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Created December 11, 2017 11:36
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;; Function void* memchr(void*, int, size_t) (*memchr)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = __builtin_memchr ((const void *) __s, __c, __n)
;; Function const void* memchr(const void*, int, size_t) (*memchr)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = (const void *) __builtin_memchr (__s, __c, __n)
;; Function char* strchr(char*, int) (*strchr)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = __builtin_strchr ((const char *) __s, __c)
;; Function const char* strchr(const char*, int) (*strchr)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = (const char *) __builtin_strchr (__s, __c)
;; Function char* strrchr(char*, int) (*strrchr)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = __builtin_strrchr ((const char *) __s, __c)
;; Function const char* strrchr(const char*, int) (*strrchr)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = (const char *) __builtin_strrchr (__s, __c)
;; Function char* strpbrk(char*, const char*) (*strpbrk)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = __builtin_strpbrk ((const char *) __s, __accept)
;; Function const char* strpbrk(const char*, const char*) (*strpbrk)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = (const char *) __builtin_strpbrk (__s, __accept)
;; Function char* strstr(char*, const char*) (*strstr)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = __builtin_strstr ((const char *) __haystack, __needle)
;; Function const char* strstr(const char*, const char*) (*strstr)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = (const char *) __builtin_strstr (__haystack, __needle)
;; Function char* index(char*, int) (*index)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = __builtin_index ((const char *) __s, __c)
;; Function const char* index(const char*, int) (*index)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = (const char *) __builtin_index (__s, __c)
;; Function char* rindex(char*, int) (*rindex)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = __builtin_rindex ((const char *) __s, __c)
;; Function const char* rindex(const char*, int) (*rindex)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = (const char *) __builtin_rindex (__s, __c)
;; Function int atoi(const char*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = (int) strtol (__nptr, 0B, 10)>>
;; Function long int atol(const char*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = strtol (__nptr, 0B, 10)>>
;; Function long long int atoll(const char*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = strtoll (__nptr, 0B, 10)>>
;; Function unsigned int __bswap_32(unsigned int) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = __builtin_bswap32 (__bsx);
;; Function __uint64_t __bswap_64(__uint64_t) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = __builtin_bswap64 (__bsx);
;; Function __uint16_t __uint16_identity(__uint16_t) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = __x;
;; Function __uint32_t __uint32_identity(__uint32_t) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = __x;
;; Function __uint64_t __uint64_identity(__uint64_t) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = __x;
;; Function unsigned int gnu_dev_major(__dev_t) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
unsigned int __major;
unsigned int __major;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__major = (unsigned int) (__dev >> 8) & 4095) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__major = (unsigned int) (__dev >> 32) & 4294963200 | __major) >>>>>;
return <retval> = __major;
;; Function unsigned int gnu_dev_minor(__dev_t) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
unsigned int __minor;
unsigned int __minor;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__minor = (unsigned int) __dev & 255) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__minor = (unsigned int) (__dev >> 12) & 4294967040 | __minor) >>>>>;
return <retval> = __minor;
;; Function __dev_t gnu_dev_makedev(unsigned int, unsigned int) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
__dev_t __dev;
__dev_t __dev;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__dev = (__dev_t) __major << 8 & 1048320) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__dev = (__dev_t) __major << 32 & 18446726481523507200 | __dev) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__dev = (__dev_t) __minor & 255 | __dev) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__dev = (__dev_t) __minor << 12 & 17592184995840 | __dev) >>>>>;
return <retval> = __dev;
