 0, len = polygon.Length, j = len - 1; i < len; j = i++) {
var a = polygon[i];
var b = polygon[j];
if (a.y > y != b.y > y && x < (b.x - a.x) * (y - a.y) / (b.y - a.y) + a.x)
inside = !inside;
minDistSq = Mathf.Min(minDistSq, GetSegDistSq(x, y, a, b));
return (inside ? 1 : -1) * Mathf.Sqrt(minDistSq);
//Get squared distance from a point to a segment
static float GetSegDistSq(float px, float py, Vector2 a, Vector2 b) {
var x = a.x;
var y = a.y;
var dx = b.x - x;
var dy = b.y - y;
if (!FloatEquals(dx, 0) || !FloatEquals(dy, 0)) {
var t = ((px - x) * dx + (py - y) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (t > 1) {
x = b.x;
y = b.y;
else if (t > 0) {
x += dx * t;
y += dy * t;
dx = px - x;
dy = py - y;
return dx * dx + dy * dy;
static bool FloatEquals(float a, float b) => Mathf.Approximately(a, b);
internal class Cell {
public readonly float X;
public readonly float Y;
public readonly float H;
public readonly float D;
public readonly float Max;
const float Sqrt2 = 1.41421356237f;
public Cell(float x, float y, float h, Vector2[] polygon) {
X = x;
Y = y;
H = h;
D = PolyLabel.PointToPolygonDist(X, Y, polygon);
Max = D + H * Sqrt2;
internal class CellPriorityQueue {
readonly SortedList<float, Cell> queue = new();
public bool HasItems => queue.Count > 0;
public void Enqueue(Cell cell) => queue.TryAdd(-cell.Max, cell);
public Cell Dequeue() {
var c = queue.Values[0];
return c;
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@grapefrukt thanks, I can remake it but I'm not sure about input Vector2[] polygon.
I guess they're vertices of polygon.
How to add it with Polygon has hole?

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@at-minhth the code in this comment has support for holes: mapbox/polylabel#26 (comment)

I see that you're in that thread too, so this is the best help I can offer.

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