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Created August 18, 2019 17:46
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#include <new>
#include <vector>
using Byte = unsigned char;
using Type = unsigned short;
using Slot = unsigned short;
using Size = decltype(sizeof 0);
// Convieience user-defined literal to make Size (i.e size_t) literals
// e.g 0_z
constexpr Size operator""_z(unsigned long long _value) {
return static_cast<Size>(_value);
struct ComponentTraits {
// Generate unique value for T but always gives same value for same T
template<typename T>
static Type type() {
static Type id{s_type++};
return id;
static inline Type s_type;
struct EntityTraits {
// Generate unique value for T but always gives same value for same T
template<typename T>
static Type type() {
static Type id{s_type++};
return id;
static inline Type s_type;
// Simple arbitrarily sized bitmap. Used to keep track of used objects
// in Pool below.
struct BitMap {
using BitType = unsigned long;
static constexpr const BitType k_bit_one{1};
static constexpr const Size k_word_bits{8*sizeof(BitType)};
BitMap(Size _bits)
: m_data{new BitType[words(_bits)]}
, m_bits{_bits}
for (Size i{0}; i < words(_bits); i++) {
m_data[i] = 0;
~BitMap() {
delete[] m_data;
void set(Size _bit) {
m_data[index(_bit)] |= k_bit_one << offset(_bit);
void clear(Size _bit) {
m_data[index(_bit)] &= ~(k_bit_one << offset(_bit));
bool test(Size _bit) const {
return !!(m_data[index(_bit)] & (k_bit_one << offset(_bit)));
Size find_first_unset() const {
for (Size i{0}; i < m_bits; i++) {
if (!test(i)) {
return i;
return -1_z;
template<typename F>
void each_set(F&& _function) {
for (Size i{0}; i < m_bits; i++) {
if (test(i)) {
static Size words(Size _bits) {
return sizeof(BitType) * (_bits / k_word_bits + 1);
static Size index(Size _bit) {
return _bit / k_word_bits;
static Size offset(Size _bit) {
return _bit % k_word_bits;
BitType* m_data;
Size m_bits;
// Simple object pool allocator
struct Pool {
Pool(Size _size, Size _count)
: m_size{_size}
, m_data{new Byte[m_size * _count]}
, m_bitmap{_count}
~Pool() {
delete[] m_data;
Slot allocate() {
Size bit{m_bitmap.find_first_unset()};
return static_cast<Slot>(bit);
void deallocate(Slot _slot) {
void* data_at(Slot _slot) {
return m_data + m_size * _slot;
const void* data_at(Slot _slot) const {
return m_data + m_size * _slot;
template<typename F>
void each(F&& _function) {
m_bitmap.each_set([this, _function](Size _bit) {
Size m_size;
Byte* m_data;
BitMap m_bitmap;
struct World {
static constexpr const Size k_max_components{65536};
static constexpr const Size k_max_entities{65536};
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
T& create(Ts&&... _arguments) {
Slot slot{create_entity<T>(_arguments...)};
return access_entity<T>(slot);
template<typename T>
void destroy(T& _entity) {
~World() {
for (Size i{0}; i < m_component_pools.size(); i++) {
delete m_component_pools[i];
for (Size i{0}; i < m_entity_pools.size(); i++) {
delete m_entity_pools[i];
template<typename T, typename F>
void each_entity(F&& _function) {
m_entity_pools[EntityTraits::type<T>()]->each([_function](void* _data) {
template<typename T, typename F>
void each_component(F&& _function) {
m_component_pools[ComponentTraits::type<T>()]->each([_function](void* _data) {
template<typename T>
friend struct Component;
// entity management
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
Slot create_entity(Ts&&... _arguments) {
const Type type{EntityTraits::type<T>()};
if (type >= m_entity_pools.size()) {
m_entity_pools.resize(type + 1);
if (!m_entity_pools[type]) {
m_entity_pools[type] = new Pool(sizeof(T), k_max_entities);
Slot slot{allocate_entity(type)};
T* data{new (access_entity(type, slot)) T{this, _arguments...}};
data->m_slot = slot;
return slot;
template<typename T>
void destroy_entity(Slot _slot) {
deallocate_entity(EntityTraits::type<T>(), _slot);
Slot allocate_entity(Type _type) {
return m_entity_pools[_type]->allocate();
void deallocate_entity(Type _type, Slot _slot) {
template<typename T>
T& access_entity(Slot _slot) {
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(access_entity(EntityTraits::type<T>(), _slot));
template<typename T>
const T& access_entity(Slot _slot) const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(access_entity(EntityTraits::type<T>(), _slot));
void* access_entity(Type _type, Slot _slot) {
return m_entity_pools[_type]->data_at(_slot);
const void* access_entity(Type _type, Slot _slot) const {
return m_entity_pools[_type]->data_at(_slot);
// component management
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
Slot create_component(Ts&&... _arguments) {
const Type type{ComponentTraits::type<T>()};
if (type >= m_component_pools.size()) {
m_component_pools.resize(type + 1);
if (!m_component_pools[type]) {
m_component_pools[type] = new Pool(sizeof(T), k_max_components);
Slot slot{allocate_component(type)};
new (access_component(type, slot)) T{_arguments...};
return slot;
template<typename T>
void destroy_component(Slot _slot) {
deallocate_component(ComponentTraits::type<T>(), _slot);
Slot allocate_component(Type _type) {
return m_component_pools[_type]->allocate();
void deallocate_component(Type _type, Slot _slot) {
template<typename T>
T& access_component(Slot _slot) {
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(access_component(ComponentTraits::type<T>(), _slot));
template<typename T>
const T& access_component(Slot _slot) const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(access_component(ComponentTraits::type<T>(), _slot));
void* access_component(Type _type, Slot _slot) {
return m_component_pools[_type]->data_at(_slot);
const void* access_component(Type _type, Slot _slot) const {
return m_component_pools[_type]->data_at(_slot);
std::vector<Pool*> m_component_pools;
std::vector<Pool*> m_entity_pools;
// Every entity inherits from this.