;; Function void* bsearch(const void*, const void*, size_t, size_t, __compar_fn_t) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
size_t __l;
size_t __u;
size_t __idx;
const void * __p;
int __comparison;
size_t __l;
size_t __u;
size_t __idx;
const void * __p;
int __comparison;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__l = 0) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__u = __nmemb) >>>>>;
while (1)
if (__l >= __u) goto <D.2963>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__idx = (__l + __u) / 2) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__p = __base + (sizetype) (__idx * __size)) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__comparison = __compar (__key, __p)) >>>>>;
if (__comparison < 0)
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__u = __idx) >>>>>;
if (__comparison > 0)
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__l = __idx + 1) >>>>>;
return <retval> = (void *) __p;
return <retval> = 0B;
;; Function double atof(const char*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = strtod (__nptr, 0B)>>
;; Function long int std::abs(long int) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = ABS_EXPR <__i>;
;; Function long long int std::abs(long long int) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = ABS_EXPR <__x>;
;; Function constexpr double std::abs(double) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = ABS_EXPR <__x>;
;; Function constexpr float std::abs(float) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = ABS_EXPR <__x>;
;; Function constexpr long double std::abs(long double) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = ABS_EXPR <__x>;
;; Function ldiv_t std::div(long int, long int) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = TARGET_EXPR <D.3143, ldiv (__i, __j)>>>;
;; Function lldiv_t __gnu_cxx::div(long long int, long long int) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
struct lldiv_t __q;
struct lldiv_t __q;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__q.quot = __n / __d) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (__q.rem = __n % __d) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = TARGET_EXPR <D.3218, __q>>>;
;; Function int vprintf(const char*, __va_list_tag*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = vfprintf (stdout, __fmt, __arg)>>;
;; Function int getchar() (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = _IO_getc (stdin)>>;
;; Function int fgetc_unlocked(FILE*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = __builtin_expect (__fp->_IO_read_ptr >= __fp->_IO_read_end, 0) != 0 ? __uflow (__fp) : (int) *(unsigned char *) __fp->_IO_read_ptr++ >>;
;; Function int getc_unlocked(FILE*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = __builtin_expect (__fp->_IO_read_ptr >= __fp->_IO_read_end, 0) != 0 ? __uflow (__fp) : (int) *(unsigned char *) __fp->_IO_read_ptr++ >>;
;; Function int getchar_unlocked() (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = __builtin_expect (stdin->_IO_read_ptr >= stdin->_IO_read_end, 0) != 0 ? __uflow (stdin) : (int) *(unsigned char *) stdin->_IO_read_ptr++ >>;
;; Function int putchar(int) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = _IO_putc (__c, stdout)>>;
;; Function int fputc_unlocked(int, FILE*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = __builtin_expect (__stream->_IO_write_ptr >= __stream->_IO_write_end, 0) != 0 ? __overflow (__stream, (int) (unsigned char) __c) : (int) (unsigned char) (*__stream->_IO_write_ptr++ = (char) __c)>>;
;; Function int putc_unlocked(int, FILE*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = __builtin_expect (__stream->_IO_write_ptr >= __stream->_IO_write_end, 0) != 0 ? __overflow (__stream, (int) (unsigned char) __c) : (int) (unsigned char) (*__stream->_IO_write_ptr++ = (char) __c)>>;
;; Function int putchar_unlocked(int) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = __builtin_expect (stdout->_IO_write_ptr >= stdout->_IO_write_end, 0) != 0 ? __overflow (stdout, (int) (unsigned char) __c) : (int) (unsigned char) (*stdout->_IO_write_ptr++ = (char) __c)>>;
;; Function __ssize_t getline(char**, size_t*, FILE*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = __getdelim (__lineptr, __n, 10, __stream)>>;
;; Function int feof_unlocked(FILE*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = (__stream->_flags & 16) != 0
