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Last active October 2, 2015 20:27
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Save graph1zzlle/ca7133aaf1d891e4cfc2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
;; SCENARIO: Be able to detect high heap pressure on service.
;; -> If during the last x minutes, "heap.usage" values are > 0.70, then alert...
;; Riemann API
(defn slack-this-shit [message]
(slack slack-alert-channel {:username "Not so friendly Riemann bot",
:formatter (fn [ev] {:text (str "*"(:service ev)"*" " is in *" (:state ev) "* state on hosts: *" (:host ev) "*. " message),
:icon ":x:"})}))
(def tracking-jvm-pressure-stream
(where (and (tagged ["production" "jvm"])
(metric "heap.usage")
(service "the-service"))
(fixed-time-window 300
(smap (fn [events]
(let [fraction (/ (count (filter #(> (:value %) 0.80) events))
(count events))]
{:service "the-service"
:metric fraction
:host (apply str (distinct(map :host (filter (fn [x] (> (:value x) 0.80)) events))))
:state (condp < fraction
0.8 "critical"
0.5 "warning"
"ok" )}))
(changed-state {:init "ok"} (slack-this-shit "Heap sustain high pressure !"))))))
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