struct Entity {
Entity(World* _world)
: m_world{_world}
World* world() const {
return m_world;
friend struct World;
World* m_world;
Slot m_slot;
// Fields of an entity are to be wrapped in this box type. This permits
// SoA style access on entities.
template<typename T>
struct Component {
Component() = delete;
template<typename B, typename... Ts>
Component(B* _base, Ts&&... _arguments)
: m_base{find_base(_base)}
, m_slot{world()->template create_component<T>(_arguments...)}
~Component() {
world()->template destroy_component<T>(m_slot);
operator T&() {
return world()->template access_component<T>(m_slot);
operator const T&() const {
return world()->template access_component<T>(m_slot);
T& operator*() {
return operator T&();
const T& operator*() const {
return operator T&();
T* operator->() {
return &operator T&();
const T* operator->() const {
return &operator T&();
T& operator=(const T& _value) {
operator T&() = _value;
return *this;
using Base = unsigned short;
template<typename B>
Base find_base(const B* _base) const {
// This function searches for the base Entity class and encodes the
// difference in m_base. This works only because Component objects
// are members of the entity structure and the entity structure
// inherits from Entity.
// This will fail in spectacular ways if the distance between the
// base class and the Component exceeds 65536 bytes. Since components
// are represented by a Base and Slot (2 bytes each) you'd need to
// have an entity with 32768 Components before this happens.
return static_cast<Base>(reinterpret_cast<const Byte*>(this) - reinterpret_cast<const Byte*>(_base));
World* world() const {
// Reconstruct the pointer the base then get the World from it.
return reinterpret_cast<const Entity*>(reinterpret_cast<const Byte*>(this) - m_base)->world();
Base m_base;
Slot m_slot;
// Usage:
// Entites are represented by a structure that has members of type
// Component<T> and inherits from Entity.
// e.g:
// struct Player : Entity {
// Component<std::string> name;
// };
// Every entity must have a constructor which takes World*
// e.g:
// Player::Player(World* world)
// Every component must be given `this` in its' constructor.
// e.g:
// name{this}
// Any additional arguments in the constructor are the constructor
// arguments for the component data. Likewise, World::create can be
// passed arguments which become additional constructor arguments for
// the entity itself.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
struct Player : Entity {
Player(World* world, const std::string& initial_name={})
: Entity{world}
, name{this, initial_name} // Can pass constructor arguments for T here after `this`
, score{this}
std::cout << "Player::Player" << std::endl;
~Player() {
std::cout << "Player::~Player()" << std::endl;
// Components of an entity are always the same size regardless of
// the type here. They're always 4 bytes.
// Or in other words an entity is always 2*n_components + sizeof(Entity)
// in size.
Component<std::string> name;
Component<int> score;
int main() {
World w;
std::cout << "sizeof Entity: " << sizeof(Entity) << std::endl;
std::cout << "sizeof Player: " << sizeof(Player) << std::endl;
Player& player1 = w.create<Player>("alpha");
Player& player2 = w.create<Player>("omega");
player1.score = 42;
player2.score = 30;
// SoA access e.g:
// You can enumerate entities like this, this is all linear in memory
w.each_entity<Player>([](Player& _player) {
std::cout << * << " : " << *_player.score << std::endl;
// You can enumerate components like this, this is all linear in memory
w.each_component<int>([](const int& _score) {
std::cout << _score << std::endl;
// Calls the destructor on all components owned by the entity,
// releases them from the component pools to be reused and releases
// the entity itself from the entity pool to be reused
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