;; Function int ferror_unlocked(FILE*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<< Unknown tree: eh_spec_block
return <retval> = (__stream->_flags & 32) != 0
;; Function cTest* cTestList::GetHead() (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = ((struct cTestList *) this)->m_pHead;
;; Function cTest* cTestList::GetTail() (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = ((struct cTestList *) this)->m_pTail;
;; Function kbSize cTestList::GetSize() const (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = (kbSize) ((const struct cTestList *) this)->m_nSize;
;; Function cTestList* cTest::GetTests() (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = &((struct cTest *) this)->m_dTests;
;; Function cTest* cTest::GetNext() (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = ((struct cTest *) this)->m_pNext;
;; Function cTest* cTest::GetPrev() (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = ((struct cTest *) this)->m_pPrev;
;; Function const char* cTest::GetName() const (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = (const char *) ((const struct cTest *) this)->m_pchName;
;; Function constexpr cTestRegister::cTestRegister(const char*, const char*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
const char * m_pchRoot;
const char * m_pchName;
} &) this = {CLOBBER} >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (((struct cTestRegister *) this)->m_pchRoot = pchRoot) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (((struct cTestRegister *) this)->m_pchName = pchName) >>>>>;
;; Function cTestList::cTestList() (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
struct cTest * m_pHead;
struct cTest * m_pTail;
kbSize m_nSize;
} &) this = {CLOBBER} >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (((struct cTestList *) this)->m_pHead = 0B) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (((struct cTestList *) this)->m_pTail = 0B) >>>>>;
;; Function void cTestList::AddTest(cTest*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
if (((struct cTestList *) this)->m_pTail != 0B)
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (((struct cTestList *) this)->m_pTail->m_pNext = pTest) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (pTest->m_pPrev = ((struct cTestList *) this)->m_pTail) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (pTest->m_pNext = 0B) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (((struct cTestList *) this)->m_pTail = pTest) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (((struct cTestList *) this)->m_pHead = pTest) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (((struct cTestList *) this)->m_pTail = pTest) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (pTest->m_pNext = 0B) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (pTest->m_pPrev = 0B) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) ((struct cTestList *) this)->m_nSize++ >>>>>;
;; Function cTest::cTest(const char*, const char*, void (*)(cTest*)) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
const char * m_pchName;
void (*<Taf7>) (struct cTest *) m_pfnTest;
struct cTest * m_pNext;
struct cTest * m_pPrev;
struct cTestList m_dTests;
int m_nIndex;
kbSize m_nAsserts;
} &) this = {CLOBBER} >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (((struct cTest *) this)->m_pchName = pchName) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (((struct cTest *) this)->m_pfnTest = pfnTest) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (((struct cTest *) this)->m_pNext = 0B) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (((struct cTest *) this)->m_pPrev = 0B) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
cTestList::cTestList (&((struct cTest *) this)->m_dTests) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (((struct cTest *) this)->m_nIndex = 0) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (((struct cTest *) this)->m_nAsserts = 0) >>>>>;
struct cTestList * pList;
struct cTestList * pList;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (pList = scTest::FindTests (pchRoot)) >>>>>;
if (pList != 0B)
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
cTestList::AddTest (NON_LVALUE_EXPR <pList>, (struct cTest *) this) >>>>>;
;; Function kbBool cTest::Run(int) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
const char * pchType = ((struct cTest *) this)->m_nIndex != 0 ? (const char *) "Subtest" : (const char *) "Test";
struct cTestList * pTests;
const kbSize nSubTests;
kbSize nFailedSubTests = 0;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (((struct cTest *) this)->m_nIndex = nIndex) >>>>>;
const char * pchType = ((struct cTest *) this)->m_nIndex != 0 ? (const char *) "Subtest" : (const char *) "Test";
struct cTestList * pTests;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (pTests = cTest::GetTests ((struct cTest *) this)) >>>>>;
const kbSize nSubTests;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (nSubTests = cTestList::GetSize (NON_LVALUE_EXPR <pTests>)) >>>>>;
if (nSubTests != 0)
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
cTest::Indent ((struct cTest *) this) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) printf ((const char *) "%s \'%s\' running (%zu subtest(s))\n", pchType, ((struct cTest *) this)->m_pchName, (kbSize) nSubTests) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
cTest::Indent ((struct cTest *) this) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) printf ((const char *) "%s \'%s\' running\n", pchType, ((struct cTest *) this)->m_pchName) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point kbSize nFailedSubTests = 0;>>;
struct cTest * pTest;
struct cTest * pTest;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (pTest = cTestList::GetHead (NON_LVALUE_EXPR <pTests>)) >>>>>;
while (1)
if (pTest == 0B) goto <D.3970>;
if (<<cleanup_point !cTest::Run (NON_LVALUE_EXPR <pTest>, nIndex + 1)>>)
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) nFailedSubTests++ >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point (void) (pTest = cTest::GetNext (NON_LVALUE_EXPR <pTest>))>>;
if (((struct cTest *) this)->m_pfnTest != 0B)
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) ((struct cTest *) this)->m_nIndex++ >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
((struct cTest *) this)->m_pfnTest ((struct cTest *) this) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) ((struct cTest *) this)->m_nIndex-- >>>>>;
if ((((struct cTest *) this)->m_nAsserts | nFailedSubTests) != 0)
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
cTest::Indent ((struct cTest *) this) >>>>>;
if (nSubTests != 0 && nFailedSubTests != 0)
if (((struct cTest *) this)->m_nAsserts != 0)
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) printf ((const char *) "%s \'%s\' failed (%zu assertion(s)) (%zu/%zu subtest(s) failed)\n", pchType, ((struct cTest *) this)->m_pchName, ((struct cTest *) this)->m_nAsserts, nFailedSubTests, (kbSize) nSubTests) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) printf ((const char *) "%s \'%s\' failed (%zu/%zu subtest(s) failed)\n", pchType, ((struct cTest *) this)->m_pchName, nFailedSubTests, (kbSize) nSubTests) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) printf ((const char *) "%s \'%s\' failed (%zu assertion(s))\n", pchType, ((struct cTest *) this)->m_pchName, ((struct cTest *) this)->m_nAsserts) >>>>>;
return <retval> = 0;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
cTest::Indent ((struct cTest *) this) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) printf ((const char *) "%s \'%s\' passed\n", pchType, ((struct cTest *) this)->m_pchName) >>>>>;
return <retval> = 1;
;; Function void cTest::Assert(const char*, const char*, int) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
cTest::Indent ((struct cTest *) this) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) printf ((const char *) "Assertion failed: %s (%s:%d)\n", pchMessage, pchFile, nLine) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) ((struct cTest *) this)->m_nAsserts++ >>>>>;
;; Function void cTest::Indent() (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
int nIndex = 0;
<<cleanup_point int nIndex = 0;>>;
while (1)
if (((struct cTest *) this)->m_nIndex <= nIndex) goto <D.3982>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) printf ((const char *) "\xe2\x94\x82 ") >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point (void) nIndex++ >>;
;; Function cTest cTestRegister::operator+(void (*)(cTest*)) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = TARGET_EXPR <D.3989, <<< Unknown tree: aggr_init_expr
(struct cTest *) <<< Unknown tree: void_cst >>>
((struct cTestRegister *) this)->m_pchRoot
((struct cTestRegister *) this)->m_pchName
pchTest >>>>>>;
;; Function static cTestList* scTest::GetTests() (_ZN6scTest8GetTestsEv)
;; enabled by -tree-original
static struct cTestList dList;
static struct cTestList dList;
if (<<cleanup_point __atomic_load_1 (&_ZGVZN6scTest8GetTestsEvE5dList, 2) == 0>>)
if (<<cleanup_point __cxa_guard_acquire (&_ZGVZN6scTest8GetTestsEvE5dList) != 0>>)
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
TARGET_EXPR <D.4007, 0>;, cTestList::cTestList (&dList);;, D.4007 = 1;;, __cxa_guard_release (&_ZGVZN6scTest8GetTestsEvE5dList); >>>>>;
return <retval> = &dList;
;; Function static kbBool scTest::Run() (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
struct cTestList * pTests;
const kbSize nTests;
kbSize nFailedTests = 0;
struct cTestList * pTests;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (pTests = scTest::GetTests ()) >>>>>;
const kbSize nTests;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (nTests = cTestList::GetSize (NON_LVALUE_EXPR <pTests>)) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) printf ((const char *) "Running %zu test(s) ...\n", (kbSize) nTests) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point kbSize nFailedTests = 0;>>;
struct cTest * pTest;
struct cTest * pTest;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (pTest = cTestList::GetHead (NON_LVALUE_EXPR <pTests>)) >>>>>;
while (1)
if (pTest == 0B) goto <D.4015>;
if (<<cleanup_point !cTest::Run (NON_LVALUE_EXPR <pTest>, 0)>>)
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) nFailedTests++ >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point (void) (pTest = cTest::GetNext (NON_LVALUE_EXPR <pTest>))>>;
if (nFailedTests != 0)
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) printf ((const char *) "%zu of %zu test(s) failed!\n", nFailedTests, (kbSize) nTests) >>>>>;
return <retval> = 0;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) printf ((const char *) "All tests passed!\n") >>>>>;
return <retval> = 1;
;; Function scTest::FindTests(const char*)::<lambda(cTestList*, const char*)> (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
struct cTest * pTest;
struct cTest * pTest;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (pTest = cTestList::GetHead (NON_LVALUE_EXPR <pCurrent>)) >>>>>;
while (1)
if (pTest == 0B) goto <D.4036>;
if (<<cleanup_point strcmp (pchName, cTest::GetName (NON_LVALUE_EXPR <pTest>)) == 0>>)
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = cTest::GetTests (NON_LVALUE_EXPR <pTest>)>>;
<<cleanup_point (void) (pTest = cTest::GetNext (NON_LVALUE_EXPR <pTest>))>>;
return <retval> = 0B;
;; Function static cTestList* scTest::FindTests(const char*)::<lambda(cTestList*, const char*)>::_FUN(cTestList*, const char*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
<<cleanup_point return <retval> = scTest::FindTests(const char*)::<lambda(cTestList*, const char*)>::operator() (0B, D.4038, D.4039)>>;
;; Function scTest::FindTests(const char*)::<lambda(cTestList*, const char*)>::operator cTestList* (*)(cTestList*, const char*)() const (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
return <retval> = _FUN;
;; Function static cTestList* scTest::FindTests(const char*) (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
struct cTestList * pTests;
struct cTestList * pTests;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (pTests = scTest::GetTests ()) >>>>>;
if (pTests == 0B)
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
abort () >>>>>;
if (pchRoot != 0B)
char achBuffer[4096];
struct cTestList * pList = pTests;
char * save = 0B;
char * pchToken;
struct __lambda0 fnSearch;
typedef struct __lambda0 __lambda0;
char achBuffer[4096];
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) snprintf ((char *) &achBuffer, 4096, (const char *) "%s", pchRoot) >>>>>;
struct cTestList * pList = pTests;
<<cleanup_point char * save = 0B;>>;
char * pchToken;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (pchToken = strtok_r ((char *) &achBuffer, (const char *) ".", &save)) >>>>>;
struct __lambda0 fnSearch;
<<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
if (pchToken == 0B)
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (pList = scTest::FindTests(const char*)::<lambda(cTestList*, const char*)>::operator() (&fnSearch, pList, (const char *) &achBuffer)) >>>>>;
while (1)
if (pchToken == 0B) goto <D.4080>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (pList = scTest::FindTests(const char*)::<lambda(cTestList*, const char*)>::operator() (&fnSearch, pList, (const char *) pchToken)) >>>>>;
<<cleanup_point <<< Unknown tree: expr_stmt
(void) (pchToken = strtok_r (0B, (const char *) ".", &save)) >>>>>;
return <retval> = pList != pTests ? pList : 0B;
return <retval> = pTests;
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